Being Debbie Bevitt

debbie bevittWhat route has your career taken to get you where you are today?

I first moved to Newcastle as a new post-doc, setting up a molecular biology lab for the university spin-out company, Novocastra Laboratories. I then moved to an RA post in the Department of Virology on an MRC training fellowship and later to a senior RA post in the musculoskeletal group. During this 12 year period I had my 3 children and worked part-time after the arrival of number two.  As time went on I came to realise that the part of my job I enjoyed the most was teaching and mentoring younger students in the lab and I started to take on some undergraduate seminars as well.  I was on the verge of leaving academia altogether and retraining as a school teacher when a teaching-focussed lectureship came up in the School of Biomedical Sciences – I applied and was appointed along with Chris Baldwin in 2006.  It was the best move of my career!  I’ve found teaching hugely enjoyable and rewarding and love the infinite variety of the job.  I became steadily more involvement in administration and management of the programmes, including becoming Senior Tutor and chairing the exam boards, and was promoted to senior lecturer in 2009.  I went on to become Deputy Head of School before being appointed as Head of School in August 2015.

What do you find most challenging about working in HE learning and teaching?

Finding time to think! From speaking to colleagues in the Faculty, across the university and from other HE institutions it’s clear that we’re all experiencing increasing demands on our time.  The increase in student numbers, levels of student expectation and associated admin have all contributed to this and it can be tricky to protect time to develop new ideas and give some thought to scholarship of learning and teaching.  I’ve tackled this recently by taking part in the EquATE programme – a cross-faculty programme facilitated by colleagues in the Research Centre for Learning and Teaching (CfLaT). The Equate days have created much needed space in my diary to focus on an educational research project and have also led to collaboration with Sue Thorpe in the School of Psychology, who’s brought a new dimension and expertise to the project.

What’s the best thing you’ve been involved in since you started working with Newcastle University?

I particularly enjoyed being involved in development of Personal Tutoring across the university. One of my first roles in the school was to act as a Phase 1 adviser, providing back-up for the personal tutoring system.  At the time this role was fairly novel in the university and, when Personal tutoring was identified as an area for development in the 2009 QAA Institutional Audit, I was invited to join a working group to review university Personal Tutoring policy.  Tutoring practice varied enormously across the university and one product of the working group was the Personal Tutoring Framework, which outlined minimum expectations for tutors and tutees.  I also worked with colleagues in the Student Wellbeing service to develop Personal Tutor training and have helped to facilitate training workshops for CASAP and SDU since then.

What’s the wisest piece of advice you’ve received from a mentor or colleague?

Don’t send an email when you’re angry – sleep on it!

What’s your top educational research interest

I’ve previously published on the use of attendance monitoring to identify students who are becoming disengaged and using this as a trigger for proactive intervention. More recently I’ve started investigating the extent to which students are distracted from study by social media use and strategies which they use to control this distraction.  I have to confess to often fighting the compulsion to “phone check”, so I became intrigued as whether today’s students, most of whom who can text faster than I can speak, deal better with this distraction than I do.  Previous studies have shown both negative and positive correlations between frequency of social media use and academic performance, depending on how the social media is being used.  I would love to know how we can enable students to avoid the distracting aspects of social media (when studying) so that they can reap the potential benefits.

If you could have dinner with 3 famous people from history who would they be?

Much easier to answer from the living – but if pushed I’ll go with Jane Austen, Freddie Mercury and Mozart. With plenty of wine.  I bet it wouldn’t be dull!

Dr Debbie Bevitt, Head of School of Biomedical Sciences

International Dental Student Engagement: Oral Health Education in the City


From the 19th to the 27th May 2016, six American dental students from Indiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD) joined their six Newcastle dental student ‘buddies’ to dip their toes (some may say, sink their teeth) into the life of a dental student at Newcastle University.

This is the first time within any university in UK and US where dental students have been involved in exchange activities.

Attracted by our established and vibrant oral health education outreach programme across Newcastle (led by Drs Paula Waterhouse and Richard Holmes), the visitors worked in partnership with their Newcastle buddies and immersed themselves into planning and providing oral health education to various community groups including schools, care homes and drop-in centres to support asylum seekers and homeless adults. They also experienced ‘a week in the life of a Newcastle Dental student’ by shadowing student and staff treatment clinics and technique courses. The students were encouraged to reflect upon and compare the US healthcare system with that of the UK and to understand the role played by our local City Council and Community Dental Services in ensuring oral health education reaches the communities most in need.

As part of our students’ elective studies, this innovative new programme endeavours to deliver the 6 Newcastle students on a reciprocal visit to Indiana in July 2017; building on trans-Atlantic friendships and experiences. Accompanying the students were two academic colleagues from IUSD providing a unique opportunity to forge clinical educational collaboration and educational research collaboration between our respective institutions.

