Berwick-upon-Tweed: The fortified town – April 2013

Map of Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1849
Map of Berwick-upon-Tweed from History of Berwick-upon-Tweed: being a concise description of that ancient borough, from its origin down to the present time, by Frederick Sheldon, 1849 (Clarke (Edwin) Local Collection, Clarke 784)

During Elizabeth I’s reign Berwick was heavily fortified to protect it against possible future attacks. This map from 1564 shows the castle, rampart walls and barracks. According to sources over £120,000 was spent on the fortifications, many of which remain today. If true this would make it the most expensive undertaking of the Elizabethan period, amounting to over £25,000,000 of expenditure in today’s money.

In April 1318, Berwick-upon-Tweed was captured by the Scottish in the First War of Scottish Independence. Following the Scottish victory at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, they regained all of their strongholds and re-taking Berwick was the culmination of this. The Scots however, could not hold the town and it was soon re-captured by the English. In fact over a period of almost 400 years from the late 10th century the town changed hands more than a dozen times.

Its strategic position on the border during many years of English/Scottish war, coupled with the fact that it was a wealthy trade town, meant Berwick was constantly under siege between the 11th and 15th centuries. Part of Northumbria and thus England until the late 10th century, the town came under Scottish control (whether by cession or conquest is unclear) and was made a Royal Burgh by David I. William I of Scotland used Berwick as a stage from which to invade northern England in 1173 and following his defeat the town fell back under the English control of Henry II. However, his son Richard I sold it back to William I in order to raise funds for his crusade.

The 13th century saw much battling and bargaining for the increasingly prosperous town. William Wallace’s severed arm was displayed in Berwick following his execution and quartering in 1305. After the Scots triumphed over the English at the Battle of Bannockburn, they blockaded the town between 1315 and 1318 finally invading and capturing it in April 1318. The English took it back in 1333 and held it until 1461 when deposed King Henry VI’s wife Margaret of Anjou gifted it to the Scots for their help against the Yorkists during the Wars of the Roses. Finally in 1482, Richard, Duke of Gloucester (and soon-to-be King Richard III) recaptured the town and Berwick has been English ever since.

Henry V – March 2013

Illustration of Henry V
Illustration of Henry V from History of the battle of Agincourt: and the expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, in 1415 by Sir Nicholas, Harris, London, 1833 (White (Robert) Collection, 942.042 NIC)

21st March 2013 marks the 600th anniversary of Henry V’s accession to the English throne. Widely considered to have been an excellent King, Henry is renowned for winning the Battle of Agincourt against the French and his immortalisation in Shakespeare’s play of his life.

Henry V, the eldest son of Henry of Bolingbroke and Mary de Bohun, was born in 1387. In 1399 his father deposed Richard II of England and claimed the throne for himself after the King disinherited him. Richard died soon afterwards (he was very probably murdered in captivity) and Henry was created Prince of Wales at his father’s coronation. Henry and his father were of the House of Lancaster and this seizure of the throne was one of the first acts in the Wars of the Roses, which were to continue until 1485.

Henry showed his military abilities as a teenager, commanding his father’s forces in the Battle of Shrewsbury against Harry Hotspur in 1403. He also spent five years fighting against Owen Glendower’s rebellion in Wales. He was keen to have a role in government and ruled effectively as regent for eighteen months from 1410 when his father was ill. However, once recovered, Henry IV dismissed the prince from his council and reversed most of his policies.

Henry became king in 1413. In 1415,he successfully crushed a conspiracy to put Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March, on the throne. Shortly afterwards he sailed for France, which was to be the focus of his attention for the rest of his reign. Henry was determined to regain the lands in France held by his ancestors and laid claim to the French throne. He offered to fight the French Dauphin for the throne in personal combat but was refused. He defeated the French at the Battle of Agincourt on 25th October 1415. The battle was notable for the fact that the English army of no more than 6,000 men defeated the supposedly far superior French army numbering around 20,000.

