Undergraduate Dissertation Posters

I don’t know when I have had such a good group of undergraduate supervisees. It is always good to supervise projects, but these 4 hard-working, independent, resilient dissertation students all pulled it out of the hat – despite the struggles with Covid-19

Sarah and Sacha worked with Forestry England to answer questions that were important to them and that they don’t have the resources or the skills to answer otherwise
Emily identified data from Orca herself, and to be honest, pretty much independently produced a high quality dissertation and poster with very little input from me
And similarly, Robbie contacted and visitied and interviewed agro-forestry enterprises across the UK (well mostly in the south) – and we are now hoping to dip in to agro-forestry at our Cockle Park Farm.
And all of them our now starting new exciting jobs, in conservation, sustainability and the environment

Farnes Trip

One of my favourite places in the world and one of the best things to do, is a boat trip to the Farne Islands. Dr Janet Simkin and I were not allowed to go to the Farnes with our students so we went on our own – well, together on our own.

Only 8 on the little (Billy Shiel) boat, instead of the usual 30, so this was amazing. The mist came down just as we were coming back to land and it was the most exciting, choppiest, lowest visibility I have experienced. We had no idea whether we were heading for Seahouses or Denmark.

We saw sandwich terns (no Artic terns), puffins, guillemots (including bridled), razor bills, kitiwakes, gannets … and other gulls. Seals of course – but the dolphins who had been displaying yesterday and the last few days chose to stay hidden.

(If you notice a better quality of photograph, it is because Janet took all but one of them!)

Predominantly guillemots on their crowded cliff edge. Many of them have left for the open sea now. Love the in-flight pic, Janet
On the harbour while waiting for the dolphins to not appear – we had to be content with a close up of a starling
Link to Billy Shiels boat trips

It is never too late – keep fighting!

Jo came to us as a mature student to study Countrside Management a few years back. It was not always an easy time for her, but she was intelligent, determined, resilient and good company too. I saw this on her LinkedIn account and asked if she could share it, and she said she was pleased to encourage others in a similar position. I hope it inspires and encourages someone else

Bird (and Plant) ID course for MSc students

Mark Whittingham is on the left. I think we were watching the pied flycatchers here

I’m not sure how many pics of us looking at birds in the woods I can include, but this is us with Prof Mark Whittingham – birder (though I suspect twitcher in fact) extroirdinaire and a skilled communicator of his knowledge and enthusiasm.

What a wonderful week the students had with him and with Dr Janet Simkin learning how to identify these species. Sadly I couldn’t get out on the plants days – I snuck along for the final bird day. My personal bird highlight was watching the many nuthatches at the top of the trees, but the variety of bird species around the small cottage and pastures before we entered the woodland was phenomenal: lapwings (probs my absolute favourite – with golden plover), spotted woodpeckers, song thrush, mistle thrush, blackbird, swallows … and others I’ve forgotten.

Mark told me he absolutely loved working with these guys, and it was the best student group he had ever had – partly cos he had actuallydone some proper birding. Thanks for giving our students an amazing experience, Mark.

What happened to me on my return to the office?

Why did I leave it so long before venturing back into my office?
– Was it because I was being extra careful to not spread Covid? Maybe.
– Was it because I actually quite liked being at home? Maybe
– Or was there another reason that meant I left it as long as seemed reasonable? Maybe
Watch the video to find out. I call it, “Bananas”

Don’t let it put you off the Masters course. I put them in the compost.

Bioblitz in the Drummond courtyard

Hands up who knew there was a courtyard behind the Drummond building. One person claimed to have worked at the Uni for 20 years and never knew it was there

Our first Uni bioblitz with staff from the Uni and from EricNorthEast (environmental records). So for Covid we kept it contained in the courtyard – turned out it was a great place – despite some dubious “wild flower” species

Gordon and Melissa checking the pond – for mosquito larvae as it turned otu
Roy sweepnetting in the no-mow vegetation
Alana, Ling and Sam learning from Janet
Recording our species, looking for insects enjoying the day. Thanks so much to Katy and Melissa for organising a wonderful afternoon

A recce of Benshaw Moss with Northumberland Wildlife Trust

No reptiles under that one either

Duncan and Alice took me round their recent acquisition: Benshaw Moss – what a site! I liked it immediatly as I could see dry heath, wet heath, bog, acid grassland – a great range of habitats with potential for improvemnt. But then they showed me the calcareous grassland, the calcareous flushes and the weird iron rich flush and I was bowled over

So a great place for collaboration – for field trips and student projects and hopefully a bioblitz in the autumn

the weird iron rich flush
The waterfalls and calcareous grassland

So much potential – I’m looking forward to seeing what they will do with it and to working with them on student projects

So incredibly happy to be in the field with the Conservation and Ecosystem Management MSc students

Words cannot express how amazing it was to see these students, whom I felt I knew so well from the shoulders up. The sensory overload of seeing the whole of each person in their full 3-dimensional selves was strangely overwhelming.

We had a day at Walltown quarry yesterday, enjoying the Whin and other calcareous grassland, and today at Middleham quarry for magnesian limestone. I just realised I never took any pictures of the beautiful, species rich grassland – too busy capturing the people and their enthusiasm for the learning and delight at being out in the sun (and rain) and immersing themselves in plants and soil.

Thanks to Gill at the National Park and for the people at Natural England and Tarmac for access onto the sites. To the students for being so engaged, so good at working with each other and so quick to pick up the new techniques. And mostly to Dr Janet Simkin who has worked phenomenally to ensure that, despite numerous changes to arrangements caused by the you-know-what-C-word, the students have had a rich, valuable and fun experience … more to come

Magnesian limestone – NVC practice
The woodland on the edge of the Sill grassland – coming to grips with Phase 1 UK Hab Survey
Is it a ranker? Is it a rendzina? Is it a calcareous brown earth? Is that a C horizon or an A plus C?

Meeting students in person

Normally this would not be the most exciting of photos, but was the first time I had met two of my MSc Conservation and Ecosystem Management students although I had felt I had got to know them reasonably well. Was wonderful to see you in person, Taleb and Alex.
Here we are discussing the no-till and spelt plots at our University Farm, Nafferton

Also saw a lapwing diving, the skylarks ascending and singing and a hare dashing across the field. Nafferton must be doing something right!

A morning with IIT Delhi – international exchange

I’ve been so missing students being able to go overseas and getting international experience – so organised an exchange with Delhi…

… the environmental undergraduates in Delhi and Newcastle worked together in small, mixed groups to compare the problems and solutions of air, water and e-waste between the two cities. We were so impresed with the way the students worked together and produced potenial solutions in the short time given.

Thanks to https://home.iitd.ac.in/ and Kate Lavender and Lesley Jackson for all the hard work