Philosophy Across Disciplines – Newcastle Philosophy Undergraduate and Postgraduate Conference, June 6th 2018

Philosophy Across Disciplines: An undergraduate and masters conference 

Papers of undergraduate and masters level are requested for an interdisciplinary conference of works that encounter philosophy, hosted in Newcastle University on the 6th June.  There will be an opportunity to publish written work in line with the conference in a Proceeding that will publish soon after. 

Our aim is to explore philosophy research incorporated within other subjects. Thereby, we are seeking applicants from both philosophy students, and those outside the discipline, to display research into philosophical arguments. We would like to see individuals come to our conference to open up the discussion, and thus encourage those who apply from other departments in other universities.  

Submissions have to be in by the 30th of March. Please send them to: 

We accept admissions from all research completed at pre-doctoral level in further education (such as BA, MA, MLitt, MPhil, etc.).  

If you submit an abstract and are accepted you will be expected to give a 10-minute talk followed by a 5-minute space for questions. Please consider the amount of research that can be covered given this time frame. If you desire a longer period of time, you can request to host a workshop on your topic that will entail a 30-minute frame.  

To apply you need to send a 300-word abstract: This should include: 

  • What discipline you are interacting with. 
  • Whom your research concerns i.e. the primary scholars you have used. 
  • What area of philosophy you are studying. 
  • A short bio, stating your name, institution and the level of study.  

For examples of opening an abstract: 

  • “I intend to interpret the artwork of Botticelli philosophically. I will analyse his painting The Birth of Venus in light of the concept of ‘beauty’. The philosopher Edmund Burke and his text “A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful” will be used to in aim of uncovering what makes Botticelli’s Venus beautiful. It is important to apply philosophy to art to uncover a deeper understanding of…” 
  • “This paper uses biblical analysis in conjunction with existentialist philosophy, in aim to question if Mark’s Gospel was written for the pursuit of hope and illusion. Hope is the concept in focus, and thereby Ernst Bloch’s The Principle of Hope is my primary text.  
  • “This paper will explore the works of George Simmel in light of modern economic concerns where the substantive existence of money is ceasing to be relevant…” 
  • “The purpose of this paper is to assess the role of social media in contemporary society. The Black Mirror episode named Nosedive will be used as an example of…”  
  • “This paper will explore the problems of Lazzaratean Neo-Marxism with an existentialist account derived from Dostoyevsky…” 

Note: There is no specification on your degree for this form of application: you just still have to be, or recently have been, a student. 

If you are interested in being considered for the proceedings you should indicate this in your email. For this, we expect: 

  • A fully referenced essay to be submitted a month before the conference. You may be expected to make some edits before it is published. 
  • The word range to be in-between 2,000 to 10,000 including references and bibliography. This means you can enter a dissertation level essay, but be warned that your conference speech still has to be within the stated time limits. 

We will hold this conference in Newcastle University. Room details will be announced with the running order which will be made available publicly by the 6th June. 

For a career in academia one is often required to think about philosophy. This conference provides a necessary launching point forcing one to think of the importance of philosophy in other disciplines. Moreover, participating in this conference will aptly provide academic professional experience, allow experimentation with presentation techniques, improve public speaking skills and therefore, will boost any CV. 



PHILOSOPHY Events, Semester II, 2018, The Latest – updated

Philosophy Events

Semester II
16/5 Robert Bernasconi (Penn State), ‘Rethinking the Anthropocene in Terms of Race’ (Contact if you want to attend this event)

June 6th: Philosophy Undergrad-Postgrad conference:

The Friedrich Nietzsche Society is holding its conference here in September:


Other, extra-mural events, organised by Bigg Books/Newcastle Philosophy Society

Unless otherwise indicated: Time: 7pm. Place: Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society. Admission: £3

Tuesday 24th April: Markus Gabriel (University of Bonn) — The 21st Century Brain

Tuesday 15th May: (Keith Ansell-Pearson’s event has had to be cancelled: it will be replaced by:)   Prof. Edith Hall (KCL), Aristotle on True Happiness

