
Author Archives: nlawrev

The North East Law Review’s Editorial Board are currently welcoming blog submissions from legal academics and students from all institutions! Submissions are welcome from any area of legal discipline.

Blog submissions are limited to a maximum of 1,000 words and must be word processed or in a .doc or .docx compatible format.  For further details of the submission requirements for the blog, please see the attached ‘Submission Guidelines’ document.

If you would like to submit your work for publication in the Current Legal Issues Blog, please send to along with the attached completed front sheet.

The Editorial Board look forward to reviewing your submissions!

Submission Guidelines
Front Sheet


On behalf of the North East Law Review Editorial Board, welcome to the NELR’s Current Legal Issues Blog!

The Current Legal Issues Blog was established in January 2013, alongside the North East Law Review, with the aim of providing law students and academics who are passionate about law, with the platform to share their views and opinions on current legal issues. The blog is open to submissions within all areas of law.

If you would like to keep up to date with blog submissions as they are published, please join our facebook and twitter sites where the latest news from the Current Legal Issues Blog and North East Law Review will be posted as it happens!

If you would like to write for the Current Legal Issues Blog, submissions are accepted on a continual basis. Submissions will be accepted from students and academics from any institution and can relate to any legal practice area. Blog submissions must be no longer than 1,000 words and must be entirely the author’s own work. If you would like to submit your work to the Current Legal Issues Blog, please send your work to along with our cover sheet. For access to our cover sheet and for more details on our submission guidelines, please click here.

Thank you for visiting and supporting the NELR’s Current Legal Issues Blog!