The ECMage, a new research network to tackle healthy ageing

The ECMage network, one of the 11 new national networks aimed at transforming ageing research in the UK and funded by the BBSRC and the MRC, focusses on the ageing of extracellular matrix (ECM), a major structural & functional determinant of tissue resilience with remarkable tissue specificity. Led by Liverpool University, the network unites scientists from Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, and Nottingham, with complementary expertise in key aspects of ageing, matrix biology, chronobiology, AI/computational modelling and tissue engineering across UK to develop novel models to study ECM ageing, particularly 3D biological models, new biomaterials to mimic tissue-specific ECM and in silico models to predict novel anti-ageing therapies.

We are very happy to be part of this network and we’re looking forward to working on this exciting project. For more information, please click here: