A little bit of R&R over the Easter Break.

I have to admit that when we decided to write a blog on our four week long Easter holiday I was slightly worried about my lack of activity. Don’t get me wrong, films had been watched, lie-ins were had, too much food had been eaten and I had managed to successfully avoid any form of physical activity. But, the academic side of life had taken an ermm….backseat. This was not due to a sudden lack of work (I wish) but rather my need for some serious R&R after a long winter term. I have to say that after one week back in lecture my 4 week break seems to have paid off. It is always hard getting back into the swing of things but coming back to Newcastle both well -rested and with a fully belly (courtesy of my mother) getting back into essay writing and lectures was much easier. It got me thinking about sitting my final school exams and always being told that ‘rest is just as important as studying.’ It appears that there is definitely an element of truth in that advice! If you are preparing for you Highers, Advanced Highers or A-Levels right now then maybe getting a bit of R&R is exactly what you need – four weeks might be pushing it though!


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About b0183747

Hi! I am Jocelyn and I am currently in the second year of my Politics degree at Newcastle University. I am originally from Glasgow but decided to venture south of the border to study as no university experience is complete without some student debt! I decided to study politics in my final year of school as it was, quite simply, my favourite subject. I am now a year and half into my degree and I am happy to say that Politics was definitely the right choice for me! I am currently living in Jesmond (along with the rest of the student population!) which is very close to campus and the city centre.