Many of you will know that long-standing Newcastle phonologist, SJ Hannahs, retired in January last year. However, it’s not all bad news, the School of English are hiring for a Professor of Linguistics.

Closing Date: 12/02/2020
Interview Date: 26/03/2020
More information (including Candidate Information Pack):
Informal enquiries:
Professor James Annesley (Head of School OR
Dr Geoff Poole (Head of the Language & Linguistics Subject Group
The School of English Literature, Language & Linguistics at Newcastle University seeks to appoint an outstanding researcher and teacher to the post of Professor of Linguistics. The appointee will make a major contribution to research and learning & teaching in Language and Linguistics, and provide strategic leadership for the Language and Linguistics Subject Group.
We invite applications from individuals with an outstanding record in research (including outputs, external grant income, and PhD supervision), successful research and academic leadership experience, an established international reputation, and a record of excellence in teaching and impact.
The School welcomes applications from specialists in any field of language and linguistics who can contribute to and enhance the existing strengths of the Language and Linguistics Subject Group in the School. We particularly encourage candidates with a collaborative orientation whose expertise connects with diverse sub-disciplines of Language and Linguistics.