Visit to Australia 2010

It’s been a while since I posted anything on my blog, not because I haven’t got lots of things to say, but because I just haven’t been able to find the time recently. However, it’s the start of a new month and I’m currently in Australia, in what seems to be the hottest period they have had for a while (it was 47 degrees yesterday!). This is mainly a holiday, but I am going to take the time to visit the 3 libraries in WA which I was able to visit on my last trip here in 2006. That visit was the reason for me starting the blog initially, so it seems an appropriate time to start it again.
I learned a lot last time I was here and some of that information fed into the SCONUL report on International students which was published in 2008. I’m keen to find out how the libraries have developed since my last visit and to see what new ideas I can take back home this time.

Osprey landing on nest near Mandurah (courtesy of Darryl, though I’m hoping to see this myself tomorrow!)