Journal of Information Literacy

The first issue of the new online Journal of Information Literacy (JIL) has just been published. Jil is “an international, peer-reviewed, academic journal that aims to investigate Information Literacy (IL) within a wide range of settings. Papers on any topic related to the practical, technological or philosophical issues raised by the attempt to increase information literacy throughout society are encouraged” This first issue, whilst mainly university focused, has an interesting article on integrating learning styles and IL into the year 9 curriculum at Malvern Girl’s College.

Sunset over Port Kennedy WA


Schools and IL

Staghorn fern growing on a log

The issue of ALISS Quarterly which I mentioned yesterday also has some interesting articles on IL in schools:
School librarians and the Google generation by Sarah Pavey
Information literacy, the link between second and tertiary education: project origins and current developments – John Crawford and Christine Irving

ALISS Journal article

Turtle dove nesting in hanging basket, Port Kennedy, WA.

The latest issue of the ALISS Quarterly Journal, Volume 2, No 1, October 2006. p27-32 has an article by myself and Sophie Brettell entitled “What’s wrong with a good idea? An Information literacy toolkit in practice”.
It’s part of an info lit themed issue which also includes the following articles:
“The challenge of the google generation to informatin literacy” by Peter Goodwin, “Creating an Ipod library tour” by Maria Mawson et al. and “From Montaigne to Orwell – the development of Learning objects at Birkbeck College” by Wendy Lynwood and David Flanders

IL in schools

Another report from RGU on their work with teachers and IL has just been published:
Williams, D.A. and Wavell, C. (2006) Untangling Spaghetti? The Complexity of Developing Information Literacy in Secondary School Students. Research funded by Scottish Executive Education Department. Aberdeen: The Robert Gordon University and Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

“The study took the form of a case study focusing on how the teacher and librarian deliver information skills through an information activity with a small group of students in their second year at secondary school. Data was collected through field notes of lessons observed by the researchers and recorded post-lesson reflective discussions with the teacher and librarian. ”


Info lit down under

I have been re-reading some articles in preparation for my trip. “Australia leads two sets to one – Information literacy down under” by Jo Parker and Liz Waller, Sconul Newsletter 26, 2002 p23. gives an accunt of a similar visit a few years ago. Even then it seems IL was much more embedded within universities at the highest levels in Australia, with many more institutional level policies. I’d like us to move towards that here at Newcastle, maybe the info I bring back from my visits will help to inform our development.…tter/26/CH6.pdf