Daguerrotypes – #ChristmasCountdown Door no. 7

Door No. 7

Daguerrotype of The American Falls

Daguerrotype of The American Falls, 1840 (Daguerrotypes, DAG/2)

The Horseshoe Falls, part of Niagra Falls Daguerrotype

Daguerrotype of The Horseshoe Falls, part of Niagra Falls, 1740 (Daguerrotypes, DAG/5)

Daguerrotypes were an early form of photography. They were produced using an early photographuc process involving an iodine-sentitised silvered plate and mercury vapour. This photographic method does not permit reproduction so the images are unique.

These particular ones are significant as they are some of the first known images of the Clifton Hotel and Niagra Falls.

You can see other Daguerrotypes of Niagra Falls on CollectionsCaptured.