Between 1417 and 1419 Henry followed up this success with the conquest of Normandy. The French were forced to agree to the Treaty of Troyes in May 142. Henry was recognised as heir to the French throne and married Catherine, the daughter of the French king. Unfortunately, Henry died two months too early to be crowned King of France. He died suddenly, probably of dysentery, on 31st August 1422 at the Château de Vincennes. He was only 35 years old. His nine-month-old son, whom he had never met, succeeded him as Henry VI. It was a dangerous period for a child to be King with rival claimants to the throne everywhere. The following 50 years saw the throne change hands several times and Henry VI’s eventual murder in the Tower of London, reputedly by the princes of the House of York.

Henry V’s reputation is one of a chivalrous warrior but he had another side. Described as a man of conviction, Henry was a well-educated and pious man. He was a lover of art and literature and had a particular interest in liturgical music. He gave pensions to well-known composers of his time, and he ordered a hymn of praise to God, which was sung after Agincourt. From 1417, Henry promoted the use of the English language in government, and was the first king to use English in his personal correspondence since the Norman Conquest.

We have William Shakespeare to thank for forming most people’s opinions of Henry. Henry V is one of Shakespeare’s historical plays. It forms the fourth part of a tetralogy dealing with the historical rise of the English royal House of Lancaster. Written in approximately 1599, it tells the story of King Henry V, focusing on events immediately before and after the Battle of Agincourt. Readers have interpreted the play’s attitude to warfare in several different ways. On one hand, it celebrates Henry’s invasion of France, but it also speaks of anti-war sentiment. Henry is portrayed as a hero but he has invaded a non-aggressive country and killed thousands of people. When Shakespeare wrote the play in the late sixteenth century, Henry was considered to be a hero. Henry VIII aspired to be like him and as a Lancastrian he was idolised by the Tudors. He was a warrior King who could not rule today but in his time he restored national pride to England and became a hero the people admired.

Battle scene illustration from Shakespere's Historical play of Henry the Fifth by William Shakespeare, Manchester
Image from Shakespere’s Historical play of Henry the Fifth by William Shakespeare, Manchester, 1872 (19th Century Collection, 19th C. Coll. 822.33 SHA(Cal)

Richard III (from Several Sovereigns for a Shilling by Joseph Crawhall) – February 2013

Print of Edward V and Richard III, by Joseph Crawhall II,
Print of Edward V and Richard III, by Joseph Crawhall II, from Several Sovereigns for a Shilling! Adorned by Joseph Crawhall (London: Hamilton, Adams; Newcastle upon Tyne: Mawson, Swan & Morgan, 1886) (Crawhall (Joseph II) Collection, Crawhall 45)

Joseph Crawhall II (1821-1896) revived the chapbook tradition. Several Sovereigns for a Shilling (1886) is a collection of lithographed portraits of monarchs, alongside irreverent rhymes – quite typical of Crawhall’s humour.

On 4th February 2013 archaeological experts from the University of Leicester announced to the world that “beyond reasonable doubt” they had uncovered the bones of Richard III. Richard was 32 years old when he was killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 by the forces of Henry VII. As this verse from Joseph Crawhall describes, Richard was “knock’t on the head” and the skeleton bears evidence of eight injuries to the skull. He was the last English king to die in battle and with his death came the end of the Plantagenet dynasty, giving rise to the House of Tudor.

The skeleton also provides evidence of scoliosis – a curvature of the spine – but no hunched back or withered arm as William Shakespeare and Tudor historians like Thomas More would have you believe.

Richard was born at Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire but spent many of his formative years at Middleham Castle in Wensleydale and it was in the North of England, as President of the Council of the North, that he earned respect as a protector against the Scottish raids and as a just keeper of the peace.
On the death of their father in 1461, Richard’s brother became Edward IV and created Richard Duke of Gloucester. When Richard’s brother, Edward IV died, Richard was made protector of his two young nephews: Edward and Richard. Accusations of illegitimacy mounted against the boys and Richard III was crowned King in July 1483 whilst the boys, who had been lodged in the Tower of London, mysteriously vanished. Rumour would have us believe that Richard murdered the princes: “Poor Edward the fifth was, young, kill’d in bed, By his Uncle, Third Richard”, as Crawhall puts it.

