Mary Stewart is Curator of Oral History and Deputy Director of National Life Stories at the British Library. In this podcast, she discusses the family history that contributed to her Masters Thesis, how she came to work with the British Library, the process of archiving, and the practicalities of managing the British Library Oral History collection.
As well as the widget above, you can listen to the podcast here:
- Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/newcastle-oral-history-unit-podca-8QojZr
- Podbean: https://nohuc.podbean.com/
- Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/n3pe9ooa
Please see the links below for materials to accompany this episode.
- A short news report on about Mary’s great great grandfather, William McCaw is available here.
- Mary is a Trustee of the Oral History Society:
- A list of Mary’s publications is available here.
- The Autumn 2013 edition of the Oral History journal was focused on Archives
- Mary mentions several interviews at the British Library: Margaret [Peggy] Roberts (reference C464/68), Donald Palmer (C1379/102) and Roy Dommett (C1379/14). Search the Sound and Moving Image catalogue for more information: http://sami.bl.ukhttp://sami.bl.uk and listen online to all three recordings at British Library Sounds https://sounds.bl.uk/Oral-history . Find out more about Roy, Donald and over 100 British Scientists at Voices of science: https://www.bl.uk/voices-of-science
- Blog about site specific sound tours of the British Library: https://blogs.bl.uk/sound-and-vision/2018/10/sound-stories-and-new-perspectives-site-specific-curated-sound-tours-of-the-british-library.html
- Information on the NLS project An Oral History of the Electricity Supply Industry in the UK, including the excellent end of project report: https://www.bl.uk/projects/national-life-stories-an-oral-history-of-the-electricity-supply-industry-in-the-uk.