Libraries without Walls, Lesvos, Greece

This is the first day of the LWW conference – and this has to be one of the best conference locations I’ve ever been to. This is the view from my hotel room of Molyvos and the Aegean!

The conference programme looks good too. I’m looking forward to hearing the talk by Kara Jones and Kate Robinson – Kara tells me it is about a project which involves international students contributing their views on books from their home country into a wiki which then links into the library catalogue. Sounds like a great idea. More when I’ve actually heard the presentation!

Just another pic of the sea:

In their own words

I’ve just had a look at this new publication “In their own words” from JISC which looks at e-learning, its benefits, possibilities and challenges, from the perspective of the learner. It makes interesting reading, confirming much which we already know about wikipedia and Google use. I was a bit mystified by this statement though: ” .. library and learning centre staff would benefit from evaluations of how best to conduct and support research activites” It’s a bit depressing!

Yosemite National Park…intheirownwords

International students – how can exclusivity lead to inclusivity?

Next week I’m going to the LWW7 conference in Greece, with Marie Scopes from Leeds Met and Karen Senior from Bolton, to present our paper on library support for international students. As part of our project, we’ve run a questionnaire, survey websites and talked to students to discover just what the situation and issues are, before proposing some solutions and examples of good practice. The paper will be published in the LWW7 conference proceedings and the full SCONUL report next January.

San Francisco Airport Library