Richard was said to have been buried under the choir of Greyfriar’s Church in Leicester but the building had been demolished in the 16th Century. It was by analysing maps that the location of the church was identified, where a car park stands today. Descendants of Richard, who provided DNA samples for comparison, were traced using historic records and documents. This demonstrates the continued relevance of primary sources and other historic materials.

Whether you admire Richard as a brave military leader (he remained on the battlefield while several of his men defected) and the person who introduced an early form of legal aid (the Court of Requests), or whether you believe the Tudor propaganda, it must be remembered that the period of the Wars of the Roses was particularly brutal and that people were governed by a different moral code. Richard’s Council of the North improved economic conditions in the North and he also banned restrictions on the printing and sale of books.

Richard will be reinterred in Leicester Cathedral.

If you are interested in reading contemporary accounts of Richard and this period, you might refer to the Paston Letters (White (Robert) Collection, W942.04 PAS) and to the account by Robert Fabyan, both of which are held in Newcastle University Library’s Special Collections.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – November 2012

Photograph Depicts civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King being introduced by Newcastle University's Public Orator J. H. Burnett as part of his ceremony to accept an honorary doctorate of Civil Law on 13th November 1967.
Photograph of Martin Luther King’s Honorary Degree ceremony, 1967 (University Archives, NUA/052589/11)
Depicts civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King being introduced by Newcastle University’s Public Orator J. H. Burnett as part of his ceremony to accept an honorary doctorate of Civil Law on 13th November 1967. Newcastle University was the only UK University to bestow this honour on Dr King during his lifetime.

On the afternoon of Monday 13th November 1967 in King’s Hall a congregation was held to award an honorary Doctor of Civil Law. Present at the ceremony were the Chancellor of the University, His Grace the Duke of Northumberland and the Vice-Chancellor Dr. C.I.C Bosanquet.

The Public Orator, Professor J.H. Burnett, in his speech of introduction described some events from the life of the candidate:

“I do not suppose that many of us, shopping with an eight-year-old son, have been required to sit in a particular part of a shoe shop because of the colour of our skin, nor do I imagine that our wives have often had to explain to distraught children that “Daddy went to jail to help other people”, and, although I hope we could all behave in this way, I seriously question the ability of most of us to return to a wife and young baby in a bomb-blasted house surrounded by a clamouring crowd and say “Don’t get your weapons. He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword. We are not advocating violence. I want you to love our enemies”…

The man being honoured on that day 45 years ago was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the American civil rights leader.

Unusually, but perhaps not surprisingly, as he was probably one of the 20th Century’s greatest orators, Dr. King delivered a speech in reply.

The speech, according to the report of the event in the Courier, was made without the aid of notes.

Photograph depicts civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King signing the visitors' book during his visit to Newcastle University to accept an honorary doctorate of Civil Law on 13th November 1967.
Photograph of Martin Luther King signing the University’s visitors’ book (University Archives, NUA/052589/05)
Depicts civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King signing the visitors’ book during his visit to Newcastle University to accept an honorary doctorate of Civil Law on 13th November 1967.