The feedback has been enormously positive from both the staff and the students but may be summarised by a comment from their staff leads Drs Stuart Schrader and Joan Kowolik, “our students had a wonderful time and the experience was absolutely transformative”.

Dr Paula Waterhouse, School of Dental Sciences

Image legend: Newcastle and Indiana students celebrating a successful week of collaborative learning.

FMS L&T Forum May 2016

160511 FLT FORUM FlyerThe Faculty of Medical Sciences Learning and Teaching forum was held at the beginning of May in the new Herschel Learning Lab, coinciding with the space’s official opening. Jane Stewart’s original design was brought to life by the power of three, with Luisa Wakeling and Alecia Dunn. The session stimulated discussion about common, faculty-related challenges in learning and teaching while showcasing the Learning Lab’s conspicuous potential with a speak-easy vibe. In response to the recent EDRP Development Grant and ULTSEC Innovation Funding calls, it was hoped that participants may seed new ideas that ultimately would bloom into potential bids.

Facilitators Sarah Jayne Boulton, Sonia Bussey, Carlos Echevarria and Sarah Lockey worked alongside cross-faculty, interdisciplinary groups to explore a chosen educational conundrum. Participants were encouraged to creatively consider practical and realistic solutions to the problems selected for discussion. These discussions were frequently subverted by Luisa, Jane and Alecia through their introduction of troublemaking cards which flashed up on the groups’ screens and demanded immediate attention.

The disruptive cards were a new concept to most of the participants, including us facilitators, and were borne out of the Oblique Strategies designed by Brian Eno and Pete Schmidt. The cards we were exposed to during the session did not ask us to switch instruments or give way to our worst impulses, but instead questioned us to consider what would be different if money was no object or if we had infinite space. As soon as the card appeared, its idea was immediately considered within our discussions.

The 4 challenges independently chosen by the groups were:

  • Student disengagement with lectures (and compulsory attendance isn’t the answer)
  • Challenging strategic learning and embracing learning for learning sake
  • Developing autonomous learners – moving away from the ‘how high do you want me to jump’ mentality
  • Making diverse ability amongst students work within the classroom

It was interesting to see that the topics rooted very closely together, and it was refreshing to see that the changing cards resulted in unexpected changes not only in perspective, but in group dynamic too. During each groups concluding remarks it was evident that there was a lot of overlap in the room, reinforcing the prevalent notion that the same issues are present in every discipline and that collaboration and practice sharing may well bring about real change in all areas.

Sarah Lockey found that the removal of financial constraints suggested by one card enthused participants to really think outside of the piggy bank. Although this resulted in realistically unlikely strategies such as ‘give every student their own simulated clinic and don’t let them out until they can do everything’ and ‘mandatory 1:1 tutor to student ratio’ and the even more radical ‘link lecturers’ pay to their EvaSys scores’ there were equally many occasions where such blown-out thoughts collapsed and condensed themselves into previously unseen workable strategies.

The Learning Lab itself was a practical yet pliant venue, designed to envelope its occupants in a physically and digitally accessible flat floor interactive space with shared access to all screens and tools. The central console manned by Jane, Luisa and Alecia permitted screensharing by groups during the plenary discussion, facilitating the dissemination of generated ideas. There are a number of columns in the relatively low ceilinged room, meaning there were a few noise issues during individual discussions. We alleviated this with some creative whiteboard MacGyvery, however it seemed that certain positions (those closest to the edges of the room) were more affected than others. The Learning Lab also features what we have termed the ‘Jumpy Microphone’, a chuckable foam-protected microphone in a block that makes hearing your colleagues at the other end of the room much easier.

Although it was difficult at times to see how some of the more outré suggestions could be wound in, getting so many diversely invested people in a room together to share unabashed perspective and practise was an inspiring thing. Getting to know some new faces, including our new colleagues from Sport and Exercise Sciences was a real accent to the event. We all hope that the bridges built during the session will lead to greater future interdisciplinary collaboration on all levels.

In all the workshop proved to be an eye-opening and refreshing event for all, except perhaps for Prof Calvert who was most disappointed that she couldn’t write on the whiteboard resembling tabletops; maybe something to bear in mind for future learning space designs!

Sarah Jayne Boulton (BMS), Sonia Bussey (SME), Carlos Echevarria (SME) and Sarah Lockey (SME)

Clinical teaching styles and student satisfaction

JamesFieldThis project led by James Field (SDS) and Paul Miller (ECLS) was funded in the October 2015 round of ERDP Development Grants.  Recent work at Newcastle has shown that there are significant correlations between the ways in which clinical teachers interact verbally with their students, and the subsequent levels of satisfaction that the students report. This project aimed to both further investigate these relationships and to develop a means of providing clear, concise and immediate visual feedback to the educator.  The project team has now finished developing a blurred video-enhanced observation tool which is allowing us to collect data about verbal interaction and student satisfaction within the clinical environment. We have already analysed over 100 clinical interactions since the start of term and whilst we will wait until the end before drawing any conclusions, it is reassuring that the vast majority of our students (well over 95%) are highly satisfied with the support they receive within the clinical environment. The tool is due to be presented and discussed by Paul and James at both ADEE in Barcelona (August 2016) and IADR in Seoul (June 2016).

