Great festive fun, and a big thank you to Mike for writing it!
Great festive fun, and a big thank you to Mike for writing it!
We are looking for members of the public who would like to be involved in a Working Group, and take part in lab meetings, provide a fresh perspective on the work performed in the laboratory, have an active voice in the decisions we take as to the direction of our research and help us deliver their teaching and public engagement activities related to musculoskeletal health and ageing that stem from our work.
For more details, please click here or email katarzyna.pirog@ncl.ac.uk
Thank you.
We had a lovely socially distanced evening at the”Ignite” installation at Gibside to celebrate (the end of) 2020 and for some Christmas cheer. Merry Christmas everyone!
To apply, please click: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/postgraduate/funding/sources/ukeustudents/bi034.html
This interdisciplinary project combines the expertise of two supervisors (a cartilage biologist and a tissue engineer) to develop a bioprinted mechanically responsive tissue engineered model of cartilage and generate a transcriptomic and proteomic profile of healthy cartilage ageing.
For more details of the project, please check: https://nc3rs.org.uk/investigating-biomechanical-responses-healthy-and-diseases-ageing-cartilage-tissue-engineering.
Details of the project can be found here: https://nc3rs.org.uk/investigating-biomechanical-responses-healthy-and-diseases-ageing-cartilage-tissue-engineering
The studentship will be advertised shortly, watch this space!
Well done Thais! An online viva and a Zoom celebration for now, but we will have a proper one for your graduation for sure!
A big thank you to the examiners, Dr Emma Blain and Dr Ana Ferreira-Duarte, for conducting the viva. Thank you to JGW Patterson Foundation for funding this exciting project in tissue engineering of cartilage.
Congratulations from a very proud supervisor!
The Virtual Forum, organised in association with ECTS, OIF and OIFE, will comprise invited lectures, meet the expert sessions, workshops, clinical case discussions, oral communications, poster discussions and networking sessions.
The aim is to present and discuss new research in investigative, diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients with bone fragility disorders and to foster the exchange of ideas and discussion of ongoing initiatives.
Kasia will be speaking on Thursday at 7pm, and talking about “Altered intracellular homeostasis in bone fragility”
Standard registration is €150 and reduced registration is €90. To register, please click here
Huge congratulations to Rachel Pearson for completing her JGW Patterson funded MRes in Ageing and Health project in these difficult COVID19 circumstances. Great presentation and very interesting results, well done!