Welcome Kay- our newest starter!

Kay has just started with us and will be assisting the 80 strong Environmental Co-ordinator (EC) network with their environmental objectives.

The role of EC is integral to reducing University environmental impacts, contributing to the effective delivery of environmental objectives. They communicate environmental policy and provide a link between operational sustainability, schools and services, share good practice and encourage and motivate other staff.

ECs meet quarterly and we have a really strong group however; ECs feel they did not have enough support and many ECs comment that a building user groups (Eco teams) for ECs would be helpful.

For these reasons, the Sustainability Team have developed the EC Support Officer (ECSO) role.

Kay will be with us temporarily for 6 months and will be helping all of the ECs as well as pushing forward the EC Strategy.

Kay has already hit the floor running and is well embedded into the team and well on with the workload.

She came in this morning and immediately set off the medical school to help with preparations for Switch Off 2010.

Kay will be a great addition to our team and MWH‘s loss is our gain.

if you are an EC you can book Kay’s time here.

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