
Suitable for MSc students:

Project 1 – Mammals in the Kilombero Valley. Pdf. The first phase of this project has now been completed by Miss Chloe Coole (MSc student, Newcastle University, UK). Chloe was awarded a 1st for ther thesis. She analysed data collected between November 2019 and May 2020. Further data are now available.

Project 2 – Pest control through nature-based solutions (e.g. biopesticides, animal interactions) and its impact on crop yield and health Pdf. One of this projects is being addressed by MRes student Ben Kelly.

Project 3 – Trade-offs and synergies in policies targeting crop production, biodiversity conservation and forestry in Tanzania. Pdf. The first phase of this project has commenced and is being implemented in collaboration with PhD students Chess Ridley and Eleanor Moore at Newcastle University, Correstor project RA Lauren Barnes at Newcastle University and our social sciences team in Leeds and Tanzania.

Project 4 – Habitat dependency of birds in Kilombero, Tanzania. Pdf. The first three surveys have been analysed by Miss Sheena Davies, who is currently revising her paper (based on her thesis, which was awarded a 1st) for publication.

Project 5 – Identifying yields and yield gaps of pollinator-dependent and pollinator-independent crops grown in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Pdf.

Projects suitable for PhD students:

Project P1 – Social constraints for tree restoration opportunities in the Kilombero Valley landscape. Pdf. This project is now being imlemented by Miss Eleanor Moore., Newcastle University. October 2020 – April 2024.