Category Archives: Conferences

We had a blast at the BSMB in Bristol

We had a great time at the “The Dynamic Matrix: Mechanics, Ageing and Repair” meeting in Bristol. We were there 9th-10th April for the Annual Spring Meeting of the British Society for Matrix Biology (BSMB). We presented 3 posters, contributed one report, discussed multiple collaborations and had a great time listening to the amazing science by Prof Elizar Zelzer, Prof Farshid Guilak, Dr Joe Swift, Prof Tonia Vincent and Prof Reinhard Faessler, amongst others.

Well done and thanks to Francesca, Marc and Roufaida for presenting a poster and generating interesting discussions!

It’s the NEPG this Friday!

The NEPG conference ( is the largest student-led annual biomedical conference in the UK, offering postgraduate students valuable presentation and networking opportunities with their peers. This year, Jack Roberts from the SRG is in the organising committee, and the SRG students Abby Brumwell, Adam, Duxfield, Dan Hayman and Marc Farcasanu will be presenting their work.

There’s still time to join if you’re interested!

Absolutely amazing BSMB meeting in Liverpool

We were at the British Society for Matrix Biology meeting in Liverpool this month. An amazing meeting full of great science around development and ageing, including a great networking morning with the ECMage network (really exciting projects and ideas there!). Lovely to see so many new tissue engineering approaches and opportunities to collaborate with friends old and new.

And a big thank you and well done to Francesca, Marc and Rachel, who presented posters about our EC, NC3Rs, and JGW Patterson Foundation funded projects.