The “temperature of the room” dilemma!


With the massive drop in temperatures last week something has suddenly jumped up everyone’s agenda…ROOM TEMPERATURE!

Merz court

Room temperature is a term to denote a certain temperature in buildings at which humans are accustomed and comfortable.

Room temperature is thus often indicated by general human comfort, with the common range of 20 to 25 degrees Celcius.

However some people are comfortable at different temperatures which can cause some issues in offices.

For example you might have “warm” people and “cold” people in your office. Further confusing the issue at the University, climate may acclimatize people to higher or lower temperatures which is a problem for our overseas staff and students.

For human comfort, desirable room temperature greatly depends on individual needs and various other factors such as height, weight, whether or not circulatory problems exist, and overall health.

This is why in an office of 10 people you might always find one or two people that are too warm or too hot at the same temperatures.

This is a great challenge for us in the sustainability team as we try to ensure that as many people as possible are comfortable without having to resort to personal heaters.

We try to discourage as far as possible the use of personal heaters because they are very high users of energy.

George also says “The warmest parts of a room are away from the windows, so put “cold” people away from the window and “warm” people next to the window.”

If you experience temperature issues on your work area remember to dress in layers. If you are too hot take layers off if you are too cold pop layers on.

If you have regular problems with the temperature in your room and would like a temperature strip monitor for your room please email

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