All posts by Katarzyna

Today we had the first meeting of our new Working Group

We had a very enjoyable first meeting. Thank you very much to everyone for volunteering their time to work with us, it was great to meet you and we are looking forward to working with you over the next 3 years, developing outreach and educational materials and sharing our research journey.

If you are interested in participating but couldn’t attend today, the recording of the meeting is available to watch and you are more than welcome to joi us at our next session in June. If you’d like to watch the video or join the Working Group, please email

Thank you.

An opportunity to join our new Working Group

We are looking for members of the public who would like to be involved in a Working Group, and take part in lab meetings, provide a fresh perspective on the work performed in the laboratory, have an active voice in the decisions we take as to the direction of our research and help us deliver their teaching and public engagement activities related to musculoskeletal health and ageing that stem from our work.

For more details, please click here or email

Thank you.