SELLL UG Fortnightly News

Decorative photograph of a pumpkin.
Last week lots of students celebrated Halloween.

Monday 2nd – Sunday 15th November 2020

New this semester, SELLL UG News is a fortnightly round up compiled by Professional Services (PS) staff in the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics. The idea is to give you a summary of what is going on in the School with standard items such as wellbeing support, upcoming events and topical information. If you would like to see certain information included in the Newsletter, please email your ideas to


Virtual Go Abroad Fair
Wednesday 4th November 2020, 1-4pm. Online.
Current Stage 2 students are invited to the Virtual Go Abroad Fair to learn about opportunities to go abroad during your Newcastle degree. The event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. It is recommended that you install the app onto your device in advance. You can sign up to the event online. You will be sent a link to join the Go Abroad Fair on the morning of the event.

UG Student Voice Committee (SVC)
Monday 16th November 2020, 3-4pm. Online.

Your undergraduate committee will be meeting with staff to discuss how you’ve found the start of term, and the transition to teaching online. If you have any thoughts or ideas you would like to raise with the committee, please get in touch with your course representative. All rep details can be found online and will be made available on the NCL app very soon.

Buffer/Enrichment Week
w/c Monday 16th November 2020. Online.

A schedule of events for your Enrichment Week will be made available on Canvas, in the same course you found your induction information.

Mental Health in 20th Century Literature Reading Group
Wednesday 11th November 2020, 5-6pm

A new informal reading group set up in conjunction with the Postgraduate Culture Group (PGCG). The first meeting will be discussing short extracts from The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Extracts will be provided by email in advance, so no need to buy the book. The group is open to undergraduates and postgraduates. To register your interest, please email


Lucia Qureshi, a 3rd year BA in English Literature and History student, has been highly commended at the Global Undergraduate Awards Programme 2020 for her essay ‘Crossing the Boundaries Between Primates and People: An Exploration of Anthropomorphism and Zoomorphism in The Jungle Book and She’. This is a fantastic achievement which came out of her work on the School’s ‘Victorian Passions’ module.

More SELLL student success
Three of our students were nominated for the Endowed Prizes Awards and received confirmation that they have obtained one of the prestigious University awards.
Ashley Roberts (Stage 2, Linguistics) has won the Stanley Dennison Scholarship Prize for their academic achievement during 2019-20.
Polly Dacam (Stage 2, English Language) and Louisa Rimmer (Stage 2, English Literature) have both
received one of the Endowed Prizes based on their respective academic achievements in 2019-20

Decorative photograph of fireworks.
Bonfire Night will be a little different this year. Make sure to stay safe.


In SELLL, student wellbeing and support is one of our top priorities. We’ve highlighted some of the key contacts, services and processes available:

Personal Tutor
Your Personal Tutor is your first point of contact for any issues you might be having. If you need further help, they can recommend contacting the Senior Tutor or Student Wellbeing.

Senior Tutors
The senior tutors act as a second point of contact for you. They can also be contacted with queries about the personal tutor system or in the event of more complicated issues affecting your academic studies.
Stage 1 Senior Tutor: Dr James Cummings
Stages 2 & 3 Senior Tutor: Professor Martha Young-Scholten

School Office Staff
The SELLL School Office is currently open Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm. Members of staff are also available to contact via email. Key contacts are listed below:

Online Chat for a quick response
If you have a question for the School Office and need a quick reply, you can log onto our twice weekly online chat service, through the Current Student section on the website. To access the chat, scroll down and click on the Contact Us icon on the right side. Online chat is available every Tuesday 10-12am and every Thursday 2-4pm.

Absence Requests
If you are going to be absent for 3 consecutive days or more (Monday-Friday), please submit an absence request through S3P.

Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC)
If you have difficulties completing your assignments or handing your work in on time because of personal extenuating circumstances, the most important thing you can do is tell the School about any problems you are having. Please talk to your personal tutor or the appropriate senior tutor in the first instance. PEC forms are submitted through S3P, and more information is available on our website.

