- Efficient Re-computation of Big Data Analytics Processes in the Presence of Changes: Computational Framework, Reference Architecture, and Applications. (Invited paper) Missier, P., Cała, J. IEEE Big Data Congress 2019.
- Selective and Recurring Re-computation of Big Data Analytics Tasks: Insights from a Genomics Case Study. Cala, J.; and Missier, P., Journal of Big Data Research, in press. Aug 2018.
- Provenance Annotation and Analysis to Support Process Re-Computation. Cala, J.; and Missier, P. In Procs. IPAW 2018, London, 2018. Springer
- Tucci, N.; Cala, J.; Steyn, J.; and Missier, P. Design and evaluation of a genomics variant analysis pipeline using GATK Spark tools. In Procs. SEBD ’18 – 26TH Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, Bari, italy, 2018
- Thavasimani, P.; Cala, J.; and Missier, P. Why-Diff: Explaining differences amongst similar workflow runs by exploiting scientific metadata. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2017, Boston, MA, USA, December 11-14, 2017, pages 3031–3041, 2017.
- Llwaah, F., Cała, J. & Thomas, N. (2017). Runtime Performance Prediction of Big Data Workflows with I/O-aware Simulation. In Procs. VALUETOOLS 2017, 11th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. Venice, Italy.
- Gu, Y., & Missier, P. (2017). Adaptive Incremental Learning for Statistical Relational Models Using Gradient-Based Boosting. In Procs. ILP ’17, 27th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (late-breaking paper). Orleans, France: CEUR-WS.
- Missier, P., Cala, J., & Rathi, M. (2017). Preserving the value of large scale data analytics over time through selective re-computation. In Procs. 31st British International Conference on Databases – BICOD.
- Rawaa Qasha, Jacek Cała, Paul Watson. “A Framework for Scientific Workflow Reproducibility in the Cloud.” IEEE 12th International Conference on eScience, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2016.
- Paolo Missier, Jacek Cała, and Eldarina Wijaya. “The Data, They Are a-Changin’.” In Proc. TAPP’16 (Theory and Practice of Provenance), Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, ed. Washington D.C., USA: USENIX Association, 2016.