Learning about Holi and Continuing the UK – India Network

This week we returned to St Teresa’s Primary to talk about pollution in our oceans and how their students are part of a global network with a community in Delhi.

Shveta Mathur – our KATS: India colleague and Urban Practitioner at the Janya Collective – spoke to the children about the environmental issues affecting Delhi. The children realised that these issues extend far beyond their immediate surroundings and touch lives on the other side of the world.

The children then got to read the postcards that the children from Nizamuddin Basti has wrote them a week prior. It was amazing to see the children engage with peers from a different part of the world, united by a shared concern for our environment. Shveta also spoke to the children about the Indian festival of Holi – and not long after that, the children immersed themselves in the vivid colours of Holi.

Equipped with newfound knowledge and inspiration, the children then created posters with messages about pollution in our oceans. The excitement reached it’s peak when it was announced that the lucky winners would have their posters displayed in Newcastle Arts Centre!

We can’t wait to keep this global network of citizen scientists and climate superheroes going!