Student Support Plan (SSP)
If you need any extra help to support your studies, a Student Support Plan (SSP) can be drawn up for you with an advisor from Student Health and Wellbeing. You can contact Student Wellbeing in person, by phone, or an online form, and the link gives all the information.

Nightline is a confidential and anonymous listening and information service run by students for the benefit of students. Contact them any night of term to talk about how you’re feeling or request information about other services. In light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation, Nightline is currently only operating its instant messaging service with opening hours 8pm to 2am

And to sign off with a joke…

How did Charlotte Brontë make it easier for everyone to breathe?
She created Eyre…

We hope you enjoyed reading the SELLL news.
From the Professional Services Staff in the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics.

Percy Newsletter Issue 2

In this second issue of the Percy Newsletter we continue to share the wonderful work going on by colleagues in the School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics.

Download the second issue below:

In this issue you will learn more about:

  • Staff and Student awards for Creative Writing and Outstanding Research
  • The work of our Visiting Professors, NUAcT Fellow and Northern Bridge researchers
  • Recent research publications
  • And sad farewells to retiring colleagues

Watch out for our next issue!

Introducing Percy

At Newcastle University School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics we have a thriving research community. The Percy Newsletter details the recent publications, research projects and successful vivas in our School.

Download the first newsletter below:

In this newsletter learn about:

We’re very excited to share and celebrate all of the wonderful work happening within the department. Look out for our next issue.

English Literature and History (QV31) – Email 2

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations on your offer of a place at Newcastle University! Following the UK government announcement regarding 2020 Exam results on Monday 17 August, we wanted to reassure you that your offer still stands and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics in September. If you do want to find out more about the University’s approach please read our statement and our offer holder FAQs. I am a lecturer in Renaissance literature and the module leader for ‘Introduction to Literary Studies 2’ which introduces our first-year students to texts from the medieval up till the Romantic period. The specific texts change slightly every year, and I will circulate a reading list before the Christmas break.

Your Induction
Our flexible and enhanced University Induction programme for new students will provide you with a warm welcome and introduction to Newcastle University and Newcastle University Students’ Union (NUSU). 

From Monday 28 September you’ll be able to access our Induction programme on Canvas – our Virtual Learning Environment. All information and activity will be offered online and we’ll send you full instructions on how to access Canvas the week before term starts. Some activities may include on-campus opportunities, but these will be dependent on physical distancing requirements at the time and will follow Covid-19 safety guidelines.

You’ll also receive school-specific induction information in the near future, designed to introduce you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics and your degree programme. This will include everything you need to know before starting, including selecting optional modules, accessing your timetable and reading lists.

Frequently asked questions and COVID-19 
We’re regularly updating both our COVID-19 FAQs and our Student Experience 2020 guide with all the latest information you need about starting your course as the Covid-19 situation continues. 

Pre-arrival activities 
I thought it would be useful here to suggest some more general reading and listening that you can do now in order to get to grips with some of the conversations we’re going to be having throughout your undergraduate degree. You by no means need to look at all of these!

General: why we read, and how we frame arguments
Studying literature is not just about encountering new books, it is also about learning how and why we read them. If you have the time, I recommend that you look at Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle’s An Introduction to Literature, Criticism, and Theory (5th edition, 2016) at some point this summer. It is a highly readable guide to literary criticism, with short chapters focusing on themes (e.g. narrative, ghosts, the colony) with concrete examples of how each theme can be applied to a certain text. You can browse a copy on Google Books (which, by the way, is a useful resource for finding academic books online) or you can try searching for this title as a PDF online, before deciding if you want to buy a copy. There are numerous editions of this book: the more recent have some additional chapters, but most of it is the same whichever edition you use.

