Lever Arch files – everybody’s happy

Lever arch file reuse is a great example of a waste minimisation initiative. We have been doing this activity for the last year or so on campus.

As we transfer and store more and more data into electronic format, lever arch files are slowly becoming more redundant in office life.

Every year we get 5000 students who need lever arch files for their course work. Times are hard, lever arch files are expensive (about £3-4 P), so as you can imagine there is a definitive opportunity to reduce waste in this scenario.

This is how we collect lever arch files

We distribute lever arch files from cages in a spare garage on campus. We did try it inside building foyers but it gets a bit messy, as people generally don’t put files back neatly.

Follow the trail….

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Happy students say “We just saved £ 15!”

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Neil Addison and Steven Hogg, from procurement were passing when I was taking photos. They were ecstatic that we were putting waste to good use and reducing waste spend.

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Incidentally a full lever arch file costs about 4p to dispose of in general waste on our current waste contract- last week we had a garage full, which would have cost about £25 to dispose of..now it is empty. So file reuse saves the University money as well as students.

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