Extract from Professor J.H. Burnett’s speech

“… I can assure you that honouring me today in this very meaningful way is of inestimable value for the continuance of my humble efforts. Although I cannot in any way say that I am worthy of such a great honour, I can also assure you that you give me renewed courage and vigour to carry on in the struggle to make peace and justice a reality for all men and women all over the world. …”

“… It may be true that morality cannot be legislated but behaviour can be regulated: it may be true the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless: it may be true that the law cannot make a man love me but it can restrain him from lynching me. …”

“… So while the law may not change the hearts of men it does change the habits of men if it is vigorously enforced. Through changes in habits, pretty soon attitudinal changes will take place and even the heart may be changed in the process. …”

Photograph of Martin Luther King Jr., the then Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of the University and Lord and Lady Mayoress of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Photograph of Martin Luther King with University staff and dignitaries (University Archives, NUA/052589/07)
Depicts civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King with Newcastle University’s Chancellor the Duke of Northumberland (left), the Lord and Lady Mayoress of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (centre), and Vice-Chancellor Charles Bosanquet (far right). Taken during during Dr King’s visit to accept an honorary doctorate of Civil Law on 13th November 1967.

Dr. King’s extremely busy schedule meant that he had to leave Newcastle almost immediately after the ceremony, to return to America.

However, earlier in the day, before the ceremony he had had time to meet a group of students for an informal question and answer session.

Photograph depicts civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King speaking with Newcastle University students over an informal coffee morning during his visit to Newcastle University to accept an honorary doctorate of Civil Law on 13th November 1967. Among the students shown are Meredyth Bell (nee Patton), Deputy President of the Students Representative Council (far left), and C. B. 'Nick' Nicholson, President of the Students' Representative Council (far right).
Photograph of Martin Luther King and students at a coffee morning (University Archives, NUA/052589/15)
Depicts civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King speaking with Newcastle University students over an informal coffee morning during his visit to Newcastle University to accept an honorary doctorate of Civil Law on 13th November 1967. Among the students shown are Meredyth Bell (nee Patton), Deputy President of the Students Representative Council (far left), and C. B. ‘Nick’ Nicholson, President of the Students’ Representative Council (far right).

Find out more

Read the full text of Dr. King’s speech online (from the University website). Also, watch the video of the congregation ceremony (from the University website).

Featured in a digital exhibition as part of Freedom City 2017; a city-wide programme commemorating the 50th anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s honorary degree –

History and characteristics of Bishop Auckland… – October 2012

Illustration of Bridge over Tees
Bridge over Tees. Gainford, * 1860, from Market House, Bishop Auckland, 1860 by J.B. Bond, from History and characteristics of Bishop Auckland…2 vols. Bishop Aukland WJ Cummins,1872 (Rare Books, RB Quarto 942.81 RIC)

In our June 2011 Treasure we featured illustrations added by William Bowness Bond to “Vestiges of old Newcastle and Gateshead”.

For this month’s Treasure we highlight illustrations he added to another book in his collection: Richley, Matthew – History and characteristics of Bishop Auckland…

As he says in the hand written note on the flyleaf of volume 1:

I have extra illustrated this History of Bishop Auckland, in which town I was born, by inserting 270 engravings, water colour drawings and autographs.”
WB Bond, Venice September 1913.Mr. Bond had added numerous items to the volume. There is a type-written list of the items at the end of volume 2.

The book in its original form was a single volume comprising 190 pages. With the additions it consists of 2 substantial volumes half bound in green goatskin with green cloth sides.

William Bowness Bond died in Venice in April 1932. He had bequeathed his book collection to Armstrong College, one of the Colleges that would later form Newcastle University. Most of the collection reached the library in January 1933, but, according to the Library Committee minutes of the period one box of material was delayed in Customs. The collection consisted of approximately 360 volumes and some miscellaneous material.

We have been unable to find any further information about Mr. Bond, or why he bequeathed the books to the College.

Illustration of Market House, Bishop Auckland
Market House, Bishop Auckland, 1860 by J.B. Bond, from History and characteristics of Bishop Auckland…2 vols. Bishop Aukland WJ Cummins,1872 (Rare Books, RB Quarto 942.81 RIC)

* “Bridge over Tees. Gainford. 1860.” is Gainford Railway Bridge completed in 1856 allowing the Darlington to Barnard Castle branch of the North Eastern Railway to cross the Tees. The branch line was closed in November 1964.

