On the 10th November, 2022, we invited colleagues and students to join us at a conference-style, collaborative event on climate action.
First, we would like to thank everyone who attended our event, Climate Action at Newcastle University. We had a wonderful day and are so grateful that we got to meet you all and discuss climate action and sustainability.
Our aim for the event was to discuss future climate action plans, and to incorporate the outcomes into Phase 2 of our Climate Action Plan.
Please have a read of this blog if you would like to learn more about the climate conversations which happened at our event.
A Net Zero Campus of the Future: what did we learn?
Our first session of the event was a panel discussion on ‘A Net Zero Campus of the Future’.
Campus of the Future is a project that has been running for a number of months, involving a variety of stakeholders and changemakers at the University. The project looked at connectivity, and that a campus of the future should be physically, digitally and culturally connected.
During the panel discussion, we learnt that people will be held at the heart of the campus of the future, and that increasing cultural connectivity, enables physical and digital connectivity to be all the more effective.
The panel members communicated that better connecting different people across our campus, making our physical spaces (buildings and the outdoors) into shared spaces between groups and communities, and increasing our digital connectivity, our net zero and other sustainability targets will be supported.
What is the appetite for radical or revolutionary solutions?
Audience member question on the Campus of the Future plans
The Campus of the Future conversations will now continue beyond the initial project, and work has already begun to put changes in place.
The panel members were:
- Matt Dunlop: Head of Sustainability, Newcastle University
- Lisette Nicholson: Director of People Engagement and Culture, Newcastle University
- Iain Garfield: Director of Estates and Facilities, Newcastle University
- Daniel Birkinshaw: Sustainability Manager, Bowmer + Kirkland
- Alan Cecchini: Enterprise Architect, Newcastle University

Travel Better: what did we learn?
This interactive session explored the contribution that business travel makes to the University’s carbon emissions. Business travel is the third highest emitter of scope 3 (indirect) carbon dioxide emissions at the University. Within our business travel emissions, airplane travel is our highest emitter.
As part of the cultural aspect of the campus, what can we do about reducing air travel of staff?
Audience member question on the Campus of the Future plans
Attendees were invited to assess the impact travel has on their personal and professional lives and look at innovative travel initiatives within their specific areas of work. It was very interesting to hear, from a wide range of perspectives, what travel enables at the University, and what we could on a personal level to decrease our air travel.
Post-discussion, the attendees were introduced to the Travel Better Package, which is an initiative created by the EAUC to support the reduction of air travel, mostly targeted at academics and researchers. The package allows individuals to assess whether attending a conference in-person, for example, will give them benefits that will outweigh other forms of engagement that don’t require travel, particularly air travel. Attendees were very interested to learn how they could revaluate their travel plans and use the framework within their own departments.

Net Zero Research: what did we learn?
We held a net zero research session to understand how the Sustainability Team and researchers can work in a collaborative way to achieve our net zero target. We learnt more about the processes and systems that researchers and their various internal and external teams struggle with when combining research expertise with professional services.
Discussions also included assessing the various environmental assets which are present at Newcastle University, which could provide foundations for future research projects. We established that assets such as Cockle Park Farm, the multiple solar PV arrays and an energy district heating system would be key assets when researching environmental problems and their solutions.

To conclude…
This event will help shape the next phase of the Climate Action Plan. Relationships between collaborators were strengthened as the day went on, and the Sustainability Team will be continuing the conversations that were started, and turning these into action.
Upcoming events
Managing your energy bills workshop by the Green Doctor on the 30th of November, 2022.
We are hosting an energy bills workshop which will focus on budgeting and managing bills with the Green Doctor (North East). If you are a student who is 25 or under and curious or worried about energy bills you can join us to learn some tips and tools to help you and your household.
Sign up: https://forms.office.com/r/fPa42feyQv