Dr James Field, School of Dental Sciences

New Reflection Toolkit

toolbox-304894__180 pixabayWorking in conjunction with the staff development unit, the School of Dental Sciences has developed an online tool for recording professional teaching activity, and mapping it to the UK professional standards framework. The tool encourages reflective practice and collection of evidence to facilitate recognition by the HEA. The toolkit can be found at and all new teaching staff are being encouraged to use it regularly.

Dr James Field, School of Dental Sciences

Challenging the basic sciences ‘learn and forget’ culture

Luisa WakelingA short article documenting the Context Café method that Louisa uses to help first year dental students in their first week integrate and put into the context of Dentistry the courses they will receive over their first year has been published in the Medical Education Journal.

L Wakeling, N Jakubovics, S McHanwell, J Stewart. Medical education 50 (5), 578-57. Challenging the basic sciences ‘learn and forget’ culture

Lindsey Ferrie awarded the Rang Prize

Lindsey Ferrie

Congratulations to Lindsey Ferrie (BMS) who has been recognised for her excellence in teaching clinical pharmacology by the British Pharmacological Society. The Rang Prize rewards Lindsey for her outstanding commitment to the teaching of pharmacology in both her undergraduate and postgraduate teaching as well as her extensive and innovative outreach activities with primary, secondary and further education and the public over the last 8 years.

‘Dr Ferrie is incredibly passionate about supporting young people to develop their own scientific curiosities, raising their aspirations to study science in higher education. It is here that her enthusiasm for teaching Pharmacology has resulted in the development of some truly unique and exciting learning sessions’

Professor Ann Daly, ICM

What I mean when I say …

jane stewartAugust will see the launch of a new series of seminars designed to support and complement other teaching-focused sessions within the Faculty. Held on the last Wednesday of the month, between 3-4pm, the one hour session is designed to promote discussion with time to share ideas as well as challenge all our personal perspectives on teaching and educationally related activities. The idea is to cover, over the coming year, as broad a range of topics as possible – anything from delivery, organisation, innovation, management and institutional practices across anything related to teaching & learning, education, training and educational research.

The format will challenge formulaic ways of thinking by adopting an innovative interactive approach: after a short presentation from a knowledgeable speaker the session will be open for discussion and the broadest range of perspectives sought. The mechanisms by which this will be done will be revealed in the session!  It should noisy. It should be engaging. It certainly won’t be boring. If you have a suggestion for what you would like to discuss or would like to offer your expert opinion  … don’t wait to be asked, please get in touch.

The series is called ‘What I mean when I say…’. The first session will be held on the 31st August, focusing on a topic important to all on T&S contract – ‘Scholarship’.

Hope to see you there.

Dr Jane Stewart,  Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement),

ADEE Futuredent Scholarship for Rachel Green

Congratulations to Rachel Green (School of Dental Sciences) who has been awarded an ADEE Futuredent Scholarship. This Scholarship Programme is aimed at exploring the use of video dentistry in dental teaching and training at undergraduate and post graduate levels.

Rachel’s project will be to ‘explore the effectiveness of video dentistry in oral surgery undergraduate teaching with a specific focus on feedback: the Newcastle experience’

Internationalisation of higher education: perspectives from Brazil and the UK

4 April, 10-3.00 in Room 2.22 the Research Beehive

You are invited to a seminar on 4 April, 10-3.00 in the Research Beehive. The seminar will be led by Sue Robson and Alina Schartner from the Teaching and Learning in HE Research Group in ECLS, and Professor Marilia Morosini and colleagues from PUCRS

The seminar will address the following key questions:

  • In an era of globalisation, how can HE institutions maximise opportunities to provide an internationalised university experience for home and international students from all socio-economic backgrounds?
  • How can HE internationalisation be conceptualised in educational, social, cultural and experiential rather than economic terms?
  • How can HE institutions promote a high quality, equitable and global learning experience for all students, including the non-mobile majority?

The seminar theme will allow participants from NU and PUCRS to analyse and critique existing conceptualisations of HE internationalisation at individual and institutional levels, leading to fresh perspectives on pedagogy, curriculum and international graduate competences.  The seminar is intended be the first step towards the formation of a joint UK-Brazil research and practice network on inclusive and values-based HE internationalisation. They will act as a forum for multidisciplinary dialogue and help to identify network partners and themes of mutual interest for collaborative enquiry.

To register for the seminar, please email