Archive Grace Laws


By Grace Laws

Are you passionate about sharing the latest research? If there is a concept in science, maths, engineering or technology you can share on stage in just three minutes then FameLab is for you. FameLab is an international competition and a fantastic, exciting way to communicate research. Previous finalists have tackled curiosities such as “Can we stop ageing?” and “The science of love”. Since 2005, FameLab has been offering a snapshot into the world of science and the 2017 competition is about to begin!

UK competitors have the chance to win a weekend Master Class alongside media & communication skills experts. Successful competitors will be given the opportunity to appear in the FameLab International Final at the Cheltenham Science Festival in June 2017.

If you are currently working in science, technology, engineering or maths and over the age of 21 then you are eligible to join in. More details can be found on the website:

For those based in Newcastle, the Newcastle heats are taking place at the Centre for Life on the 27th January 2017. This heat will be part of the Friday Night Life adult event at the science centre.

Archive Leonie Schittenhelm

Work hard, play hard – what has LEGO™ got to do with science?

By Leonie Schittenhelm

Getting your hands on one of the coveted LEGO™ catalogues, full of marvels and usually conveniently found in toy shops, was always considered a lucky day in my house. Discussions about new models with friends and family and overturning our LEGO™ collections to build something even remotely similar invariably ensued.  My prime objective was having fun, so only in hindsight is it that I learned about all the positive effects playing with the colourful building blocks was supposed to have: improving spatial sense, honing fine motor skills and encouraging creativity. Now that I’m working in a lab full time, incidentally these are all skills I am using every day, from figuring out how a molecule might bind to a receptor to pipetting a truly minuscule amount of reagent. After facing repeated criticism for targeting their marketing campaigns increasingly towards boys, with their ranges targeted at girls often portraying harmful gender stereotypes, LEGO™ even introduced a mini-figure range of female scientists.

But LEGO™ is not only a thing to be enjoyed when you’re a child – researchers all over the world are using the brick-based toy for their own purposes. A group of researchers in Canada uses a lego-built model to teach first year medical students how to interview a patient most effectively. And – maybe not surprisingly – it turns out that building space-filling protein models out of LEGO™ is not only a more reliable way to teach protein synthesis but also might be a quick way to generate 3D geometric models of various compounds you want to visualise.

This weekend the Centre for Life, the beloved science museum of Newcastle, reopens its doors with its new exhibition North East LEGO™ Landmarks. Why don’t you check it out for yourself? I’m sure I will.


Using LEGO™ to teach med students how to talk to patients: Harding, Sheila Rutledge, and Marcel F. D’Eon. “Using a LegoTM-Based Communications Simulation to Introduce Medical Students to Patient-Centered Interviewing.” Teaching and learning in medicine 13, no. 2 (2001): 130-135.

Teaching Protein Synthesis using LEGO™: Templin, Mark A., and Marcia K. Fetters. “A working model of protein synthesis using LegoTM building blocks.” The American Biology Teacher 64, no. 9 (2002): 673-678.

Using LEGO™ as inspiration for a 3D modelling system: Eng, Markus, Ken Camarata, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, and Mark D. Gross. “Flexm: Designing a physical construction kit for 3d modeling.” International Journal of Architectural Computing 4, no. 2 (2006): 27-47.

Archive Christina Julius

Christmas spores. Merry Christmas from the REACT team

By Christina Julius

When we think about bacteria, we tend to think of spoiled food and illness. But not all bacteria are bad- they are the most diverse organisms on the planet!  They are important for a range of biochemical processes, such as helping cattle to digest grass and producing cheese from milk. To study bacteria, we can grow bacteria into colonies on plates containing a media (agar) of essential nutrients and chemicals.  We can also use bacteria to make some fascinating and festive images to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

For making these images I had a lot of help finding strains and media. I want to thank all my colleagues at CBCB (Newcastle University)- especially Yulia Yuzenkova, Amber Riaz-Bradley, Charles Winterhalter, Kaveh Emami, Fernando Santos Beneit, Valeria Verrone and Olga Chrobak.

The bacteria behind the photos

1. Christmas Tree: Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Cyanobacteria are usually green due to photosynthesis but here it seems that the presence of a lot of glucose (food) lead the strain to turn slightly yellow.
Christmas Baubles:  Streptomyces spp. Streptomyces are actinobacteria and the natural source of many antibiotics e.g. streptomycin, tetracycline or chloramphenicol.

2. Merry Christmas: E. coli MG1655. E. coli is the most commonly used model organism in microbiology.
Stars: E. coli MG25113. This strain is genetically altered and contains GFP (green fluorescent protein). The addition of arabinose induces the expression of GFP.