Captain Marryat – September 2012

Illustration of Captain Frederick Marryat
Illustration of Captain Frederick Marryat, from The phantom ship (Butler (Joan) Collection, Butler 823.7 MAR)

Captain Frederick Marryat was born in Westminster, London on 10th July 1792 to a very wealthy family. At a young age he became fascinated by maritime life, and tried many times to run away to sea. After turning just 14, he began his career upon the frigate Impérieuse as a midshipman, and would continue to work at sea until 1830. Marryat proved himself to be an outstanding sailor, and over the course of his naval career he jumped overboard five times to rescue fellow seamen, devised his own system of flag signals which is still in use today and invented a life boat which gained him the Gold Medal of the Royal Humane Society.

However, it was only after resigning from the Navy that he published his first book “The Naval Officer, or Scenes and Adventures in the Life of Frank Mildmay“, which made a great deal of money and launched his literary career. Captain Marryat published twenty five titles in his lifetime, and a further two novels were completed and released posthumously. Captain Marryat’s books utilised his twenty five years’ worth of first-hand experience aboard ships to create some of the first sea novels, which were much admired by literary greats such as Mark Twain, Joseph Conrad and Ernest Hemingway. Marryat’s later books were predominantly children’s books, including “The Children of the New Forest” which was made into a BBC movie in 1998, and there are 16 of these in the Butler (Joan) Collection.

‘”Amine,” cried he at last, “the Phantom Ship!-my father!”
The seamen of the Utrecht, more astonished by the marvellous result than by their former danger, threw themselves down upon the deck: some hastened below, some prayed, others were dumb with astonishment and fear. Asmine appeared more calm than any, not excepting Philip: she surveyed the vessel as it slowly forced its way through; she beheld the seamen on board of her coolly leaning over her gunwale, as if deriding the destruction they had occasioned; she looked for Vanderdecken himself, and on the poop of the vessel, with his trumpet under his arm, she beheld the image of her Philip – the same hardy, strong build – the same features – about the same age apparently – there could be no doubt it was the doomed Vanderdecken.’

Olympic Games – August 2012

Title page from 'Odes of  Pindar'
Title page from Odes of Pindar: with several other pieces in prose and verse, translated from the Greek by Gilbert West, London, 1753 (Bainbrigg Library/Appleby Grammar School Collection, Bai 1753 PIN)

The ancient Greek Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC although their exact origins are obfuscated by myth and legend. Dedicated to the Greek gods, they were staged in Olympia, in north-western Greece. Olympia was a place of worship and politics and home to temples, shrines and a great statue of Zeus. The statue was one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World, but it is thought to have been either destroyed or moved and then broken-up, by the Romans.

The Games were usually held every four years, or Olympiad, and all free men who could speak Greek were eligible to compete in the small number of events. Athletes usually competed nude; the Olympics was a festival celebrating the achievements of the human body. An ‘Olympic Truce’ ensured that athletes could travel from their countries to the Games in safety. Victorious athletes were honoured with wreaths of laurel leaves, hymns and feasts and their achievements recorded. The ancient Games continued for twelve centuries, until 394 AD, when they were suppressed for being pagan by Emperor Theodosius I, as part of his campaign to impose Christianity as a state religion.

This title page is taken from Odes of Pindar, written by the Theban poet in the 5th century BC. Pindar was one of the most renowned poets of his time and the Odes are the only pieces of his work that survive intact today. He composed the words and music of over forty odes that were performed in celebration of the winners of different events at the Olympics and other ancient Games. Pindar’s Odes are beautiful but complex, difficult to translate from ancient Greek, and often hard for 21st century readers to understand and appreciate.

Pindar compared the achievements of Olympic victors to those of the great Greek Gods – believing their superhuman sporting deeds to be almost divine. Pindar’s poems do not describe in any detail what actually happened at the Games; his poems are about victory and the acclaim associated with winning. Athletes who had been victorious at the Games often commissioned an ode from a poet, for a considerable sum of money. The clients were rich aristocrats who saw the songs as ways of announcing their victories to the whole Greek world and ensuring their achievements would be long-remembered. Unsurprisingly, rumours of rich families ‘buying’ victories at the Olympics were rife.

