

LS_rainmosaic.tif: 30m resolution. EPSG 4326. Produced by google earth engine code Agrisys_2021. Landsat raster data for rainy seasons (merged: december to May each time) median 2019-2016. Lots of clouds throughout. 6 bands: blue, green, red, near infrared, short wave infrared 1, short wave infrared 2.

LS_drymosaic.tif: 30m resolution. EPSG 4326. Produced by google earth engine code Agrisys_2021. Landsat raster data for dry seasons (merged: June to November each time) median 2020-2019. 6 bands: blue, green, red, near infrared, short wave infrared 1, short wave infrared 2.

lc_5classes_mod.tif: 30 m resolution. EPSG 32737. land cover map produced from ground truth points ( with LS_drymosaic.tif in R. Random forest algorithm. Modified to set crop pixels and urban pixels found in Magombera, udzungwa and Mikumi to grassland. 5 land cover classes detailed in associated rat file ( Status April 2021

Presence_Rivers_20m.tif: 20 m resolution. EPSG 32737. Rivers and creeks digitised by Becca and Marion on google earth and then rasterised. Digitised as visible for valley within the study landscape but only limited effort for digitising a little bit into the PAs west and east.

Presence_Roads_20m.tif: 20 m resolution. EPSG 32737. Open Street map raod vetcor data rasterised using QGIS.

Presence_Villages_5m.tif: 5 m resolution. EPSG 32737. Town presence maps, which rasterised town presence sensu villages and houses digitised by Jess on google earth

distance_forest_lc5mod.tif: 30 m resolution. EPSG 32737. Distance to forest as mapped by lc_5classes_mod.tif.

distance_cropland_lc5mod.tif: 30 m resolution. EPSG 32737. Distance to cropland as mapped by lc_5classes_mod.tif.

distance_cropindustry_lc5mod.tif: 30 m resolution. EPSG 32737. Distance to cropland as mapped by lc_5classes_mod.tif and and combined with extent of KSC boundary delineation map.

Fcover_Randomforest.tif. 30 m resolution. EPSG 32737. Canopy closure map (cover % per pixel). Created using R script from Landsat raster upscaling plot measured canopy structure (using the hemispherical images) with Random Forest Models.