In keeping the KATS: North East Combined Authority project momentum going we are working with children from Cambois Primary, Monkseaton Middle and Rockcliffe First School this time around. This version of the project focusses on SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and the threats to plastic pollution to marine biodiversity.
In the sessions we used VR kits to explore all the different kinds of life living in our oceans, and spoke how plastics and micro-plastics can post a threat to these species. We watched a video on ‘The Ocean Cleanup‘ and found about about Boyan Slat…who was only 18 years old when he created this invention and founded the company! The children then created their own ‘Ocean Innovations’ with the aim to clean our oceans of plastics. The only rules were 1) to make it as futuristic as possible, and 2) to not harm marine life. They came up with some AMAZING inventions.
We then visited Tynemouth Aquarium and participated in the Eco Workshop and watched the Seal Show….followed by a big plate of chips of course!