3. Snowman: Streptomyces coelicolor M145. This Streptomyces produces the antibiotic actinorhodin which diffuses into the agar and dyes it blue. At prolonged incubation, the cells will start to produce spores as a survival mechanism, which would turn the snowman white.

4. Small Christmas Tree: Klebsiella pneumoniae. An opportunistic pathogen that causes urinary or respiratory tract infections and is often transmitted via hospital equipment or staff. Many strains also have a multitude of antibiotic resistances. The patients from which the strains were isolated suffered from reoccurring bacteremia (blood infection).
Christmas baubles: E. coli.The strain here is not a model organism from the lab but a blood isolate from the hospital. Some pathogenic strains of the otherwise harmless species E.coli can cause very severe conditions. Often they are multi-resistant.

Archive Grace Laws

Knowing neurons: a network of neuronal knowledge

By Grace Laws

How do dolphins not drown when they’re sleeping? What does loneliness to do our brain? Why do polar bear pups and penguins melt our hearts? These questions may seem unlinked- but they all have a key component at play: neurons. Neurons are the building blocks of our nervous system, nerve cells that weave intricate networks in our brain and communicate with one another via electrical signals. Networks of neurons work together to convey information about what we are doing, how we feel and where we are. But how can what we know about neurons and the brain shed light on any of the aforementioned curiosities?

PhD and postdoctoral researchers at Knowing Neurons have created a website dedicated to all things brain-related. Knowing Neurons is an educational tool to pique the public interest in neuroscience. The team of young neuroscientists produce a variety of resources on the latest advances in neuroscience- through infographics, videos, blog posts and interviews with leading scientists. They even review popular literature on the brain. The Knowing Neurons team have done an exceptional job on making neuroscience accessible to anyone who is interested. Earlier this year, they won the Society for Neuroscience Next Generation Award for their outstanding contribution to public communication and education of neuroscience. Explore the fascinating world of the brain at:

Archive Joe Crutwell

Antibiotics: Too Much of a Good Thing?

By Joe Crutwell

Do you remember a time before flatscreen TVs? How amazing they were when they first arrived?

Over time, we naturally adjust to advancements in technology. Imagine going back to a big, chunky TV now. Imagine having to wait until you got home or to a phone box to ring someone. Time has a habit of making us forget how difficult things used to be, and if we aren’t careful, some of those things could return very quickly.

Antibiotics, in one form or another, have existed since the early 20th century. The most well-known event involves Alexander Fleming’s apparent “accidental” discovery of penicillin. The story goes that he left a small dish of Staphylococcus bacteria (often a cause of food poisoning) near an open window, where it was by chance contaminated by a blue-green mould. When Fleming investigated further, he found that the mould was stopping the growth of the bacteria and breaking them down. The mould turned out to be Penicillium notatum, an experimental by-product which Fleming branded the now famous ‘Penicillin’.

 I have sometimes had to explain to flatmates that me leaving plates and bowls of unfinished food on the kitchen top to gather mould is not me being lazy, but actually an attempt to discover a new and potentially lifesaving treatment. You’d think I’d be outcompeted by modern pharmaceuticals companies and laboratories, who pour hundreds of millions of pounds into researching new antibiotic treatments. However there are not as many going down this research avenue as you’d expect. Why?

The simple reasoning behind this is that antibiotics are now something to be feared by many healthcare professionals and policy makers. A miracle cure-all that, with extended use, has revealed a darker and more dangerous side. Since antibiotics began being used large-scale (from approximately 1940’s onwards) a battle has been raging, unseen by most. A battle of resistance.

Penicillin and other later antibiotics were beginning to become non-functional. Higher volumes of these drugs were used, and the treatments began to be prescribed for conditions where they are not helpful, such as colds and other viral infections. This gave the bacteria a lot of exposure to the active ingredients of these medications, which is never a good idea.

Due to the rapid time to division and multiplication of bacteria (most infectious kinds average around 20 minutes), these organisms can evolve extremely quickly. Random changes in genetic information can by chance result in a single bacterium that happens to, for example, have a mutated cell wall that the drug cannot attach to or degrade.

If even just this one bacterium survives the antibiotic course, which it is obviously more likely to do, it multiplies and the infection begins again, this time with almost all of the bacteria having the ability to resist the drug. This process happening on the same bacteria treated with multiple drugs has resulted in ‘superbugs’ such as MRSA, a multi-drug resistant version of penicillin’s original enemy, Staphylococcus.

