Upcoming NU-REN Events:
Upcoming Event: Newcastle University Race Equality Network Members’ Event
Purpose: An event for NU-REN members and Inclusive Futures Alumni.
Date and Venue: TBC*
Details: NU-REN is inviting its members and Inclusive Futures Alumni to its latest event at Newcastle University to gather for a fun activity day. Food will be provided (food preferences and allergy form will be provided prior to the event). We plan on having some speakers from NU-REN to talk about the network and have some quizzes with giveways planned. Visit this page to look out for more updates!
New: NUREN Coffee Meets
To find out more about our regular, informal Coffee Meets please follow this link and see below:
* Event has been delayed due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and Newcastle University Policy but please be assured that this event is in the works. We hope to have this event sometime in the current academic year.