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- Tuesday 9th July
- Wednesday 10th July (morning)
- Wednesday 10th July (afternoon)
- Thursday 11th July (morning)
- Thursday 11th July (afternoon)
- Full list of talk presenters and titles
- Wednesday poster presenters and titles
- Thursday poster presenters and titles
Please be aware that posters will be available to view all day on their chosen day, with viewing times in the morning and afternoon. We recommend that authors include a photo of themselves on the poster and/or a QR code to a short video presentation to help attendees to make contact with you and your work.
All sessions will be held in the Frederick Douglass Centre; room numbers are noted below the theme for each session.
In the interests of sustainability we will not be providing paper copies of the full programme. If you’d like to download and print your own copy of the programme, here’s a .pdf copy for you to do so.
Tuesday 9th July
Wednesday 10th July (morning)
Wednesday 10th July (afternoon)
Thursday 11th July (morning)
Thursday 11th July (afternoon)
Full list of talk presenters and titles
Alharbi, Clegg and Öztürk: A Profile of Receptive and Expressive Verb Morphology in Arabic-Speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder
Almohammadi, Alaslani, Alroqi, Aljhlan, Alsulaiman, Albeeshi, Murad and Alnemary: Language Delay in Young Children in Saudi Arabia: Identifying Key Risk Factors
Ashkenazi, Shisman-Dagan, Ravid and Dattner: Acquiring morphological causativity in Hebrew: evidence from mother-toddler interaction
Bohnacker: Nonword repetition, vocabulary and narrative skills in Arabic/Swedish and Turkish/Swedish-speaking children with and without a diagnosis of DLD
Buckle, Branigan, Lindsay and Messenger: Imitate to accumulate: the relationship between syntactic priming and long-term learning
Buckler, Fung and Johnson: A large-scale study of how accent exposure affects vocabulary development
Cahir, Brown, Reilly, Glover and Gartland: Strength and language: Investigating associations between Aboriginal children’s language development and resilience in South Australian communities. [Lightning]
Caunt and Abu-Zhaya: Multilingual daily routines: variability in the input to infants growing up in London [Lightning]
Chambers: Bridging the gap between language and behavioural difficulties in adolescents at risk of exclusion [Lightning]
Charlton, Armstrong, Jack, Chambers, Baker and McKean: Acceptability and feasibility of Talking 2gether: Collaborative Health Visitor and Early Years Practitioner implementation of an early identification and intervention program
Cheung, Willan, Dickerson and Bowyer-Crane: Risk factors for early language delay in a minority ethnic, bilingual, socioeconomically deprived population [Lightning]
Dolscheid (Verlage) and Penke: Visual attention affects children’s production of noun phrases but not transitive sentences.
Ferk-Dornstauder: The Use of Behaviour Change Techniques in Interventions for German-speaking Children with Speech Sound Disorders: Identification and Training
Ferry, Corcoran, Williams, Curtis, Gale and Twomey: Bigger Versus Smaller: Children’s Understanding of Size Comparison Words Becomes More Precise With Age
Foster-Cohen, Newbury and Macrae: The language of inclusion: Co-constructing inter-ability conversations between friends
Frizelle, Buckley, Biancone, Brown, Fletcher, Bishop and McKean: The understanding of complex syntax in children from 5 – 9 years, using a novel assessment approach – the Test of Complex Syntax- Electronic (TECS-E)
Frizelle, McMullan, Looney, Dahly, O’Toole and Hart: The feasibility of an online language programme delivered through music and the impact of dosage on vocabulary outcomes in young children with Down Syndrome.
Frizelle, Murphy and McKean: Maximising the benefits of intervention research to support language and communication in children.
Frizelle, O’Donovan, Jolley, Martin and Hart: The co-construction of a reading assessment checklist with adults with Down syndrome: a meaningful literacy approach.
