Category Archives: Non-academic


A friend sent me a blog last Friday on the importance of find time for leisure, both for personal well-being but also for work productivity. Funnily enough, I worked until very late on Friday on a thesis chapter, so didn’t read it until the Saturday morning…

Working so late is actually a rarity for me. I have done it twice in the last year, and in both cases it was simply because I felt in a particularly productive mood, and had nothing too urgent the following day that would suffer from me being more groggy than normal.  Continue reading ‘Busyness’

The saddest acknowledgement I’ve ever read

Quite a few photos have cropped up in my Twitter feed of cats and dogs interrupting work-at-home academics. It reminded me of the saddest acknowledgement I’ve ever read in an introduction to a book.

‘Lastly, a list of tributes would not be complete without a mention of my dear cat, whose company was so much appreciated during the writing of the book. She sat approvingly on many of its pages in draft, but sadly died, aged 19, just before it went to press’.

Taken from Russell, Meg (2005). Building New Labour: The Politics of Party Organisation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Newcastle is a great place to live as well as study

A few weeks ago, a colleague wrote a piece outlining the various reasons why Newcastle University is a great place to come to study politics at the postgraduate level. In it, he detailed the different courses you can study, the engagement with staff and researchers, the active postgraduate community, and the potential funding and career opportunities that might come from studying here. Another reason he mentioned was that Newcastle is a great place to live. I’d like to build on that point in this blog post. Continue reading Newcastle is a great place to live as well as study