Since my study leave ended last week and I returned to work, I am faced with the dilemma of balancing project work with picking up the strings of my real job as liaison librarian while at the same time having a home life. For now, I think the Christmas shopping is winning! However, I know there a few folk out there (my “blogees”!) who have been reading the blog regularly – you range from friends and family, colleagues from Newcastle and the libraries I visited, plus quite a few info lit friends from the UK and elsewhere. Although I won’t be posting as many items from now on, I do plan to keep the blog goig at least for the next 2 years, which is the life of the NTF project, so do keep reading it, if only for all the photos I still have. (Jack, one of our Library porters, didn’t believe I’d taken the photos – I’ll take that as a compliment, rather than amazement at my unsuspected skills!)

The sea at Chrsitchurch, NZ