A fond farewell…

Exactly 11 months ago today, I started work as the Environmental Co-ordinator Support Officer in Newcastle University’s Sustainability Team. My role was to support the network of over 70 Environmental Co-ordinators (ECs) in meeting sustainability objectives, in accordance with our Environmental Management System (EMS), EcoCampus.

Throughout my employment, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of staff and students, on a variety of sustainability issues, ranging from recycling and waste, to energy efficiency, to biodiversity. The one part of my role that provided the most enjoyable experiences is the communications – actively engaging staff, students, University stakeholders and the wider community in how Newcastle University is reducing the impact its operations has on the environment. Through pioneering campaigns, community outreach and targeted marketing, the last year has seen the profile of the work undertaken by the team and the ECs increase, and awareness of environmental sustainability issues, campus facilities and local achievements has risen.

I leave today a better person for spending my time in this role. I have learnt so much; from energy management, to waste legislation, to communication skills. I go away with a wealth of experience in project management, targeted communications and technical aspects of environmental sustainability issues and solutions.

Of course, my job would not have anywhere near as exciting were it not for my fabulous colleagues. Their continued support on new ideas, kindness on hard days, and wonderful personalities have made Newcastle University a lovely place to work. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Estate Support Service, and have made some excellent friends. I am proud to have worked alongside my team mates, and feel greatly appreciative of all they have taught me. I will miss them all and my days certainly will not be the same without them.

Today is my last day, and I have been treated like a queen – my lovely work colleagues have showered me with gifts (posh chocolate – they know me so well!) and my superb student intern, Siobhan, gave me an amazing bouquet of flowers. I am so lucky to have had such a cracking bunch of people to work with.

So a final thankyou to everyone at Newcastle University – I have truly loved my time here and am very sad to be leaving. I wish everyone in the Estate Support Service and all the ECs, the best of luck going forward – remember; be sustainable!

Business Green Leaders Awards, 2011

From our last post, you can see that the Sustainability Team are award winners on our own turf – but send us to the big smoke and you get a lot of very stiff competition!

When we entered the Business Green Leaders Awards 2011, we thought we’d be very lucky to even get through to the next stage – in a nationwide hunt for the Sustainability Team of the Year, it would be challenging for us to get noticed amongst large corporations. But the efforts of the team, the ECs, and all University stakeholders in reducing our environmental impacts impressed the judges, and we were shortlisted for the award.

It was such an honour to have been recognised as one of the top 6 Sustainability Teams in the UK. But now we had that thirst for glory – could we win?! We had very worthy competition in the form of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Archant, BAE Systems, E.ON UK, and RS Consulting.

The awards evening was held in London, and was an ideal opportunity for Newcastle University to network and promote their efforts, raising the University’s profile in the sustainability and environmental sectors.

As it was a team award, as many members of the 8 strong Sustainably Team attended the event. Off to the big smoke we went, five of us cramped into a car (car sharing – sustainable method of transport!). The black tie awards event was a great evening, hosted by Jeremy Hardy, from Radio 4, with a lovely three course meal.

Lucy Latham, Carbon Emissions Officer, and Kay Gregory, EC Support Officer, sit down to dinner, with the stage in the background.

With Daniel ‘Waste Manager’ O’Connor practicing his W sign (W for Winner! see pic below), how could we lose?! But, despite Lucy ‘Carbon Emissions Officer’ Latham’s pre-written acceptance speech, we were unsuccessful. We lost out on the award for Sustainability Team of the Year to Yorkshire Ambulance Service’s Carbon Management Team.

Many congratulations to all the winners. You can find out more about the other awards, at http://ev785.eventive.incisivecms.co.uk/static/shortlist

Kay, with Dan O’Connor, Waste Manager (making the W sign!), Hannah Munro, Sustainability Support Officer, and Matt Dunlop, Energy Manager.

Regardless of the evening’s outcomes, we’d like to thank all the University’s Environmental Co-ordinators, and all University staff and students for their continued efforts in assisting the Sustainability Team to reduce the impact of the University’s operations on the environment. To be shortlisted for the award means the University as a whole has been recognised as achieving success in its aim to become environmentally sustainable, and that achievement would not occur without the help and support of ECs and University staff / students.

Many thanks.