The World health organisation (WHO) launched World Antibiotic Awareness week this year (14th-20th November) to hopefully begin to educate people, both public and professional on the risks of antibiotic overuse. When turned to sparingly, and used appropriately, antibiotics can be an extremely effective tool against infections that would have previously been fatal. But without careful control, we may risk living in what WHO describes as “the post-antibiotic era”. Like TV, most of us have not experienced a world where antibiotics exist, and one glance at history tells us we probably don’t ever want to.

The WHO advise that ‘antibiotics are a precious resource’, and not a never-ending solution for infections, and it is up to everyone to ensure we do our bit in this new field of antibiotic conservation.

BBC history: Alexander Fleming
World antibiotics awareness week (WAAW)
WHO: Antibiotic resistance

Archive Leonie Schittenhelm

Pooing Penguins and Bearded Biscuit-Dunkers

By Leonie Schittenhelm

Science is serious business. Why else would people toil over experiments until deep into the night, read papers until their eyes go red and devote their lives to researching the specifics a single protein?  And it can’t be denied that scientists have been given some really hard nuts to crack, from the specific health challenges of an ageing population to emerging viruses such as ebola. But sometimes it is nice to remember that science – in its very heart – is still about being curious about our everyday surroundings and trying to understand them to the best of our abilities. I here present to you five published papers that ask the real questions and finally give us the – sometimes surprising – answers.

  • An analysis of the forces required to drag sheep over various surfaces (Harvey et al., 2002)
    You might laugh now, but did you ever try to get a very unwilling sheep to get its yearly haircut? The trick seems to be a slightly sloped surface…

  • The nature of navel fluff (Steinhauser 2009)
    What the nature of navel fluff? This study brings us a bit closer to understanding this phenomenon and shows that old shirts produce more naval fluff than new ones. It actually hypothesises that naval fluff has a cleaning function? Pretty neat.

  • Pressures produced when penguins pooh – calculations on avian defecation (Meyer-Rochow et al., 2003)
    I’m sure these penguins from the coronation islands in the south Orkneys would love some information how to being covered in poo. Not sure how you might ever need this information, but make sure to check out the original paper – the figures are amazingly informative…

  • Microbiological Laboratory Hazard of bearded men (Barbeito et al., 1967)
    Apparently beards are able to harbour a variety of microorganisms you can pick up in microbiological lab – even washing merely reduces chances of unwittingly infecting others.

  • Physics take the biscuit (Fisher, 1999)
    Finally, the physical formula on achieving biscuit-in-tea-dunking perfection! Not always quite applicable maybe, the author advises that best results could be achieved when always having a thermometer on you for taking the exact temperature of the tea into account before dunking your digestive.

Reference List:

Harvey, J. T., Culvenor, J., Payne, W., Cowley, S., Lawrance, M., Stuart, D., & Williams, R. (2002). An analysis of the forces required to drag sheep over various surfaces. Applied ergonomics, 33(6), 523-531.

Steinhauser, G. (2009). The nature of navel fluff. Medical hypotheses, 72(6), 623-625.

Meyer-Rochow, V. B., & Gal, J. (2003). Pressures produced when penguins pooh—calculations on avian defaecation. Polar Biology, 27(1), 56-58.

Barbeito, M. S., Mathews, C. T., & Taylor, L. A. (1967). Microbiological laboratory hazard of bearded men. Applied microbiology, 15(4), 899-906.

Fisher, L. (1999). Physics takes the biscuit. Nature, 397(6719), 469-469.

Amy Tooke Archive

North East Postgraduate Conference 2016

By Amy Tooke

On 24th and 25th November the North East Postgraduate Conference was held at the Great North Museum. It is organised by and for postgraduate students, and I was excited to go, especially as it was my first conference!

On Thursday morning I went to Professor Jenny Read’s talk “3D Vision in man, mantis and machine”, about her work in the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University, on the mechanisms of 3D vision and its applications, such as in drone technology. I found Professor Read’s talk really interesting and entertaining. We got given 3D glasses so we could see the concepts being demonstrated to us and heard about how praying mantises have their own mini 3D glasses put on so that their perception of moving targets can be studied.

After coffee we headed over to the student presentations on Cell and Molecular Biology, where we heard about signal transduction in yeast, characterising Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, gene editing, developing therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in the heart, and using stem cells to treat a type of blindness. The talks were really engaging and it was great to hear about so many different areas of research.

On Friday I saw a talk from David Cork of Sirius Market Access “Why do science PhD graduates make good medical writers?”.  Sometimes when you’re in the university bubble you forget that there is a world of work for scientists outside of academia, so it was useful to think about what other skills can develop from a PhD.