Thinking about pre-modern race
One of the main questions that we will be exploring in ‘Introduction to Literary Studies 2’ is as relevant to the study of literature as to history: how can we meaningfully engage with texts which seem culturally and aesthetically distant from our own context? Part of the way that we practice this is not just by learning about the historical contexts and literary genres of the past, but also by learning how to spot the way literary critics and historians frame their interpretation of a text.
This summer we have seen how important it is for all of us to confront our colonial legacy in Britain and beyond, and there are renewed calls on universities to decolonise their curriculums. The next few resources are ones that I have found helpful in educating myself about how we can examine earlier historical periods through this critical lens:

1. Geraldine Heng’s The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages (2018) is an important text which questions the common assumption that concepts of race and racism only began in the modern era. For a shorter introduction, you can read this exhibition by Heng. 

2. For an excellent demonstration of how two twentieth-century writers (J.R.R. Tolkein and Toni Morrison) approached the issue of race in Beowulf (one of the texts we study in Introduction to Literary Studies 2),read this short article by Dorothy Kim (2019).
3. For another great introduction to the topic of studying Shakespeare and race, listen to this podcast from the Globe Theatre with Farah Karim Cooper, Ayanna Thompson and Noémie Ndiaye. In this podcast they focus on one of the texts we will be studying on ILS2 (Titus Andronicus).

Self-aware history
As students of both English and History, you should find Natalie Zemon Davis’ The Return of Martin Guerre (1983) a great way into thinking about the relationship between literature and history, women’s history, and the fine line between fabrication and trial records. She was the consultant on a film of the same title (released 1982), and her book was written to fill in the uncertainties that were inevitably left out of the film’s more stream-lined narrative. This book provoked a famous discussion between Zemon-Davis and her main detractor, Robert Finlay, about the methods historians use to interpret women’s history. If you do not want to read the full book, this blog post by Claire Potter (2018) is worth reading as it explains why this book and the discussion around it are so important for students. It includes links to that original exchange between Finlay and Zemon Davis too.

These suggestions are intended to make you think about the relevance of studying earlier historical texts and periods today. My colleagues and I would love to hear more from you about what you discover, so please do feel free to get in touch with us through email or social media, for example on the Twitter hashtag #NCLReady.

All the best, and I look forward to welcoming you to Newcastle soon!
Kate De Rycker
Lecturer in Renaissance Literature
School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics

English Literature & Creative Writing (QW38) – Email 2

Hello Everyone,

My name is James Harriman-Smith and I’m both an undergraduate admissions director and a lecturer in literature at Newcastle University. Following the UK government announcement regarding 2020 Exam results on Monday 17 August, we wanted to reassure you that your offer still stands and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics in September. If you do want to find out more about the University’s approach please read our statement and our offer holder FAQs.

Your Induction
Our flexible and enhanced University Induction programme for new students will provide you with a warm welcome and introduction to Newcastle University and Newcastle University Students’ Union (NUSU). 

From Monday 28 September you’ll be able to access our Induction programme on Canvas – our Virtual Learning Environment. All information and activity will be offered online and we’ll send you full instructions on how to access Canvas the week before term starts. Some activities may include on-campus opportunities, but these will be dependent on physical distancing requirements at the time and will follow Covid-19 safety guidelines.

You’ll also receive school-specific induction information in the near future, designed to introduce you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics and your degree programme. This will include everything you need to know before starting, including selecting optional modules, accessing your timetable and reading lists.

Frequently asked questions and COVID-19 
We’re regularly updating both our COVID-19 FAQs and our Student Experience 2020 guide with all the latest information you need about starting your course as the Covid-19 situation continues. 

Pre-arrival activities
Today I’d like to share a message and an exercise written for you by Dr Zoe Cooper, who teaches the script parts of our English Literature and Creative Writing degree. I hope you enjoy it, and please do take a look at the other material we are making available on Twitter and our other social media platforms.

Now, over to Zoe:
I’m writing this to you from my spare bedroom, in my little red house. I’m looking at the row of other little red houses on the opposite side of my street. I am listening to the seagulls that rest on the roofs in Newcastle because we are so near the sea.
It is a funny time to be thinking about writing for theatre, when we are all trapped inside in our homes, wondering when we will be able to get out. Plays are a little bit different to poetry, novels or even films in that you need people to be in a room together for them to really work. So, what I want to do with the following exercise is to invite you to start to dream about being together again in a room to hear and see a story. I think a good way to do that is to think about location and set.

