Next week is the beginning of the university term, and it comes with lots of new developments:
*5 new undergraduate tutees,
*3 undergraduate projects (1 working with a tidal energy company, 1 developing a demonstration for STEM activities and 1 working on wave energy converter testing)
*1 industrial placement student, commissioning a new linear test-rig
Also this month we got the results from our linear transverse flux machine, shown below, plus three PhD students submitted their PhD thesis. Below is Liam and Junnan looking pleased with themselves in my messy office.
We had equipment delivered to the new USB, where we are the first people to conduct experimental work in the EPT lab.
In terms of research, I am pleased to welcome 1 new phD student and the ENCASE project started. Mehmet Kulan is confirmed as a member of research staff for the next 3 years, after being one of my PhD students. The ENCASE Project (Enabling Novel Controls & Advanced Software for Engines) is a collaboration headed up by Rolls Royce, and our role is to develop the permanent magnet alternator. Will hopefully involve the design and demonstration of some high end electrical machines which are easy to manufacture in a repeatable process. More details and a website to follow.

Finally, Steve McDonald presented two papers at the Eurpoean Wave and Tidal Conference in Cork (EWTEC 2017) and Ahmed Amoraya presented two papers at the 20th International conference on Electrical Machines and System (ICEMS 2017) In Sydney