MSc BCEM+ Trip to Hauxley

Must check this against last year’s pic to see how much more is exposed

Had such an amazing “just for fun” day with the MSc students – not just BCEM but also Sam from Ecological Consultancy and Alex from Food Security – we love to welcome anyone who wants to come. Thanks everyone for coming.

It was one of those days where everything seems ridiculously beautiful: the rain stopped, the sun came out the colours and atmosphere on the beach were stunnig. In the waterside bird hides, the golden eye were close in against the shore so we could properly see their golden eyes, and the little grebe was dabbling in the near distance too – with the godwit, curlew, turnstone, redshank etc on the middle island. In the other bird hide there was every garden bird for the beginner (which some of us were) and the fattest ever pigeon. And the lichens at Druridge bay were dripping.

Birds, seeweeds, fossils, peat beds – so much to see. Every stone tells a story
the peat beds from thousands of years ago with aurochs footprints
Theo is telling us about his contribution to the building and painting of Hauxley Nature Reserve
We just sat and watched and watched and watched – then went to a different hide – and sat and watched some more

MSc (Biodiversity) Conservation and Ecosystem Management

There are four Newcastle University Ecology/Conservation/Biodiversity MSc – plus Marine Consultancy. All of which are designed to put you in a good position in the job market, to improve contacts or to prepare you for a PhD.

  1. (Biodiversity) Conservation and Ecosystem Management – for which I am DPD :
    • This is the most practical of the courses, developing ecological knowldege alongside field and research skills (Field ID, GIS, NVC survey)
    • Statistics are taught in R but assuming less confidence than the other programs
    • Links with local ecological and conservation employers are strong with talks and visits We encourage dissertations that respond to topical questions from these employers
    • We welcome people from other disciplines but who wish to change career and students from overseas who wish to enjoy UK ecosystems
  2. Ecology and Biodiversity
    • Ecology and biodiversity is strong on global wildlife conservation policy and practice. Data management and analysis are emphasised with modules on meta analysis and data visualisation.
  3. Wildlife Management
    • Wildlife Management provides the links between theory and practice of wildlife management, developing practical skills in tracking, surveying and licensing and experimental skills to support evidence for policy.
  4. Ecological Consultancy
    • This gives you all the skills you need to be an ecological consultant. GIS, Phase1 and Phase2 survey, EIA. The dissertation is a consultancy project with a client.

Please check the websites too as these are my summaries

Environmental Science Offer Holders Day

Had fun meeting the potential students and their parents today at Open Day. My ‘lab’ is usually on the moor, but stepped out of my comfort zone, with help from colleagues from Earth Science – especially Dave Early teaching technician – and student ambassadors, who were rewarded with trays of leftover food to take home.

Prospective students brought tapwater from their homes with them to test it for nitrates and compare with the 50ppm threshold. Most were pretty low – the highest nitrate levels were found in Ascot and the lowest in Edinburgh. What can this mean?