1. Do a Google Image search for one of the following kinds of location. Pick one of the results that interests you
a. Beach
b. Bedroom
c. School canteen
d. Park
Once you have chosen your location, use your own memories and experiences to write a short prose description of that location. This can either be in one continuous paragraph or using a series of bullet points.

2. Now I want you to think about a character that could exist in that space. Write 1-21 down the side of a page and answering the following about that character
1. Age
2. Name
3. Shoes they are wearing
4. Last time they danced 
5. Brothers and sisters (how many and names) 
6. How do they spend their days? Work? School? Something else?
7. Where do they get their money? 
8. How much do they currently have in their bank account? 
9. When, where and who was their first kiss?
10. Most prized achievement?
11. What makes them angry?
12. If they were an animal what animal would they be? 
13. What is the thing that they want most today? 
14. What is the thing that they want most this year? 
15. What is the thing they want most by the end of their life?
16. What is getting in the way of them getting the thing they want most today?
17. What is getting in the way of them getting the thing they want most by the end of the year? 
18. What is getting in the way of them getting the thing they want most by the end of their life? 
19. What do they need? 
20. Another character enters the space. Describe them
21. Who are they to this character?

3. In theatre we call objects that are used on stage ‘properties’, or ‘props’
Props that get handled, moved or otherwise used during the course of a play are called ‘practical props’. Can you write a description of a significant prop that exists in the space that you have described? Write a short description of that prop and some notes on how it might be handled or changed through the course of a scene set in that space? How does it gain significance?

4. You are now ready to start writing your scene
a. Start with the stage directions, using your notes from question 1. How much description do you need? How much detail? Which aspects of the set are important? Try to be as concise as possible. Do you want your character/s to start in the space? Or will they enter? Do they do anything before they first speak? 

b. Now you can start thinking about the dialogue. If you feel stuck a good scenario for a scene is that character A wants something (by the end of the day, end of the month, by the end of the year) and character B presents character A with an obstacle in some way, either intentionally or unintentionally. 

c. If you can try not to go back and edit your scene until you have got all the way through. This will mean that you can see what the shape of the scene is before you decide which bits to rewrite or cut.
I am really looking forward to meeting you all in the autumn.

Best wishes,

Zoe Cooper and James Harriman-Smith
School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics

English Literature (Q306) – Email 2

Hello Everyone,

My name is Emma Whipday, and I am a lecturer in Renaissance literature at Newcastle University.  Following the UK government announcement regarding 2020 Exam results on Monday 17 August, we wanted to reassure you that your offer still stands and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics in September. If you do want to find out more about the University’s approach please read our statement and our offer holder FAQs. I teach the ‘Renaissance Bodies’ module to our second years and the ‘Women on Trial’ module to our third years.

Your Induction
Our flexible and enhanced University Induction programme for new students will provide you with a warm welcome and introduction to Newcastle University and Newcastle University Students’ Union (NUSU). 

From Monday 28 September you’ll be able to access our Induction programme on Canvas – our Virtual Learning Environment. All information and activity will be offered online and we’ll send you full instructions on how to access Canvas the week before term starts. Some activities may include on-campus opportunities, but these will be dependent on physical distancing requirements at the time and will follow Covid-19 safety guidelines.

You’ll also receive school-specific induction information in the near future, designed to introduce you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics and your degree programme. This will include everything you need to know before starting, including selecting optional modules, accessing your timetable and reading lists.

Frequently asked questions and COVID-19 
We’re regularly updating both our COVID-19 FAQs and our Student Experience 2020 guide with all the latest information you need about starting your course as the Covid-19 situation continues. 