Saturday May 19th: Andres de Saenz Sicilia — Philosophical Materialism, 2–4pm (Hosted by the Newcastle Philosophy Society), St. John the Baptist Church Hall, Newcastle. Venue tbc. (Andres will also be giving a closed session for more advanced philosophers in the morning. Those interested in attending should contact Anthony Morgan to express their interest (

Tuesday 5th June: Gregory Claeys (Royal Holloway) — Why Marx Matters


Warwick conference on Continental Philosophy

Delighted to see some continental philosophy at Warwick again:


Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference: Identity and Community: Metaphysics, Politics, Aesthetics, 27th-29th June 2018

Keynote speaker: Prof. Alison Stone (Lancaster)

“It is not because the Indo-Chinese discovered a culture of their own that they revolted. Quite simply this was because it became impossible to breathe, in more than one sense of the word.”

(Frantz Fanon, Black Skin White Masks)

The history of the concept of identity is marked by a fundamental tension: between the individual as subject, and the example of the group; between identity as an inherent or essential nature or specified as a ratified connection. The relation between identity and community, the relational qualities of each, and the content which they encompass has been subject to repeated reformulation throughout history. On the one hand, it has been argued that the subject itself has been constituted in a new way by concrete changes in the way in which we live: by modernism, capitalism, or new technologies. On the other, new examinations of history have drawn into question narratives regarding different nations, classes, genders and cultures.

The identity of individuals, and the aspects of their lives which are to be considered constitutive of that identity, is an issue which is central to a host of complex political and ethical issues. What does it mean to have an identity: to belong to a nation or a continent, to a race, gender or religion? And what is the connection of this belonging and our individual existence and consciousness? During an ongoing refugee crisis, rising nationalism and within an increasingly globalised world, how have the metaphysical and political boundaries of identity shifted?

Art and aesthetics share this tension. The place of the work of art and the individual artist within a genre or movement remains an open question – whether the author is dead, the work a manifestation of the group; whether the ideas behind the artwork are more important than the socio-economic foundation from which it arises. Corollary to this, discussions of art and the political have opened questions concerning the relation of aesthetics to community,and the possible connection of new identities and new forms of, or values within, aesthetics. Does art play a mediating role in the formation of the new community, allow for the expression of a communal voice, or reveal the individual identity then imitated by the mass?

It is in light of these questions that the Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference (WCPC) is pleased to announce its inaugural conference, Identity and Community: Metaphysics, Politics, and Aesthetics, to be held from the 27th until the 29th of June 2018 on the main campus of Warwick University. We believe Continental Philosophy offers unique insight into questions of subjectivity, with the possibility of critically engaging both identity and community in their own terms, without privileging one or the other; of opening new avenues for connections to be drawn between art and politics. We are also pleased to announce that Dr Alison Stone of Lancaster University will be giving a keynote presentation on the topic of Hegel and colonialism. Dr Stone has published widely on Hegel’s philosophy of nature and the philosophies of nature of other German Idealist and Romantic thinkers, such as Schelling, Schlegel, Novalis and Hölderlin. She will also be participating in a roundtable discussion on a closely related topic on the 27th, open to the public.

We invite abstracts for talks lasting approximately twenty minutes on any area of Continental Philosophy that intersects with these questions. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • The ontology of identity and community
  • Differences, diversity, oppositions and contradictions in identity
  • Philosophy of the subject and subjectivation
  • The history of the concept of identity
  • Aesthetics and the expression of communal and individual identity
  • Art, genre, and community
  • Political movements and their relation to identity
  • Outsider art and the wider art world

The deadline for submissions is the 30th April 2018. Please send your submissions, along with any inquiries regarding the conference, to A certain number of bursaries will be available to cover transportation within Europe. If you would like to be considered for such a bursary, please make this clear in your submission email. For more information, please see

This conference is made possible with the generous support of the Warwick Philosophy Department and the Humanities Research Centre.

