… Well, quite a lot actually.
We’ve recently been trying to answer this question and we’ve identified numerous examples of where Grouper is providing value across the University.
From securing shared filestores to displaying personalised timetables within the mobile app, from controlling privileges within web applications to setting authority levels in the door access control system and from determining a user’s wireless network level of service to allowing our STEM students and teachers to download millions of pounds worth of free software through DreamSpark premium, Grouper is used in many interesting, useful and valuable ways.

We know there are others, too. The flexibility and devolved privileges inherent in Grouper mean that it is quite possible that it’s also being used for all sorts of things we know nothing about. If you use Grouper in any other way or for any other purpose, please let us know. There might be a prize for the best use case.
As I’ve been writing this, it’s just struck me that a series of posts focusing in more detail on some of the use cases might be interesting. There’s something to look forward to.