Pre-arrival activities I am writing to you today to share some videos I produced about dangerous homes in Shakespeare’s tragedies (and one comedy). I hope that they give you some food for thought before you start your degree in the Autumn:

In addition to watching these videos, you might want to have a think about the following questions in relation to any other Shakespeare plays you know:

  • What do you think about the relationship between domesticity and violence in Shakespeare? 
  • Are his characters safe in their homes, or does home become the place where they are most vulnerable?
  • And do we only get to see his characters ‘at home’ on stage when something tragic is about to happen?

Finally, do look out for further material on this topic and others that will appear on our Twitter page, with the hashtag #NCLReady. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, either through social media or by email.

Best wishes,

Emma Whipday
Lecturer in Renaissance Literature School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics

English Language & Linguistics – Email 2

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations once again your offer of a place to study at Newcastle University! My name is Christine Cuskley and I’m a Lecturer in Language and Cognition. Following the UK government announcement regarding 2020 Exam results on Monday 17 August, we wanted to reassure you that your offer still stands and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics in September. If you do want to find out more about the University’s approach please read our statement and our offer holder FAQs.

Your Induction
Our flexible and enhanced University Induction programme for new students will provide you with a warm welcome and introduction to Newcastle University and Newcastle University Students’ Union (NUSU). 

From Monday 28 September you’ll be able to access our Induction programme on Canvas – our Virtual Learning Environment. All information and activity will be offered online and we’ll send you full instructions on how to access Canvas the week before term starts. Some activities may include on-campus opportunities, but these will be dependent on physical distancing requirements at the time and will follow Covid-19 safety guidelines.

You’ll also receive school-specific induction information in the near future, designed to introduce you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics and your degree programme. This will include everything you need to know before starting, including selecting optional modules, accessing your timetable and reading lists.

Frequently asked questions and COVID-19 
We’re regularly updating both our COVID-19 FAQs and our Student Experience 2020 guide with all the latest information you need about starting your course as the Covid-19 situation continues. 

Pre-arrival activities 
Lecturers and Professors here in English Language and Linguistics are hard at work updating our teaching programme for the autumn. We have a few things for you to check out in the meantime to get you excited about starting your studies.

Did you know that Newcastle University is one of only two universities in the UK where undergraduates can take a dedicated course on language evolution (the study of how humans came to have the most complex, expressive communication system in the known universe)? This course won’t be on your radar until a few years into your degree, but the questions surrounding language evolution will come up in your earlier courses, from language structure to multilingualism.

If this subject sounds interesting, check out this workshop on language evolution for budding authors in science fiction – it’s part of a short story competition and you can sign up for free! This will allow you to learn a bit about language evolution and maybe dabble in some creative writing in the process. The workshop is run by my collaborator Dr Séan Roberts (Anthropology, Cardiff) and Dr Catriona Silvey, who currently researches language evolution at UCL, and will debut her first novel next year.
Newcastle also specializes in experimental approaches to studying language – we have researchers who use carefully designed tasks to try and figure out more about how language works in the brain, and how both children and adults learn and use language. Right now, one of our postgraduate students is working on a project that looks at how people remember words. It takes about 20 minutes to complete – you can try it out here if you’re curious. If you’re intrigued, you can read some more about our research questions and the larger project the experiment is a part of.

If you enjoy our experiment, you can also look into other behavioural experiments on a site called Prolific Academic, where you can earn some cash for doing longer experiments that span not only linguistics, but psychology and behavioural economics (no expertise required!). Particularly in the current climate, lots and lots of research in linguistics and beyond is going online!
We’d love to hear from you if you’re signing up to the language evolution and sci-fi workshop, and let us know if you find any cool online experiments!

Christine Cuskley
Lecturer in Language and Cognition
School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics

English Language & Linguistics (Q300) – Email 2

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations once again your offer of a place to study at Newcastle University! Following the UK government announcement regarding 2020 Exam results on Monday 17 August, we wanted to reassure you that your offer still stands and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics in September. If you do want to find out more about the University’s approach please read our statement and our offer holder FAQs.

