Category Archives: Philosophy News


Hi everyone.

This is a message for stages 1 & 2. For everyone taking the stage 1 module ‘Existentialism and the Self’ and the stage 2 module ‘Consciousness, Art and Technology’, the module information is now available on Blackboard. If you look under ‘Announcements’ you will find directions to module outlines, reading/lecture material, assessment and contacts.

Let me know if you have any questions


The first post and news

First and most importantly, congratulations to all our stage 3 students who will be graduating in July. Enjoy the summer, unless you are immediately starting work…. But enjoy that as well.

Second, congratulations to stages 1 and 2 for some good work and take a rest before we start in earnest in Autumn. Remember that we shall be in a new building (Bedson) with bright, shiny, new furniture.

Have a nice summer.