In the first Olympick Ode, which was dedicated to Hiero of Syracuse, who in the 73rd Olympiad was victorious in the Race of Single Horses, Pindar writes:

     ‘Then for happy Hiero weave
     Garlands of Aeolian Strains;
     Him these Honours to receive
     The Olympick Law ordains.

     No more worthy of her Lay
     Can the Muse a Mortal find;
     Greater in Imperial Sway,
     Richer in a virtuous Mind;
     Heav’n O King, with tender care
     Waits thy Wishes to fulfil.
     Then e’er long will I prepare,
     Plac’d on Chronium’s sunny Hill,
     Thee in sweeter Verse to praise,
     Following thy victorious Steeds;
     Is to prosper all thy Ways
     Still thy Guardian God proceeds.’

For the 2012 London Olympics, Dr. Armand D’Angour, a lecturer in Classics at Oxford University, has been invited to compose an ode by the Lord Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. An expert in the composition of ancient Greek verse, D’Angour also wrote an ode that was read during the closing ceremony of the 2004 Athens Olympics.

This is the third time that the modern Olympic Games have been held in London – the 4th games were held in 1908 and the 14th in 1948. The games had been cancelled in 1944 due to the Second World War. When they were finally held in 1948, they became known as the Austerity Games due to continued rationing and tight post-war budgets, in contrast to this year’s £2billion extravaganza.

Although the modern Games were inspired in part by the ancient Games, they also have their roots in the Wenlock Games, which are held annually in Much Wenlock, Shropshire. Dr William Penny Brookes established the Wenlock Agricultural Reading Society in 1841 to provide an opportunity for local, working class people to acquire knowledge. He then created an Olympian Class in 1850 to encourage people to keep fit by training and competing in sporting competitions at the annual Wenlock Olympian Games. After meeting Pierre de Coubertin, a French educationalist who shared his belief that physical exercise could help prevent illness, he invited him to stay in Wenlock. Inspired by the Wenlock Games, Coubertin went on to set-up the International Olympic Committee in 1894, which organised the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. They have taken part almost every four years since.

The Bastille – July 2012

Image of the Bastille in Paris
Image of the Bastille, Paris from Bretez, L. Plan de Paris commencâe l’annâee 1734… [Paris?: s.n., 1739]
(Rare Books, RB 912.4436 BRE Elephant folio)

On 14th July 1789 the Bastille in Paris was stormed. It was a fourteenth-century fortress that had been used as a state prison from the early Fifteenth Century but would come to symbolise both despotism and the French Republican Movement.

When finance minister, Jacques Necker, was dismissed Parisians became fearful of a conservative coup. Amid widespread violence and calls for a written constitution, royal forces had withdrawn from central Paris. Revolutionaries had armed themselves on 13th July and wanted to loot the Bastille for its significant gunpowder supply. Attention had also been focussed on the Bastille by one of its infamous inmates, the Marquis de Sade, who stoked up political fervour by shouting from his cell. The commander of the Bastille, Bernard-René de Launay, tried to negotiate but an impatient crowd stormed the outer courtyard and firing broke out. By mid-afternoon mutinous royal forces had bolstered the revolutionary crowd, bringing trained infantrymen and cannons. When the drawbridge came down, de Launay was powerless. The crowd surged in and dragged de Launay to his death. The Bastille was quickly portrayed in the pro-revolutionary press as a place of despotism and terror, thus legitimising the revolutionary action that day. (Historians such as Simon Schama assert that the storming of the Bastille was the liberation of its seven inmates from a relatively comfortable imprisonment and that the prison was governed well.)

