Welcome to KATS!

Welcome to the Kids Action Thru Science (KATS) blog! This is an education programme developed as part of the Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub. It is designed to engage children as citizen scientists with a focus on the UN SDGs.

Here we will post information and updates about Newcastle University’s KATS project. Please explore the various pages to learn about KATS, the different projects we have delivered (UK, Puffin Project, EFECTS, Barbados and India), our team, any updates or events and how to contact us. Stay tuned for updates….meanwhile, find out more about our recent projects!

Celebrating our Puffineers!

June 2022 saw the culmination of the KATS: Puffin Project, with children from three schools and their teachers visiting Newcastle University. The KATS team devised and led the programme, whereby students from Felton C of E Primary, West Jesmond became citizen scientists adding their voices and data to research that looks at how climate change affects biodiversity…with a focus on Puffins.

Find out more by taking a look at Flooded Cellar’s new video and visiting our website page.