
What do KATS alumni say about us?

We aim to have a positive impact on overturning young people’s climate anxieties through innovative and empowering hands-on learning. So, we love to hear what teachers and young people have to say about their experience of KATS!

St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School (KATS: North East Combined Authority)

“An absolutely amazing experience for the children and one that has really helped to embed the importance of a very real threat to life in our seas and oceans…plastic pollution.

Elle and the KATS Team at Newcastle University had such a wonderful rapport with the children and helped make serious issues involving marine biology very accessible to the children, who have been fully engaged and enthusiastic throughout the process.

Gosforth East Middle (KATS: North Eased Combined Authority)

“The KATS project has been amazing. It has been the epicentre of a renewed “buzz” around school about environmentalism and science. The children explored the challenges and possible solutions to the climate crisis in a variety of hands-on ways which kept them engaged and stimulated. Key concepts and information were repeated over the course of the project, ensuring retention and consolidation.

I feel the loop of learning outside the classroom feeding into work inside it and vice versa is a key one for successful learning. Not only was KATS a perfect example of this, but it was also an exemplar of it running smoothly thanks to the hard work and excellent preparation that Elle put in. I look forward to further collaboration in the future!

The Janya Collective (KATS: India)

“The KATS India pilot program helped understand that there is a clear demand for more of such initiatives to build awareness on climate change.

While several programs exist in Indian schools on climate change, KATS stands out due to its proactive approach of empowering children to address climate change in a child friendly and technology driven manner. The use of VR sets, weather stations and dynamic air and weather monitors, the children were able to perceive and record changes in data instantly.”

West Jesmond Primary School (KATS: Puffin Project & EFECTS)

“KATS projects are just simply fantastic!

“We have now been lucky enough to be part of two KATS projects at West Jesmond Primary School, both of which have been amazing experiences for all of our young people involved.

The unique approach of the KATS team and the very hands-on practical elements of the projects, immediately engages the children and grasps their attention right from the start; enabling them to instantly relate their learning and the impact of their everyday actions to the current environmental issues all around the world, thus empowering a new generation of climate superheroes. The excitement of using the technology such as the VR headsets and the air and weather monitors, really helped to bring their learning to life and, along with the final day’s visit to the Great North Museum, were real project highlights for us all!.

I cannot recommend the KATS project highly enough and we can’t wait to be involved again next year! Thank you Elle, Andrea and all of the KATS team!”

Benton Park Primary School (KATS: EFECTS)

“What a wonderful project it was to be a part of! The kids absolutely loved all four days of the project! There was a variety of different activities and it never felt repetitive. It really educated our young people to think about what action they can take to fight climate change and realise the current situation the Earth is in. The VR headsets and the day at the Great North museum were real highlights for our children. It gave some of them opportunities they would never otherwise have and they are still talking about it now!

We really appreciate being involved in this project and hope we are asked back next year! WE cannot recommend it enough, thank you.”

Eco Kids Barbados (KATS: Barbados)

“I think the tools that you had brought were really exciting for the kids. Being able to have the VR headsets and have that experience, as not everyone is not able to go snorkelling with the sea turtles. To have that connection to what is all around them is really important, but I feel that was just a taster, there is so much more that the kids need. If KATS could be a programme on the island, it should be in every school.”

Corbridge Middle School (KATS: UK)

“Having Newcastle University come in and working with our children on a Friday afternoon for six weeks has been a real joy, watching the different academics come in and talk about their passions. Seeing the excitement on the kids’ faces, the project has shown us that getting kids creative by taking climate action, that’s how we can drive change.”