MLitt Philosophy at Newcastle – Carry on Studying with a Masters in Philosophy

Third years! and people everywhere who already have or are near to finishing their first degree! – Why not carry on studying philosophy, or encounter continental philosophy for the very first time, with the MLitt Philosophy degree at Newcastle. It’s a mixture of teaching and research, designed to induct you into continental thought, and even philosophy as such if you’ve never studied it before. It can help you decide whether you want to carry on and do a PhD in the subject, or simply let you carry on for an extra year or two studying what you love.

For a list of our staff and their interests please click here:

If you’re interested in studying at Masters level at Newcastle but aren’t sure you have the money, there is some limited funding available. Deadlines are usually in the early Summer/late Spring, so have a look at these:

The Jacobsen fellowships: ?

And the Newcastle University Opportunities Scholarships, among others:

Apply for the MLitt here: 

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