The storming of the Bastille would be the inspiration for plays and broadsides for months to come. It is widely held to have marked the beginning of the French Revolution and the end of the absolute monarchy or ancien régime (Louis XVI recognised the authority of the National Assembly on 15th July). The Marquis de la Fayette was appointed Commander in Chief of the National Guard and ordered the demolition of the Bastille – a project that was managed by Pierre-François Palloy who sold parts of the building as souvenirs.

The Bastille is shown clearly on this eighteenth-century map as a tall fortress with eight towers, adjacent to the Porte St. Antoine gateway in the eastern part of the city. Michel-Étienne Turgot commissioned a map of Paris from the sculptor, painter and specialist in perspective views, Louis Bretez in 1734. This now famous map took two years to complete and, because Bretez was permitted access to mansions and gardens in the course of his surveying and drawing, is both accurate and detailed. It comprises 20 sectional birds-eye views of Paris and its suburbs that are presented as double facing sheets. As a commodity, it was aimed at the elite: the King; members of the Royal Academy of Sciences; and wealthy foreigners. For researchers today, it is a valuable primary document, providing not only a map of Paris as it was about 55 years before the French Revolution but also drawings of buildings that have not survived.

Diamond Jubilee – Diamond Jubilee 2012

Page from An account of the rejoicings, illuminations, &c. &c. that have taken place in Newcastle and Gateshead on the following occasions: the peace of Amiens, in 1801, the jubilee of His Majesty George III, 1809, the general peace, in 1814, the abandonment of the bill against Queen Caroline, 1820, coronation of George III, and Queen Charlotte, 1761, coronation of His Majesty George IV, 1821 by J. Sykes, 1821 (Clarke (Edwin) local Collection, Clarke 1502)

To celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, we bring you a special Treasure of the Month.

2012 sees the 60th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It is astounding to think that no-one under the age of 60 has ever known any other monarch. It is unlikely that future generations will see a monarch of Britain on the throne for so long; however the Queen is not the first long-reigning monarch. Many of our former Kings and Queens have ruled for many decades, having ascended to the throne at a young age.

Elizabeth I was twenty-five when she became queen in 1558 and ruled for almost 45 years until her death in 1603. Edward III ruled for just over 50 years from the age of thirteen in 1327 to his death in 1377. Henry III ruled England for just over 56 years from 1216 to 1272. James VI of Scotland (who later became James I of England after the union of the English and Scottish crowns upon Queen Elizabeth I’s death in 1603) ruled Scotland for nearly 58 years from 1567 to 1625. However, both Henry and James came to the throne as infants, which rather increased their chances of having a long reign!

George III set a new record for the longest-serving monarch when he died in 1820, having ruled for almost 60 years. However, his son the Prince of Wales (later George IV) ruled as Regent from 1811 after George III’s descent into ‘madness’ reportedly brought on by the death of his youngest daughter and then as King from 1820 to 1830. Finally, the only monarch to have reigned longer than our current queen is Queen Victoria. Aged just 18 upon her ascension to the throne in 1837, she celebrated a Golden and Diamond jubilee before her death aged 81 in 1901, after 63 years and 216 days as queen.

Jubilees have, unsurprisingly, always been celebrated with much pomp and ceremony. Celebrations have taken place all over the country, memorabilia has been mass-produced and purchased by millions, and street parties have been held. George III’s golden jubilee was celebrated in 1809, as he entered his 50th year as King. Below is an extract from an account of the celebrations that took place in Newcastle. It states:

“The day was ushered in with ringing of bells; the flag was hoisted on the castle, on some of the churches, and by the ships in the river”.

The rest of the day was made-up of several acts of charity including meals of beef and plum pudding for the poor, the liberation of prisoners and a collection for the foundation of a public school. There were also church services throughout the day.

Not exactly the barbeque and pop concert from Buckingham Palace that we’ll be enjoying this year, but jubilant all the same!