Undergrad Philosophy Conference, Sheffield

Sheffield Undergraduate Philosophy Conference:

The Spring 2018 edition of PhilonoUS, the University of Sheffield’s Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy and the annual Sheffield Undergraduate Philosophy conference are now accepting submissions. This year PhilonoUS: The Sheffield Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy and the Sheffield Undergraduate Philosophy Conference are teaming up so that authors need only submit once and will be considered for both the conference and journal unless they indicate otherwise within their email submission.

We welcome students from all philosophy departments, and we welcome submissions from students at all levels of study. The conference and journal are open to and aimed at all philosophy undergraduates, so please don’t think that only final year students are experienced enough to give a talk or submit a paper, that really isn’t the case.

The conference will take place on the 24th and 25th of March 2018 in the Humanities Research Institute at the University of Sheffield’s main campus. Papers should be no more than 6000 words in length, but can relate to any area of Philosophy. The deadline for submissions is Friday 9th February 2018 at 5pm (GMT), and submissions should be sent to . No identifying information should be present within the paper, but the body of your email should contain your name, contact email, University of study and year of study. If your paper is under review elsewhere, we cannot consider you for the journal, but we would still love to consider you for the conference. Authors will be notified of decisions at least four weeks prior to the conference.

If your paper is selected for the conference you will be asked to give a talk and this can either be a shorter talk of 15-20 minutes or a longer one of 30 minutes. Please, let us know your preference when submitting your paper/abstract. The talk will be followed by approximately 15 minutes of questions, which will be an opportunity to explore your ideas further. Don’t be put off by the length of time you will be asked to speak – it really isn’t as daunting as it sounds and the event will be a friendly, encouraging and collaborative environment.

All further details regarding submissions, publication and purchasing a copy of the journal can be found on our website at

Should you require any further information please feel free to contact us at the above email address.

Many Thanks,

The Sheffield Undergraduate Philosophy Conference Organisers & PhilonoUS Editors-in-chief

Graduate Conference – Dublin – Dialogue

Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference 2018

‘Dialogues in Philosophy’

Trinity College Dublin/ University College Dublin

4-5th May 2018

Deadline for abstracts: 9th February 2018

Keynote Speaker: Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh)

Most of philosophy, whether historical or contemporary, can be seen to be dialogical; very rarely is philosophical enquiry carried out in isolation. Sometimes this is explicit, when a philosopher is motivated to produce a direct response to an argument, idea or position. In some cases, thinkers might respond to an established tradition. In other cases, it may be an as yet under-developed position that either needs encouraging or else might be seen to be problematic. Furthermore, the dialogue form is popular throughout the history of philosophy, reflecting the sense that philosophers’ arguments are best understood when it is clear what they are arguing against.

For this year’s Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference, we are looking for papers that address the theme, broadly construed, of ‘Dialogues in Philosophy’. Abstracts might address explicit dialogues between contemporary thinkers, historical figures, or both. They might include different contributions to the state of historical or current debates in Philosophy (e.g. philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, continental philosophy etc.). However, we would be equally interested in less explicit dialogues and debates. Issues to be considered might include (but are by no means limited to):

•    The extent to which philosophy ought to be dialogical (questions concerning different methodologies in philosophy are of direct relevance).

•    The most influential dialogues in both the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophy.

•    The merits/ flaws of the dialogue form (e.g. Plato, Hume) in philosophy.

•    Any potential restraints or restrictions that might come from seeing philosophy as dialogical.

We do not wish the conference theme to be restrictive, and are open to various approaches to the issue. We would welcome abstracts of 250 words max. from graduate/postgraduate students in any institution. The deadline for abstract submissions is 9th February 2018, and we will notify successful applicants by the end of February.

Abstracts and queries should be sent to either Peter West ( or Rana Bizri (