Spatiotemporal variation of bacterial hazards in the Akaki catchment, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Molecular markers link Vibrio cholerae hazards in the Akaki catchment to human sewage pollution. 0.6-20% of fecal coliforms in the rivers of the catchment had ESBL producing antibiotic resistance traits. Hazards were highest in the dry season when river water is used for irrigation. Read our paper in Science of the Total Environment.

Faecal pollution source tracking in Nepal with our suitcase laboratory for molecular water microbiology

Excellent fieldwork led by Kishor Acharya with colleagues in Nepal successfully demonstrated the application of our suitcase laboratory in a low income country. Kishor and his colleagues used 16S rRNA gene sequencing and SourceTracker analysis to demonstrate how microbial communities in the downstream part of the Bagmati river were mainly contributed by untreated sewage. Read the paper in Clean Water.

Multi-drug resistant bacteria in Malaysian River correlate with faecal pollution indicators

From training into practice: Our collaborators at NUMed in Malaysia have published a paper showing that surrogate markers, such dissolved oxygen, Bacteroides and Prevotella abundances estimated from MinION sequencing data, and the rodA qPCR assay for total E. coli, can identify locations on a river that deserve immediate attention to mitigate AMR spread through improved waste management.

Kishor and the MinION training workshop participants at NU Med, Malaysia. Jia Ye Ho (bottom left) and Jeyanthy Eswaran (center back) are the first and corresponding authors of the paper.