11th of February was the International Women and Girls in Science Day. We’ve organsied a free event at the Lit and Phil in Newcastle to celebrate women in film and in science. Come along to a free screening of Art from the Northumbria Uni’s CNoS fine art research group, followed by a discussion between the artists, Dr Ana Topf and Dr Kasia Piróg hosted by Prof Chirstine Borland. Details below:
All posts by Katarzyna
Genetics Matters a success!
The 5th edition of our flagship Genetics Matters event took place in our Institute on the 23rd of February. The event was very well attended, the presentations sparked lively and interesting discussions and we had a special reel showing in our Black Box.
Thank you all for coming on a sunny Saturday afternoon (and a match day!) to celebrate genetic research in Newcastle and to raise awareness of rare disease and the need for rare disease research.
Thank you very much for the wonderful afternoon, it helped me a lot with deciding academic science and researches’ role in the practice of Medicine – participant
The format was very good and the cakes very moreish!! The Pop Up cinema was an excellent idea. – participant
The 2 talks I heard [..] were both absolutely outstanding and interesting for me to hear as a researcher and clinician. – presenter
It’s IDENTITY week in our Black Box pop-up
Does identity begin with the body? What role does science play in understanding who we are? It’s IDENTITY week in our BlackBox pop-up cinema, with films about relationships between mind, body and society in exploring who we are.
For a full programme please visit: cnos.org.uk/blackbox and blogs.ncl.ac.uk/blackbox
It’s LIFE week in our BlackBox cinema this week
Limbs that grow back. Bacteria that eat plastic. Robot pills. Ceramics in our bones. It’s LIFE week (11-15th February) in our pop-up Black Box cinema and we explore how life emerges from raw materials and how artists and scientists work with life as a material
For a full programme please visit: cnos.org.uk/blackbox and blogs.ncl.ac.uk/blackbox
2 days left to catch the FUTURES reel at our Black Box pop up cinema!
Full programme here: https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/blackbox/futures-4th-8th-february-2019-10am-530pm/ and here https://cnos.org.uk/blackbox
Our cinema is here!
After a weekend of building and painting, our cinema is finally in at the IGM foyer. Please bear with us today as we sort out last glitches, we should be ready to start this afternoon!
Full programme here: cnos.org.uk/blackbox and here: blogs.ncl.ac.uk/blackbox
Full programme of Genetics Matters 23rd February 2019
Pop-up cinema is coming to the IGM foyer this February
We’ve been involved in an exciting collaboration with Northumbria University the past few months, and we’re building a small cinema in the IGM foyer. We’re really exicted, come see for yourselves!
Black Box is a joint project by The Cultural Negotiation of Science (CNoS) at Northumbria University and the Institute of Genetic Medicine (IGM) at Newcastle University. Opening the door on the inner workings of genetic research, Black Box is a FREE pop-up cinema located in the IGM West Wing foyer showing a programme of creative film works inspired by and expanding upon genetic themes.
What do advances in genetics mean for the future of humanity and other species? How is genetics changing medicine? What do we mean by biotechnology? What possible genetic futures can we imagine?
The Black Box pop-up cinema will feature 4 themed weeks, each screening a short (60-90min) reel of 5-10min movies. The themes have been inspired by the issues and topics in genetic research and are:
- 4th-8th February – FUTURE
- 11th-15th February – IDENTITY
- 18th-22nd February – LIFE
- 25th-28th February – KINSHIP
A brief visit to Lund to discuss all things aggrecan
We travelled to Lund this month to see Anders Aspberg and discuss potential publications and future collaboration with him and his lab. I gave a presentation on our Xbp1 research to the faculty, and we discussed projects and ideas over a very productive couple of days. Lots of exciting data, watch this space!