Geronikou, Mourgela, Papathanasiou and Theodorou: Kindergarten retention in Greece: Investigating Speech, Language, and Cognitive Skills
Hao, Sturt, Rothman and Chondrogianni: Having, accessing, and uptaking syntactic representation: Priming as a learning index in various child populations
Hapsari: A Study to Explore the Public Awareness and Knowledge of Developmental Language Disorder in Indonesia [Lightning]
Harvey: Insights into DLD: Parental Narratives of Diagnosis and Beyond [Lightning]
Heim, Bala and Sinclair: Caregiver modelling and feedback in the context of early questions
Heim and Wiltschko: The emergence of syntactic structure though the lens of interaction
Jack, McKean, Pert, Stringer, Letts, Armstrong, Ashton, Conn, Trebacz, Sandham, Rose, Rush and Masidlover: A randomised controlled trial comparing the efficacy of pre-school language interventions: Building Early Sentences Therapy and an Adapted Derbyshire Language Scheme
James, Thompson, Bowes and Nation: The educational attainment and wellbeing of children with comprehension weaknesses
Jeremic, Stojanovik, Burgoyne, Buckley and Pagnamenta: Shared book reading with young pre-school children with Down syndrome: exploring parent-child interactions and language boosting behaviours
Jones, Jones, Koldewyn and Westermann: Rational inattention: A new theory of neurodivergent information seeking and early individual differences in language development
Kanu, Serratrice and Stojanovik: Measuring Conceptual Vocabulary in a Group of Arabic-Speaking Bilingual Children with and Without DLD [Lightning]
Khattab, Abdelwahab, Alsiddiqi, Floccia, McKean, Oder and Trebacz: An adaptation of the Arabic Communicative Development Inventory for monitoring early vocabulary development in Palestinian refugee children in Lebanon
Kiss: The Bidirectional Relationship between Theory of Mind and Language in Children
Lester, Twomey and Theakston: The role of environmental context in shaping teachers’ linguistic input.
Liang, Mai, Yip and Wu: Early vocabulary development in multilingual toddlers: input and language interaction [Lightning]
Liu and Mai: Exclusive focus marking in spontaneous production by Mandarin preschoolers: a multi-level analysis
Lopukhina, van Heuven, Crowley and Rastle: Where do children look when watching videos with same-language subtitles?
Mathers, Botting, Moss, Spicer-Cain, Meakings, Hegarty and Ross: Using co-production to identify priorities for future research in collaborative working to support primary school children with SLCN [Lightning]
Mao and Pesco: Raising Young Children in Multilingual Montreal: Immigrant Chinese Parents’ Language Choices and Storybook Reading Style
Messenger, Wesierska, Cieplinska and Serratrice: Crosslinguistic priming of syntactic and information structure in bilingual development: Evidence from Polish-English bilingual children
Mills and Moore: Adults’ perceptions of Black children’s narrative quality: A mixed methods study
Nardy, Chevrot, Bouchet, Dai and Karsai: Continuous, Parallel, and Unsupervised Collection of Data on Social Interactions and Speech at Preschool: Issues and Potentials
Neuvonen, Batorowicz, Launonen, Smith, Walter and von Tetzchner: Lexical strategies in event descriptions between children who use communication aids and their speaking communication partners
Newbury, White, Panther, Meissen, Cook, Cowie and Reese: Cultural perceptions of language development in a population sample of 54-month-old children from Aotearoa New Zealand
Nippold: Narrative Discourse in Youth Offenders: Examining Content and Complexity
Nguyen and Pearl: Acquisition of the passive in English-learning children from different socio-economic statuses (SES): A comparison using computational cognitive modeling
Pesco: Storytelling and Story Acting: Impact on Children’s Narrative Skills and Teacher Contributions
Polisenska, Chan, Kapalkova, Chiat, Chen, Fu, Hamdani, Mengel, Janikova, Kan and Zubakova: Crosslinguistic nonword repetition: Evidence across diverse language communities [Lightning]
Pronina, Bambini, Bischetti, Ahufinger, Del Sette, Esteve-Gibert, Florit-Pons and Lecce: Different linguistic and socio-cognitive predictors of pragmatics across modalities in 5–6-year-olds
Reeves and Botting: Tots Talking: feasibility and effectiveness of a community language intervention for pre-school children.
Riches: A growth curve analysis of the English passive in a dense corpus: what can it tell jus about syntactic learning mechanisms?
Rodgers, Herman, Botting and Harding: Dosage specifications for a new intervention for pre-school children with developmental language disorder and speech sound disorder: insights from research and clinical expertise
Sani-Danmallam and Aguado-Orea: An Assessment of Early Bilingual language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts: A validation of the Sentence Repetition Test [Lightning]
Saulpic: Influence of language-promoting practices on oral syntactic development in French-speaking children aged 3 to 5 years
Savi-Karayol, Botting and Morgan: Language Difficulties in Children and Young People in Care Aged 5 to 14 Years
Sgrizzi: The developmental advantage of restructuring verbs: a Growing Trees perspective
Shobbrook: Developing oral comprehension in preschool children with language difficulties: an examination of intervention components and their relevance for research and practice
Short, Munro, Descallar and Cusiter: Dosage factors influencing change in referential and inferential language (RIL) following receipt of Launch to School (L2S): a pre-literacy intervention for preschoolers with communication disorders
Sinkeviciute: Saying ‘no’: Exploring children’s disagreement, refusal and rejection responses in parent-child and sibling interactions
Spicer-Cain and Botting: Early School-Age Language and Communication Outcomes of Children at Increased Likelihood of Communication Difficulties
Stoicescu: Sensitivity to telicity with manner-of-motion verbs and complex Goal prepositions in child Romanian
Surányi: Prosodic and syntactic focus-marking: Cues and competitions in the acquisition of focus comprehension
Surányi and Gulás: Preschoolers’ comprehension of information structure: New evidence from the effect of sentence-level focus on logical scope
Szreder and Duncan: Abstract concept acquisition across domains: the development of emotion and colour categories in 2-year-olds.
