I was at the APS PharmSci conference in Reading. The veterans among us may remember the British Pharmaceutical Conference many, many years ago. That morphed into the APS PharmSci conference, which remains one of the major pharmaceutical science conferences to this day.
Of course I didn’t go there empty-handed. Our group presented two posters—one on a microneedle fabrication method (by Emma), the other on an impedimetric microneedle immunosensor (by Rach).
You can’t say that about many things nowadays, but the conference was both informative and enjoyable. There were many talks on 3D printing, which is a current passion of mine. It was also great to catch up with many old friends, colleagues and mentors, whom I had missed since moving away from Reading. I have only two regrets: I couldn’t attend the parallel sessions simultaneously, and I didn’t take enough photos. I did manage one tweet, and I deem that a notable achievement.
It was a fantastic conference, and I look forward to the next one.