Supporting researchers in academic libraries

I just realised I haven’t mentioned on the blog that Pat Gannon-Leary and I are giving a talk at the UCRG Northern Group Autumn event at Durham University on the afternoon of 3rd Dec. Entitled “Supporting researchers in academic libraries” the event also includes talks by Michael Jubb, Director, Research Information Network (RIN) and Eleanor Loughlin,Graduate Training Officer and Nicola Siminson,Researcher Training Librarian from Durham Univesity. Pat and I will be talking about some of the research we did for our book.

Birds at Furnace Creek Ranch, Death Valley. I never did look up what they were!

Info Lit and researchers

The SCONUL Working Group on Information Literacy is organising a joint CONUL/SCONUL one-day seminar at Dublin City University on 31st January 2008. Entitled “Information strategies for researchers : where are we making a difference?” it features lots of interesting talks from people such as Andrew Booth, Angela Newton, Dermot Diamond, Sheila Webber, Marie Reddan and myself and Jo Webb. Jo and I will be using some of the research from our book to talk about info lit in a researcher’s learning life.

Half Dome Yosemite National Park, Aug 2007…acy/events.html

Librarians as NTFs

Last week I was involved in a workshop here at Newcastle supporting candidates for the next NTF scheme. Participants were mainly academic staff, with just a couple of “support” or, as our VC likes to call us, “professional” staff present. There are still only a few librarians who are NTFs and it would be great to have some more. David Sadler from the HEA is coming to the next WGIL meeting to discuss this issue and think about how more librarians might be encouraged to join the HEA and apply to the NTFS. If there’s anyone out there who is thinking of applying, then stop thinking and do it! I’d be very happy to give advice if you need it.

Death Valley USA

Info Lit institutional policies

Having just given a talk to our university T&L committee about my project, at which I was asked “What is an information literate university?” I am interested to see that Sheila Corrall’s survey of strategic engagement with info lit in HE is now available. She found that “information literacy was represented in strategy documents at 75 institutions, including 51 examples in university-level strategies, though the types of strategy document varied significantly. IL was well represented in institutional strategies for information, student skills, and learning and teaching, but less evident in statements of graduate attributes and research strategies”.

Corrall, S.M. (2007). “Benchmarking strategic engagement with information literacy in higher education: towards a working model” Information Research, 12(4) paper 328.

Death Valley, USA