SELLL UG Fortnightly News 5

Monday 18th January to Sunday 31st January 2021

Welcome to the Fifth Edition of our SELLL UG News, for a fortnightly round up compiled by Caroline Ede, with contributions from Professional Services (PS) colleagues in the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics.  

Some new items below for this edition and important dates for your diary.  Plus, our regular wellbeing, IT and assessment support, if needed, has now moved to the end of the newsletter.

Decorative Image of person working on a laptop.
Students are working hard on their upcoming assessments.


Dates for your diary!

Buffer Week
w/c Monday 18th January 2021 (further details below)

End of Semester 1 Assessment Hand-in Date
NOW Thursday 21st January 2021

Semester 2 Induction Week
w/c Monday 25th January 2021
Meet with your Personal Tutor via Zoom (if you haven’t already in Buffer week).
Prepare for the start of online teaching the following week.
Semester 1 Induction material is still available on Canvas.

SELLL Postgraduate Panel Event for UG students
Are you interested in studying for a Master’s degree? Look out for the upcoming SELLL Postgraduate Panel Event (w/c 25th January), organised by Engsoc. Details to be announced soon on SELLL social media. Newcastle University’s PG Virtual Open Day is being held on Monday 8th February – sign up to find out about all aspects of PG study from the link on the University website home page.

Next Girl’s Club Meeting (and first for 2021)
Tuesday 26th January 2021, 6-7.30pm (full details below)

Semester 2 Teaching Starts
Monday 1st February 2021


Buffer week w/c 18th January 2021
A reminder that Semester 2 module Canvas sites will be published from today (18th January). Material from the Semester 1 enrichment week – such as Doing the Degree videos and the information about the marking, moderation and Exam Board processes, is still available on Canvas. Given the now extended assessment submission deadline, there will be no further scheduled enrichment activities for this week, but there is a further enrichment week at the beginning of March.

Assessment tips from Module Leaders & Students
Our student leaders asked some SELLL lecturers and students for their advice on how to tackle those end-of-module essays. Head over to Instagram to see what your English Literature and Language colleagues have to say. Best of luck for all your assignments from all of us.

Girl’s Club Meeting – Tuesday 26th January 2021, 6-7.30pm
The new theme for this semester is girls club: on consumption and the text is EAT UP! by Ruby Tandoh. No problem if you don’t have time to read the book, everyone is still very welcome to pop by for a chat! To clarify it is not a girl’s only reading group.
Any questions, comments or concerns please do email Tamsin at
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 6918 6272

What does a PEC for Board of Examiners’ consideration mean?
Submitting a PEC for Board of Examiners’ consideration is different to submitting a PEC for extensions. We have put together some FAQs to help answer your questions so please read at your leisure.

NUSU Events
Check out what events and activities, NUSU are running this term at your Union.

Online Chat – Every Tuesday 10-12 & Thursday 2-4pm
Just a reminder that if you need a quick response to a question, you can use our twice weekly online chat service for an instant reply. Further details are included in the Wellbeing and Support section.

Some English Facts to sign off

  • No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver and purple.
  • The word “whatever” consistently ranks as the most annoying English word.
  • A new word is created every 98 minutes, which is about 14.7 words a day
  • English is spoken by 952 million people around the world – 339 million people speak English as a first language, and 603 million speak it as a second language. It is the official language in 67 countries and 27 non-sovereign countries such as Hong Kong.

From the Professional Services Staff in the School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics.

Continue reading “SELLL UG Fortnightly News 5”

SELLL UG Fortnightly News 4

Monday 14th December 2020 to Christmas

Welcome to the Fourth Edition of our SELLL UG News, for a fortnightly round up compiled by Caroline Ede, with contributions from Professional Services (PS) colleagues in the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics.  

Some new items below for this edition and important dates for your diary.  Plus, our regular wellbeing, IT and assessment support, if needed, has now moved to the end of the newsletter.

Merry Christmas from the School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics


Dates for your diary!
Last day of online teaching before Christmas

Friday 18th December 2020

School Office Christmas Closure
Monday 21st December 2020 – Friday 1st January 2021. Reopening Monday 4th January 2021.

Return to Studies for Semester 1
w/c Monday 11th January 2021

End of Semester 1 Assignment Hand-in Date
Thursday 14th January 2021

Deadline date for submitting PECs
The deadline date for submitting PECs to guarantee a response in time for hand-in is Monday 11th January 2021 by 12 noon. Please remember to upload your accompanying evidence.

Buffer / Enrichment Week
w/c Monday 18th January 2021.


What does a PEC for Board of Examiners’ consideration mean?
Submitting a PEC for Board of Examiners’ consideration is different to submitting a PEC for extensions.  We’ve put together some FAQs to help answer your questions so please read at your leisure.