Queen Victoria’s Golden and Diamond jubilees involved public processions, banquets and thanksgiving services. Below is a memento from her Golden jubilee entitled Our Gracious Queen by Mrs O. F. Walton. It is a collection of images and stories of Queen Victoria’s life from 1887. There were great outpourings of affection for Victoria, who was hugely popular again in the late nineteenth century. Mrs Walton reminds us all to:

‘…thank God that He has spared her to us so long, and let us pray that He may spare her for many years to come…God grant, then, that each of us may be a true loyal subject of our dear Queen, always eager to stand up for her, always willing to obey her…’

Times and traditions may have changed over the years, but in 2012 with the monarchy undergoing a new surge in popularity, this jubilee is sure to bring as much celebration as those of George and Victoria did.

Oh and just in case you are wondering, Queen Elizabeth II will have to rule until 10th September 2015 to beat Queen Victoria’s record and become our longest-reigning monarch!

Front cover from Our Gracious Queen showing Queen Elizabeth II
Front cover from Our Gracious Queen by Mrs. O. F. Walton., 1887 (19th century collection, 942.081 WAL)

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens – June 2012

Illustration Peter and Wendy behind a tree with fairies underneith
Fairies are all more or less in hiding until dusk” from Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens. With drawings by Arthur Rackham
(London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1906) (Burnett (Mark) Collection, Burnett 187)

75 years ago, on 19th June 1937, J.M. Barrie died. The Scottish novelist and playwright is best-known as the creator of Peter Pan, a mischievous boy who never ages, that made his debut in The Little White Bird (1902). Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up (1904) saw the character take centre stage in a play that was later adapted into the novel Peter and Wendy (1911). The success of the stage play persuaded publishers Hodder and Stoughton to republish chapters 13 to 18 of The Little White Bird as Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906), a copy of which is held in the Burnett collection of Children’s Literature.

In Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Peter (who had begun life part bird, part human) escapes through the window of his London home and flies to Kensington Gardens. His belief that he can fly is shattered when a crow informs him that he is no longer part bird but rather human. Thus stranded, he takes up residence in the gardens. The fairies that already live there are scared of him at first but Peter endears himself to them as their entertainer, playing panpipes at their dances and generally amusing them. It is with the help of Queen Mab and her fairies that he eventually manages to fly home to his mother. His decision to return to Kensington Gardens to bid his farewells proves to be a mistake: in his absence, his mother gives birth to another boy and, having used a second wish to return home, Peter again returns to the gardens, heartbroken and feeling usurped in his mother’s affections. When a girl called Maimie Mannering becomes lost in the gardens, Peter makes a lifelong friend. Although Maimie goes home she never forgets Peter. However, whilst Maimie grows up; Peter spends his time playing and burying the children who become lost at night, giving each a headstone in the gardens.

Arthur Rackham (1867-1939) provided the illustrations for this book and his colour plates added to its popularity. He would go on to illustrate many children’s books, such as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1907) and The Wind in the Willows (1940) and to become one of the most prolific English illustrators of the Edwardian period. His illustrations are characterised by pen and brush-drawn main features and a soft palette of transparent watercolour washes in blues, reds and greens applied over a yellow tone. His illustrations for Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens are typical Rackham: fairies with realistic human traits depicted in naturalistic settings.

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and Peter and Wendy were the last novels Barrie would write as, by the 1890s, he had become captivated by theatre. He turned his back on a successful career as a novelist to embark on a career as a dramatist, with mixed fortune.

Since his death, Barrie’s work has, perhaps inevitably, been open to Freudian criticism: he was infatuated by independent, distant women and divorce proceedings had made his failure to consummate his marriage public and, in Peter Pan particularly, you have a character that is unable to engage with adulthood. Yet his reputation has survived psychological and literary scrutiny since Peter Pan remains firmly fixed in popular culture.

Illustration of a fairy hiding behind a flower
When he heard Peter’s voice he popped in alarm behind a tulip” from Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan In Kensington Gardens. With drawings by Arthur Rackham
(London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1906) (Burnett (Mark) Collection, Burnett 187)