Your Induction
Our flexible and enhanced University Induction programme for new students will provide you with a warm welcome and introduction to Newcastle University and Newcastle University Students’ Union (NUSU). 

From Monday 28 September you’ll be able to access our Induction programme on Canvas – our Virtual Learning Environment. All information and activity will be offered online and we’ll send you full instructions on how to access Canvas the week before term starts. Some activities may include on-campus opportunities, but these will be dependent on physical distancing requirements at the time and will follow Covid-19 safety guidelines.

You’ll also receive school-specific induction information in the near future, designed to introduce you to the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics and your degree programme. This will include everything you need to know before starting, including selecting optional modules, accessing your timetable and reading lists.

Frequently asked questions and COVID-19 
We’re regularly updating both our COVID-19 FAQs and our Student Experience 2020 guide with all the latest information you need about starting your course as the Covid-19 situation continues. 

Pre-arrival activities 
We have two activities for you. First, one that spans Language and Literature:
Did you know that Newcastle University is one of only two universities in the UK where undergraduates can take a dedicated course on language evolution (the study of how humans came to have the most complex, expressive communication system in the known universe)? This course won’t be on your radar until a few years into your degree, but the questions surrounding language evolution will come up in your earlier modules, from Language Structure to Multilingualism. 

If this subject sounds interesting, check out this workshop on language evolution for budding authors in science fiction – it’s part of a short story competition and you can sign up for free! This will allow you to learn a bit about language evolution and maybe dabble in some creative writing in the process. The workshop is run by Christine’s collaborator Dr Séan Roberts (Anthropology, Cardiff) and Dr Catriona Silvey, who currently researches language evolution at UCL, and will debut her first novel next year.

And, second, a more literary set of tasks:
In the second semester at Newcastle University, we will be teaching a module called Introduction to Literary Studies 2. A key question on this module is: how can we meaningfully engage with texts which seem culturally and aesthetically distant from our own context? To start your thinking about this question, here are three things we would like you to take a look at:

1. Geraldine Heng’s The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages (2018) is a recent and important text which questions the common assumption that concepts of race and racism only began in the modern era. To find about more about this important argument, do read this exhibition by Heng. 

2. For an excellent demonstration of how two twentieth-century writers (J.R.R. Tolkein and Toni Morrison) approached the issue of race in Beowulf (one of the texts we’ll study together), read this short article by Dorothy Kim (2019).

3. For a great introduction to the topic of studying Shakespeare and race, listen to this podcast from the Globe Theatre with Farah Karim Cooper, Ayanna Thompson and Noémie Ndiaye. In this podcast they focus on one of the texts we will be studying together (Titus Andronicus).

We would love to hear what you thought about any of the material we’ve shared with you here. You can in touch with us about these matters, or anything else, through email or on social media. You can also find even more tips and resources on our Twitter page, or by searching the hashtag #NCLReady.

Best wishes,
James Harriman-Smith and Christine Cuskley
School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics

English Literature & Language (Q300), Email 1

Hello Everyone

Congratulations on your offer of a place to study English Language and Literature (Q300) at Newcastle University! This email comes to you from two lecturers who hope to welcome you to our department this autumn: Cristine Cuskley is a Lecturer in Language and Cognition and James Harriman-Smith is a lecturer in Eighteenth-Century Literature. 

Everyone at Newcastle University is currently hard at work updating our teaching for the autumn, and module-specific reading lists for you will be available later in the summer. However, in the meantime, we encourage you to delve into some more general material to get you excited about getting started in your studies. To help with this, we have two recommendations for you, one for language and one for literature. 

First, for English language: 

We would like you to listen to an episode of BBC sounds on The Future of English: Dialects and Evolution. They look at varieties of English all over the world – have a listen and think about the differences they discuss. You might then want to read this long article on English dominating the internet and this video on the weirdness of English. What do you think about the future of English? 

Second, for English literature: 

We would like you to make a list of every book you remember having studied in your English (or ‘English Literature’) classes, and then think about what this list might show you.  