A Post on Time Management
One of our Student Bloggers, Hattie, has just written a blog post all about time management.  Here is what she also had to say:

With many of us students now heading back home for Christmas (covid-safely, of course!), I wanted to share some time-management tips that have helped me study remotely for the past month or so.  There are also some links to downloadable and printable time management resources at the end of the blog.

Christmas in Newcastle!
Newcastle University will provide a programme of support over the Christmas Holidays if you are unable to return home.  Click on this link for more information including Health & Wellbeing Support over the holidays. 

This link gives information on applying for a festive hamper if you are staying in Newcastle (you must complete the festive hamper application form on the link) and activities on offer.

NUSU Festive Events
NUSU are running lots of festive events that students can take part in and feel Christmassy and less isolated, and click on this link which is different to the last newsletter.

Online Chat – Tuesday 10-12 & Thursday 2-4pm
Just a reminder that if you need a quick response to a question, you can use our twice weekly online chat service for an instant reply.  Further details are included in the Wellbeing and Support section including an example of where to find online chat.  It will say ‘chat with us’ when we are online and ‘contact us’ when we are not.  We also offer extra sessions during submission deadlines in January.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2021

From the Professional Services Staff in the School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics.

Continue reading “SELLL UG Fortnightly News 4”

Board of Examiners PEC Questions

When submitting a PEC, students can opt for ‘Board of Examiners (BoE) consideration’. But what does this mean? We’ve put together some FAQs to help answer your questions.

Students in the Percy Building Long Gallery
Students studying in the Percy Building Long Gallery.

What does a PEC for Board of Examiners’ consideration mean?

If a student has had personal and extenuating circumstances and wishes to inform the Board of Examiners’, they can submit a PEC form via S3P requesting the adjustment “BoE consideration”.  You will need to provide accompanying evidence to support your case.  Your case will be discussed anonymously at the next PEC Committee meeting, usually February to discuss Semester 1 cases, June to discuss Semester 2 cases and September to discuss any resits/deferrals.  The Committee will decide whether to “support” or “not support” your case.    The decision is then passed to the Board of Examiners who will use this information when considering a profile of marks.   The decision is passed to the Board of Examiners anonymously, only the decision and a unique ID will be visible.

NOTE: Sometimes the PEC Committee might decide to “not support” the application.  This does not mean that they don’t believe the student or that the student has not been affected by their circumstances.  It might mean that the PEC Committee can see that they have already received reasonable extensions for these assignments, and feel that they have been adequately compensated. 

What happens at the Exam Board meeting?

The Exam Board meet to discuss marks and whether (a) you should progress to the next stage or (b) if you are in your final year, what degree classification you are entitled to.  The Exam Board will see that the student has a decision of “PEC BoE supported” or “PEC BoE not supported”.  The reason for your PEC is never disclosed to the Exam Board – only that the decision is either “supported” or “not supported”.   If you have clearly passed the Stage you will move onto the next Stage.  However, if you are a borderline case, the Exam Board will take into consideration your decision from the PEC Committee and look at your overall marks.  The Exam Board may use their discretion to progress you to the next stage. 

I am a Stage 3 student/in my final year. What does this mean for me?

The same as above, but this time they will consider what classification of award you should receive.  If it is clear that you are due to receive a First, 2:1, 2:2 etc, then that is what you will receive.  However, if you are borderline, the Exam Board will discuss whether or not you should go up into the next category of award.  The Board follows university examination regulations, considers individual marks across stage 2 and 3 and whether or not you have a PEC rating for supported or not supported, for these stages.   The Exam Board will have met previously to discuss other disruption, across all Stages and all students.  Once everything has been taken into consideration, they may use their discretion to award a higher degree classification.

I have had previous extensions. Can I also request BoE consideration on the same assignment?

In extraordinary circumstances, the PEC Committee would look at your case and may decide to support it.  It depends on the severity of your circumstances.  

I have really struggled with personal and extenuating circumstances this year, but managed to submit my work on time. Is it worth submitting a PEC requesting BoE consideration if I feel my work has been affected?

Yes, definitely.

If I submit a PEC for BoE consideration, does this mean my work will be marked favourably?

No. Your work will be marked the same as everyone else on your module. Marks cannot be changed. Markers do not know which students have submitted a PEC for BoE consideration.

What sort of things are considered? What are “personal extenuating circumstances”?

This can vary from student to student, it might be personal illness, whether physical or mental, hospital admission, close friend or family bereavement, family illness, etc.  Please see the Policy and Procedure and Guidance available on our website for further information. If you are not sure whether it will be accepted or not, please have a chat with your Personal Tutor, Senior Tutor or email   

For more information, check out the PowerPoint presentation that Aditi Nafde, the Chair of the Undergraduate Board of Examiners in SELLL has prepared.


Please remember if you are struggling at all, do get in touch.   There is lots of help available.