Christine Bruce visit to Newcastle

Christine Bruce is a leading expert on Information Literacy. She is based at Queensland University of Technology and has published extensively on this topic. Her ideas have informed a lot of the work we’ve done at Newcastle. I am delighted to say that she has offered to visit Newcastle on 2nd April 2007 and run a workshop based around her paper “Six frames for IL”. The workshop will be sponsored by QuILT and will include some other speakers, still to be finalised. It will be of interest to library, academic and staff development staff. Put the date in your diary now!!

Durham School Librarians’ meeting

Today I was invited to talk to a meeting of the Durham School Librarians about information literacy and my NTF project. Eleven people attended and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them all. I think we agreed that the info lit challenges faced by school librarians are very similar to those faced by university librarians – issues about whose responsibility it is, needing to have an institutional commitment and especially the issue of time. With such a structured curriculum there was a general feeling that teachers are inclined to spoon feed info to students to get good grades and that changing learning habits gets a low priority. Several members of the group are keen to assist with running my survey in their schools, which is great, as it will give me a much broader based set of data.

LIMES project

LIMES – Library and Information Management Employability (and the website really is lime!)

The LIMES project is working with LIS academics to create teaching materials which can be used in library schools to help people studying to be librarians learn more about information literacy. This is a definite gap in current librarianship courses, so should be very welcome.
I have been invited to a workshop looking to create a Community of Practice amongst LIS academics to share teaching materials. It will be on 23rd Nov in Birmingham.
I wonder whether the CoP might extend to those of us involved in staff training in libraries – there may be things we can use to help with staff development and also contribute to a central resource. If anyone has any comments please let me know and I’ll raise them at the workshop.


Info lit down under

I have been re-reading some articles in preparation for my trip. “Australia leads two sets to one – Information literacy down under” by Jo Parker and Liz Waller, Sconul Newsletter 26, 2002 p23. gives an accunt of a similar visit a few years ago. Even then it seems IL was much more embedded within universities at the highest levels in Australia, with many more institutional level policies. I’d like us to move towards that here at Newcastle, maybe the info I bring back from my visits will help to inform our development.…tter/26/CH6.pdf

Itinerary for Australia trip


This is my planned itinerary for my NTF trip to New Zealand and Australia:
18th Oct – leave UK
20th – 27th Oct University of Canterbury at Christchurch, NZ
3rd – 8th Nov Brisbane. Visiting QUT and UQ Libraries
9th-17th Nov Perth. Visiting UWA, Curtin and Murdoch Libraries

I will be running surveys with library and academic staff as well as discussing issues relating to information literacy, international students, research support and podcasting.


Now I know how to add pictures! Progress at last. Pippin is sitting on my desk helping me work. This is not a waste of time – I should be able to add pics of my travels now!

School librarians

On 10th Oct I will be meeting a group of school librarians from around Durham. They will be telling me what goes on in their schools relating to info lit, I hope and helping me with my project by participating in the perceptions survey.