  • What do these books have in common?  
  • Are they mainly novels, plays or poems?  
  • When were they written? 
  • What kind of things are they about? 
  • Where do their authors come from?  
  • What class, gender, age (etc.) are those authors?  

Once you have answered these questions, and others of your own devising, the next step is two-fold. First, identify a work of literature that has nothing in common with anything on your list. Perhaps that might be a book of poems by a working-class woman who lived in the eighteenth century and wrote about domestic servitude; perhaps that might be a play written and performed in the last two years. Why not read (or watch) that thing? As you engage with it, think about how you might write about it: can you analyse it like you analysed the texts you studied this year? What else do you feel you need to know? 

We would love to hear what you thought about the future of English, and what you realised about how you’ve been taught English Literature. You can in touch with us about these matters, or anything else, through email or on social media (links below). You can also find even more tips and resources on our Twitter page, or by searching the hashtag #NCLReady. 

Best wishes, 

James Harriman-Smith and Christine Cuskley 

English Literature & History (QV31), Email 1

Hello Everyone,

Congratulations on your offer of a place to study English Literature and History (QV31) at Newcastle University! I am a Reader in Modernist Print Culture and Programme Lead on the QV31 degree. My colleagues and I hope to welcome you to our department this autumn.

We will send out reading lists for all our modules in the Autumn once we have updated our teaching to take the latest research into account. For now, we have prepared more general material to help you get ready for university study. This email contains some of that material, and will be followed by others, each one written by a lecturer at Newcastle. If you have any questions about the material in these emails, or want to receive even more, please do get in touch with us through social media or email.

Here are a few things to get you thinking about the study of Literature and History at University level.


Make a list of every book you remember having studied in your English (or ‘English Literature’) classes, and then think about what this list might show you.

• What do these books have in common?
• Are they mainly novels, plays or poems?
• When were they written?
• What kind of things are they about?
• Where do their authors come from?
• What class, gender, age (etc.) are those authors?

Once you have answered these questions, you might want to think with your history student hat on to reflect on how important knowing something about historical context has been to your appreciation of these texts or might improve your understanding of them. With that in mind, the next step is two-fold. First, identify a work of literature that has nothing in common with anything on your list. Perhaps that might be a book of poems by a working-class woman who lived in the eighteenth century and wrote about domestic servitude; perhaps that might be a play written and performed in the last two years. Why not read (or watch) that thing? As you engage with it, think about how you might write about it: can you analyse it like you analysed the texts you studied this year? What else do you feel you need to know?


My colleague in the School of History, Rachel Hammersley, a Senior Lecturer in Intellectual History, has suggested the following readings for how history has a relevance for thinking about the present. This issue has been raised a lot in the past few years as we commemorate 100 years since WW1, as we witness the social and political divisions engendered by Brexit, and as we grapple on a global scale with COVID-19, to mention only a few of the pressing issues that lead us to look to history for context and guidance. Here are some articles to get you thinking about these issues:

What Can History Tell us about epidemics?
On Historians, Politicians and Their Duty to History
And here, a slightly older article from the Guardian on the same topic.


While in your first year, you will be studying the subjects separately, your work at Stage 2 and 3 will ask you to think across subjects in an interdisciplinary way. It is never too early to start thinking in this way and I encourage you, in your first year, to keep the following kinds of questions in the back of your mind as you are studying: How is historical context relevant to the study of this work/this literary period and how is this context important for understanding how literary texts convey meaning? How might a literary text or an analytical or theoretical approach I have learned in literature be applied to a historical text or topic to provide new insights?

My colleagues and I would love to hear what you discover this way. These tasks are intended to make you think in general terms about what constitutes ‘English Literature’ (and what does not seem to) and why History is relevant to thinking through our current moment. You can get in touch with us through email or social media.

Alternatively, you can find even more tips and resources on our Twitter page, or by searching the hashtag #NCLReady.

Best wishes,

Kirsten MacLeod