Tal, Smith and Culbertson: Agreement marking can benefit child learners
Taha and Dockrell: An exploration of the knowledge, practices, and needs of Arab early years teachers in promoting oral language development
Taylor and Aguado-Orea: Using and Online version of the Sentence Repetition Task to Assess Learning of Verb Number Agreement. [Lightning]
Tiryakiol, Bayram, Zidani-Eroglu and Hao: Cue Strength in Predictive Processing in Child Turkish Heritage Speakers: Case vs. Prosody
Triantafyllidou, Vogelzang and Tsimpli: Beyond Words: Investigating Reading Comprehension in English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Ward, Polisenska and Bannard: Sentence Repetition as a Diagnostic Tool for Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Lightning]
Wehbe: A longitudinal study on the language development of bilingual Arabic-Swedish-speaking children.
Zhang, Brandt and Theakston: Iconicity Affects Children’s Production of Adverbial Clauses Smith, Waters, Wilkes and Hamilton: Parent-child shared reading between the ages of 7 and 12: patterns, barriers and enablers
Zhang, Chen, Li, Li, Lv, Chan, Ge and Tang: Mandarin prosodic focus marking by Cantonese trilingual children with and without autism spectrum disorder
Zuniga-Montanez, Fricke, Lisauskaite, Hutchinson and Bowyer-Crane: Language skills of young children in the first year after the Covid-19 pandemic
van Zwet, Knopp, Unsworth and Schoonen: Cross-linguistic influence in the development of grammatical gender in bilingual children
Wednesday poster presenters and titles
Breen, Linnert, Theakston and Ferry: Neural entrainment as a measure of speech segmentation in infants
Duncan, Szreder and Gollek: eLIPS 2: Development and validation of an observational tool for examining early language in play settings with two-year-olds.
Erramh and Louriz: Positional production of velars in atypical acquisition
Fernández Flecha, Blume and Junyent: Early communication in Peruvian 8-15-month-old children. An approach from multimodality and pragmatics
Freese, Masso, Fox-Boyer and Fricke: Development of consistent word production in German-speaking children aged 2;0-3;5 years
Frizelle, Buckley, Biancone, Dahly, Fletcher, Bishop and McKean: How reliable is assessment of children’s sentence comprehension using a self-directed app? A comparison of supported versus independent use
Gordishevsky, Dvorina and Meir: Null subjects and objects in monolingual and bilingual children: Evidence from Russian and Hebrew
Hughes, Best, Newton and Corrin: Evaluation of a novel intervention, ‘Better Conversations with Developmental Language Disorder’: feasibility and findings from an experimentally controlled case series
Jones, Stewart and Westermann: A maturational frequency discrimination deficit may help explain developmental language disorder
Klobucar: The DPBE in English: a pronoun effect?
Lam, Hayiou-Thomas and Henderson: The effects of wakeful rest on novel word learning in adults and children
Lehmkuhle and Lindgren: Referring expressions in the oral narratives of German-speaking children: The influence of local and global accessibility factors and working memory capacity
Markham, Rabagliati and Bramley: Slow mapping words as incremental meaning refinement
Mathers, Botting, Moss and Spicer-Cain: Collaborative working between Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) and teaching staff in mainstream UK primary schools: A scoping review
Mills and Whitaker: Narrating through time and space: An analysis of preverbal HAD in school-age Black children
Ng: Evaluating narrative skills in two languages of Singaporean bilingual children
Paolantonio: Linguistic input to preverbal Argentine babies
Plaut-Forckosh, Hindi, Beradze and Meir: Cross-Linguistic Influence in the Acquisition of Definiteness: Evidence from L2-Hebrew in the Context of Different L1s (English and Russian)
Porto: The picture theory of symbolic development in early childhood
Pronina and Vanrell: The acquisition of heritage prosody in bilingual vs. multilingual children: Russian heritage children in Madrid and Catalonia
Shannon, McCool and Delafield-Butt: Parental verbal responsiveness to autistic children: when and how?
