Exams on the Horizon

With essay deadlines passed, and only 3 weeks left till the beginning of the exam season, sights have started to turn towards revision. For me, revision consists of churning through swathes of lecture notes, re-writing them over and over, in different formats, whether it is long lists or spider diagrams. This is much the same as I revised for my A-Levels, but with more exams under my belt now, I’ve come to learn what works for me, and thus can tailor my revision period as such. With the semester-based system used in Universities, these exams also have the benefit that you’re only learning two-three months’ worth of content, opposed to A-levels, when I remember having to go back to notes I made half a year previous. Even so, I, like many others, will rack up the hours spent in the library over the next few weeks, and the 6th June can’t come soon enough. However, while in some respects the summer term isn’t the best, it isn’t all bad news. Even up here in Newcastle, the temperature does increase fractionally, and with the days are getting longer, the opportunity for evenings spent in Jesmond’s beer gardens is one Newcastle students do not miss out on.