Newcastle University Hatton Gallery | **Open Exhibition Call** | Closing date No.1: 5pm Fri Dec 14th 2018

Newcastle University Hatton Gallery | **Open Exhibition Call** | Closing date No.1: 5pm Fri Dec 14th 2018

Newcastle University’s Institute for Creative Arts Practice, in partnership with Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, invite proposals from Newcastle University staff and Early Career Researchers, from all Faculties, to produce an exhibition at the Hatton Gallery during pre-agreed time slots in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Proposals might be to present the outcomes of research projects, to test works in progress, to display a body of work, or to explore the results of collaborative endeavours. The work must result in high quality creative outputs in keeping with the Hatton Gallery’s world-class exhibitions. With culture and creative arts recognised as one of five key research strengths in the University’s Vision & Strategy (Oct 2018) this is an ideal opportunity to showcase University research.

Proposals are welcome which also reflect TWAM’s mission – to help people determine their place in the world and define their identities, so enhancing their self-respect and their respect for others.

Please note, that this call invites the use of high profile exhibition space within the Hatton Gallery to present research projects. There is no funding attached to the call for exhibition design & production. This means that applicants should indicate the source/intended source of funding for this work (NB: if applying for external funding some match funding might be available dependent on the funder).

More details and application form attached.

Closing date for 2019 slot: 5pm Fri December 14th 2018

Closing Date for 2020 slots: 5pm Friday 29th March 2019

About the Hatton Gallery:


NU_TWAM Hatton Gallery Exhibitions Call+Application_Final for Circulation_11_Oct_18

Directors Day Programme

The Institute of Cellular Medicine Research Day will be held this Friday 14th September 2018 in the David Shaw Lecture Theatre and Foyer.

There will be a selection of presentations from within the Institute as detailed in the programme (link below). We will also have poster presentations and lightning talks, all showcasing the excellent range of work within our Institute.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day, for what promises to be an exciting opportunity to discuss our research.

D Day Programme 2018

“World Cafe” Style Workshops


Dear Colleagues

On the 27th July 2018 Executive Board granted permission for FMS to develop proposals to redesign Faculty structures.  This followed an External Peer Review undertaken in July, and an ensuing Town Hall meeting held on 18th July where key conclusions were disseminated, namely that:

  • A Faculty restructure is needed as a matter of urgency.
  • Key objectives include maximising potential in research and education, interdisciplinarity, communication and reputation.
  • Redesign should and will fit well with the new transformational University strategic initiatives.
  • If executed properly, the process will take FMS from “good” to “excellent”.

The slides and town hall event recap can be found at Faculty of Medical Sciences FMS from Good to Great

Staff participation at all stages is vital for this programme to succeed. Effective engagement will ensure that diverse experience and knowledge, as well as unmet and hidden needs inform our work.  You will shortly be invited to book onto “World Café” style workshops which are being hosted by either David Burn, Dave Jones, Jane Calvert or Derek Mann. For information the dates are as follows:



Time Venue
Mon 10th September 1230-1400 Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Thur 13th September 0900-1030 Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Mon 17th September 0930-1100


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Tue 18th September 1500-1630


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Fri 21st  September 0900-1030


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Thur 27th September 1100-1230 Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Thur 27th September 1500-1630


Baddiley Clark Seminar Room
Tue 2nd October 1000-1130 G21/22, Devonshire Building
Tue 2nd October 1500-1630


G21/22, Devonshire Building
Thurs 4th October 1500-1630


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building
Fri 5th October 1330-1500 G21/22, Devonshire Building
Mon 8th October 1000-1130


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building
Tue 9th October 1000-1130 G21/22, Devonshire Building
Tue 9th October 1400-1530


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building
Fri 12th October 1400-1530


Bamburgh Room, Hadrian Building

Booking form >

The impact of the Anthropocene on human health – ERDP Seminar, 1-2pm 11 September

Please find attached flyer with information on the next ERDP Unit hosted seminar ‘The impact of the Anthropocene on human health, and what to do about it’ to be delivered by Dr Susanne Magdalena Karr, 1-2pm on Wednesday 11 September in seminar room 1.43, Ridley building 2, and an additional document with more information on the speaker.

Numbers will be limited to ensure there will be adequate opportunity for discussion. Please sign up using this link or by emailing

SKarr 110918 flyer

Susanne Karr_CV_short

PL-UK Science Forum 13-14 September

Please find attached an invitation from the British Embassy in Warsaw to The UK-Polish Science Forum in Warsaw on 13-14 September. The agenda for the event and descriptions of the workshops are attached.

Representatives from the Royal Society, UUK and British Council are confirmed, but they would also like to invite UK researchers and academics with experience of or interest in collaboration with Polish institutions.

My understanding is also that the Embassy has offered to cover the costs of accommodation and flights for the first 30 participants who register and we’d also be happy to contribute from the Horizon 2020 Support Fund.


Science Forum agenda

SAVE THE DATE: FMS Post Doc Symposium 2019

Following on from the successful 2018 event held in June, I can confirm that the date of the 2019 Post Doc Symposium will be 21st June 2019.

They keynote speaker will be Professor Ana Maria Cuervo, Professor in Developmental and Molecular Biology, Anatomy and Structural Biology, and Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Further information will follow over the next few months but it is David Burn’s expectation that this will be attended by all academics.

Could you please ensure that this date is widely publicised within your Units and that academic and research staff are asked to keep the date free to attend

Director’s Day Abstract – submission reminder

DEADLINE: Friday 17th August – 9.00am

Dear all (Postgraduate students, Fellows and Research Associates)

The annual ICM Director’s Research Day will be held on Friday 14th September 2018.  All Postgraduate Students, Fellows and Research Associates are invited to submit abstracts for consideration as oral or poster presentations.

Abstracts should detail:

  • your name and Theme
  • be no more than 300 words in length (excluding title and authors)
  • Background, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion

Abstracts will be scored by the Theme Leads within ICM.

Abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentations and prizes for best oral and poster presentations will be awarded during the Research Day.

Full height exhibition boards will be used for the posters, each measuring 1810mm high by 923mm wide and best support portrait posters of A0 (841mm x 1189mm)

The ICM is keen to recognise the important research contributions made by its MRes, MD and PhD students, as well as by its Research Associates.  We encourage you to submit your best work.

Director’s Day is a great opportunity to highlight the excellence and diversity of research that is carried out within the ICM and we look forward to your participation.

Abstracts must be submitted by 9am on Friday 17th August 2018. Please e-mail your abstract to

Those selected for oral or poster presentation will be notified no later than Friday 31st August.