Snijders, van Witteloostuijn, Oudgenoeg-Paz and Blom: Language mixing in young multilingual children and its correlates: A systematic review
Zhang, Chen, Li, Li, Lv, Chan, Ge and Tang: Third Language Prosodic Focus Marking in Mandarin by Cantonese-English-Mandarin Trilingual Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder
Thursday poster presenters and titles
Alhjahmmed: Exploring the Multilingual Experiences of Libyan Migrant Children in England
AlSulaiman, Aldukair and Altuwajiri: Establishing stuttering instruments for Arabic Children Who Stutter, CWS I. Phonological complexity in Disfluent Speech
Ang, Lee and Sze: Comparing the Performance of Bilingual Children with Developmental Language Disorder and Typical Development on Sentence Repetition: A Systematic Review
Baker, Stringer and McKean: Understanding the Impact of Phonological Awareness Intervention on the Speech Sound Systems of Children with Consistent Phonological Disorder
van den Bosch, Groeneveld and van der Pol: Supporting multilingual children’s Dutch language skills at school: An intervention study
Botting, Moss, Reimers, Davies, Del Rosario, Flynn, Gonzalez-Gomez, Hendry, Hill, McGillion, Shapiro and Henry: The Born in Covid Year – Core Lockdown Effects (BICYCLE) project – investigating language and cognition at 4 years of age
Canut, Saulpic, Laurent and Husianycia: Sequential Analysis of One-off Interactions: The Influence of Scaffolding and Interactive Modalities on the Utilisation of Complex Syntax by Children Aged 3-6
Chen, Mai, Hu and Shang: Reflexive pronouns in Chinese-learning monolingual, bilingual and trilingual toddlers, and their parental input
Cheng, Zhou, Mai and Yip: Lexical Tone Production in Singaporean Mandarin-English Bilingual Preschoolers: Associations with Articulation, Vocabulary and Grammar?
Fayter, Cutting, Mirkovic and Lee: The relationship between meta-linguistic awareness and advanced theory of mind in bi/multilingual and monolingual children
Figueroa, Herman and Morgan: How is narrative development related to early executive functions and language? A longitudinal study in deaf and hearing children
Gowenlock, Norbury and Rodd: Exposure to language in video and its impact on linguistic development in children aged 3-11: A scoping review
Grimes, McKean and Smith: Examining the linguistic, cognitive, and socio-cognitive factors driving language development trajectories using the Early Language in Victoria Study
Izoukha, Charaa and Louriz: The Influence of the Amazigh Vowel Inventory on Amazigh EFL Learners
Liang and Mai: Grammatical development in L1 Cantonese in bilingual children in Hong Kong: early costs and long-term convergence
Magro and Gatt: The Impact of Speech and Language Impairments on 5-to-9-year-olds’ Daily Lives
Matsuoka and Chondrogianni: Narrative macrostructure abilities of Japanese-English bilingual children; Investigating the effects of age, input, reading and schooling
McKean, Jack, Haddad Moussa, Bassaj Hamada, Messara, Kouba Hreich, Trebacz, Floccia and Khattab: Examining barriers and enablers to language enriching early education and care at systems, structural and process levels in Lebanon
Merlo and Puig Mayenco: Beyond the household: unveiling the impact of the bilingual experience on reading comprehension in Spanish as a Heritage language
Nam and Waxman: The Effect of Object Naming on Infants’ Memory and Reasoning About Objects: Evidence From a Change Detection Task
Pang, Zhou, Nie and Mai: Narrative Macrostructure Profiles of Cantonese-English Bilingual Children and Contributing Factors
Pronina, Florit-Pons, Coego and Prieto: Gesture, prosody and sentence imitation in neurotypical and clinical preschool and primary children
Putnam, Karpinsky, Covello, Lee, Harris, Strang, Parish-Morris and Harrop: Getting to Know You: Feasibility of a Naturalistic Language Sampling Protocol with School-Aged Autistic Children
Rodenhurst and Messenger: Comparing bilingual and monolingual children’s interpretation of novel-verb sentences
Roux and Soler Millan: The Acquisition of Initial Stress in French
Viertel, Paleczek and Seifert: Assessing receptive grammar skills using novel task formats in groups: Findings from construction and piloting with pre-school and primary school children
Wang: Children’s Emotional Development Through Parent-child Bilingual Picturebook Reading
White, Sherlock, Solaiman, Bannard, Fricke, Levickis, McKean, Pine, Salter and Matthews: Evaluating a digital service for parents to support toddler language development: A pilot and feasibility service
Zahra, Borg, Clegg and Gatt: Primary school aged children with a history of maltreatment: a scoping review on linguistic profiles and service provision
Zhang: The early acquisition of functional word de(的) in Mandarin-speaking children
Zhao, Serratrice and Cameron-Faulkner: Multicultural families’ home and community language environment
Zhou, Mai, Cai and Cheng: Beyond Words: Referential Gesturing in Bilingual and Monolingual Mother-Child Dyads and Its Role in Early Development
Zuniga-Montanez, Davies, Ligoxygakis, Kaščelan and Gonzalez-Gomez: How did COVID-19 affect young children’s language environment and language development? A scoping review