Celebrating Success! Spotlight and Environment Awards 2011

The second annual Environment Awards were held as part of the ‘Celebrating Success’ event on Monday 20th June 2011 in the Courtyard, to recognise the achievements of our staff and students in striving to reduce the University’s environmental impact. A great time was had by all, with canapes and drinks, as Professor Chris Brink, Vice Chancellor, gave a speech to celebrate the success of University staff. The event also includes the Spotlights awards, presented by Veryan Johnston, Executive Director of HR.

Heads of School and Spotlight awards winners also attended the event.

Professor Tony Stevenson, PVC for Sustainability, chats to Lucy and Rob, Environmental Co-ordinators for Architecture and Geography.

Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Sustainability, gave a speech celebrating the University’s achievements in environmental sustainability before announcing the winners, who all received an award made from recycled green glass from Professor Brink.

And the winners are…..

Outstanding individual contribution to reducing the University’s environmental impact (staff) – Clive Gerrard (former EC for ISS and former leader of the University’s Green ICT initiative) for his work on reducing the impact our computers have no the environment. Clive dedicated his award to all the staff in ISS who work on the project.

Outstanding group contribution to reducing the University’s environmental impact (Group/department/ecoteam/business unit) – Van Portering Team for their continued efforts with the furniture re-use scheme, reducing our waste to landfill by re-using our furniture inhouse. Award collected by Van Portering Team Leader Ian Beeby.

Outstanding student contribution to the environment (individual or group) – People and Planet (student network campaigning for environmental protection) for their work in engaging Newcastle University staff and students in environmental awareness. Award collected by P&P member, Matt Wilkinson.

Best environmental initiative – Robinson Library’s Sustainability Day for Year 8 and 9 pupils from Long Benton Community College, run by Sara Bird. The full day event engaged with the pupils on environmental sustainability topics including recycling and saving energy by showcasing the University’s efforts and activities design to get the pupils thinking about the issues the University faces in promoting sustainability. Julia Robinson, David Errington, and Jackie Dunn were also involved in the day.

Best recycling performance – In collaboration with O’Brien’s Waste Management – 16/17 Framlington Place for their recycling rate of 60.3%. Award accepted by Jennifer Molyneux, Head of Facilities Management in ESS, on behalf of the cleaners in this building, Julia Martin and Paula Errington.

And lastly….

Despite the Sustainability Team organising the Environment Awards, the team were shocked when Professor Tony Stevenson presented them with an honorary award for their efforts in reducing the University’s environmental impact by working towards the University’s sustainability objective. The award was accepted by Matt Dunlop (Energy Manager), Hannah Munro (Sustainability Support Officer), Edward Wright (EMS officer) and Kay Gregory (EC Support Officer) on behalf of the rest of the Sustainability Team (George Chambers, Assistant Energy Manager, Daniel O’Connor, Waste Manager, Lucy Latham, Carbon Officer, and James Upstill-Goddard, EMS assistant).

The Sustainability Team would like to thank the Environmental Co-ordinators and EcoTeam members, as well as the cleaning and portering staff for all their hard work in assisting the Sustainability Team to reach its environmental objectives. Without the support and hard work of these staff members, the initiatives and facilities put in place by the team would not be as successful.

Many thanks to all University staff for their efforts in reducing the University’s environment impact – keep up the good work!

Thanks for all the nominations we received. The third annual Environment Awards will take place next year… with a twist!

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