Then I went to the student Microbiology presentations, which I’d been looking forward to as I’m a microbiologist. Students from several universities presented their work on a wide range of topics, from catalytic enzyme activities in the pathogen Staphyloccus Aureus to finding a target to use to diagnose pregnant mothers carrying Streptococcus so they don’t pass it onto their newborns.

Professor Stephen Hart from UCL GOS Institute of Child Health spoke about his research on using gene editing to develop treatments for cystic fibrosis; he explained how the team has been finding new ways to target the therapy to the lungs using nanoparticles. It was wonderful to hear about advances being made in this area of medicine and hopes for its future applications.

I went to the conference with some other MRes students, and we were really inspired hearing about the research going on around us from the student talks and looking at the posters. It’s really spurred us on to get back in the lab and start our own research projects!

Archive Leonie Schittenhelm

How to grow a new retina

By Leonie Schittenhelm

Research at Newcastle University shows how algae-gels could lead the way in treating blindness with stem cell therapy

When Vanna Belton, a woman from Baltimore, was the first woman to regain her eyesight due to stem cell treatment earlier this year, excitement ensued. The possibility to repair diseased or damaged tissue using an individual’s own stem cells seemed close at hand. But while success of the treatment was undisputed, researching scientists can still not reliably explain exactly why improvement of eyesight in around 60% of patients occurs. Other studies have shown that reliably differentiating pluripotent stem cells into the coveted retinal cells, which are lost in many conditions leading to blindness, still poses a huge problem.

A group of researchers working alongside Prof. Majilinda Lako, Professor of Stem Cell Science at Newcastle University, have made a decisive step towards solving this problem. In a paper published earlier this month, they were able to show that growing human pluripotent stem cells in a gel obtained from brown seaweed significantly increased the amount of stem cells developing into pigmented retinal cells, similar to the ones found in the human eye. In addition to using the algae gel this was achieved by growing the cells in a so-called 3D culture, which had stem cells fully encapsulated within the gel for protection from external forces.

While stem cell treatment remains controversial, understanding how these cells could be safely and reliably used for therapy makes a tremendous difference and provides relief for people suffering from progressive sight loss. The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) predicts that rates of sight loss could increase dramatically within the ageing population of the UK, with estimates predicting the number of people affected by age-related blindness to double by 2050. Research in Newcastle will continue on this exciting topic, as it is hoped that the algae-gel could not only be useful for growing but also for transport and transplantation of retinal stem cells.

Check out the paper: Hunt, N. C., Hallam, D., Karimi, A., Mellough, C. B., Chen, J., Steel, D. H., & Lako, M. (2016). 3D culture of human pluripotent stem cells in RGD-alginate hydrogel improves retinal tissue development. Acta Biomaterialia.


Amy Tooke Archive

The monk who grew pea plants: 150 years of Gregor Mendel’s laws

By Amy Tooke

2016 might be remembered for any number of reasons, but it also marks an anniversary of a major development in genetics. One hundred and fifty years ago, Gregor Mendel’s laws of inheritance were published. Mendel was an Austrian monk who painstakingly grew thousands of pea plants and counted the number of peas with certain characteristics. He came up with the concept of hereditary units that he named “factors” – or what we call genes today – and realised that there can be more than one version of each factor. Now, we call these versions of genes “alleles”. For example, a certain flower could have two alleles for colour, pink and blue.

By looking at the plants Mendel concluded that one copy of each factor is inherited from each parent. He outlined his ideas in his paper Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden (Experiments on Plant Hybridisation):

* The Law of Segregation
This law says that each parent contributes one allele when fertilisation takes place. Even though each parent will have two copies of a gene from their own parents, the alleles are “segregated” in the gametes (sex cells) so that there is only one copy per gamete. This means when the two gametes meet, there are two copies of each gene in the fertilised embryo.

* The Law of Dominance
If the two alleles are the same from each parent, the plant is “homozygous”, and will definitely show that trait, but if there are two different alleles (“heterozygous”), one version will be dominant and one will be recessive. The dominant allele will be the characteristic you see. So, if a plant inherits two pink colour alleles from its parents, it will have pink flowers. If the alleles it gets are one pink and one blue, and blue is dominant, it will have blue flowers.

* The Law of Independent Assortment
Leading on from the Law of Segregation, this law means that each pair of alleles is separated independently from the other pairs of alleles in the gametes – so you could have some alleles inherited from different grandparents in the gamete.

Mendel’s work didn’t have very much impact at the time; even Mendel didn’t realise its importance. The laws were rediscovered in 1900, and when combined with the idea that genetic information is stored in chromosomes in 1915, formed the basis of modern genetics. Where would we be today without the monk who grew some pea plants?


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