ConGov Workshop 15th April in Newcastle Law School: Identities in Constitutionalism and Governance


12:00-12:30 Lunch. Conference Room, Newcastle Law School 

12:30-13:30: Session One: Constitutional Identities  

Chair: Ruth Houghton  

Bernardo Carvalho De Mello The Constitutional Tapestry of Bolivia and Ecuador: Weaving Plurinational Identities into Law  
Emilia Mickiewicz and Francesco de Cecco European constitutional identity and the realistic dystopia 

13:30-13:45 Break 

13:45-15:00: Session Two: Rights 

Chair: Francesco de Cecco 

Ilke Turkmendag  Regulation of child’s “right-to-genetic-identity” in human reproduction  
Ebun Bamigboye Children’s participation in peace processes 
Josh Jowitt Legal personhood and the open texture of language  

15:00-15:15: Break 

15:15-16:15: Session Three: Critical Approaches  

Chair: Bernardo Carvalho De Mello 

Emily Jones  No Future for Future Generations?  Queering Environmental Law and Politics  
Ruth Houghton (co-author Aoife O’Donoghue) Feminist Approaches to Constituent Power 

16:15-16:45: Final Reflections 

Moderators: Francesco de Cecco and Ruth Houghton 

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