20th November 2013 – STEM event in Gateshead

On 20th November 2013 we are participating in the STEM event organised for the Gateshead A-Level science/maths students by Gateshead College. This event involves ~12 workshops prepared by scientists from Newcastle and Northumbria Universities as well as local businesses representing STEM-type careers, such as electrical engineering, software & games, sports science, etc. The IGM Public Engagement Committee will host a ‘Biomedical Science’ workshop of 45 minutes repeated 5 times during the day to different students (~8-10 per workshop).

Jon Ingledew (Muscle team), Stephen Lisgo (HDBR) and Kasia Pirog (Skeletal group) are organising short hands-on activities to showcase the IGM research and allow the students to ask questions about the career in science in an informal setting.

If you would be interested in taking part in such events, please drop us an email at: IGMengagement@ncl.ac.uk